Forums / The hangaround / Netherlands Best in tha world

Netherlands Best in tha world
14:02:28 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. William Sexeh Feetz:

1. We are big ass big guys!

2. We house allmost all the K1 heavyweight champions

3. Kicked out the spanish when they were at there best!

4. We speak with a hard G. so we are better allways...

5. The Queen... ours rocks more!

6. We allow the stupid french and germans to smoke tha strongest weedz in the world. so that ones they are all addicted we can easily take over their lands.

7. Our soldiers tend not to shoot our Allies in far away lands...

8. we have better football players then the english... though they tend to play either there or in spain...

9. We kicked English ass a couple of times....

10. We brought the blacks to America, and without blacks America is worth nothing.

14:12:36 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Legendhero:

+1 William we are the best :P

14:31:38 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Observer:

11. I live there

14:37:42 Jan 3rd 10 - Lady Boobson:

Netherlands? Who? Oh yeah the country which will be flooded soon, right? :)

14:42:49 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Spoon:

Netherlands? Who? Oh yeah the country that'll manage to construct superdykes to keep the water out, right?

18:27:10 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Barny:

I will visit when it becomes the worlds biggest water park after Global Warming.

My last vacation was to New Orleans in August 2005. I don't know why the residents were so upset over Katrina, they ALL have waterfront property now!

19:20:08 Jan 3rd 10 - Ms. Pink Bear:

hmm.. i am wondering how New Orleans is protected against those huricanes in the future...


Ohh i know.. with the dutch technology.. and if i am right it's a dutch or american company with dutch people in it  as well^_^

20:00:04 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. William Sexeh Feetz:

Ohw btw another one:

12. We stopped two terrorist attacks on the US in a week ^^

20:08:49 Jan 3rd 10 - Sir Mcmax The Knight:

Mr. Barny


18:27:10 Jan 3rd 10
I will visit when it becomes the worlds biggest water park after Global Warming.

True - one point more for US and China as the biggest A$$es in this world.

 Well US before Obama - he might have power to spoil it, so the US have to get settled by just drowning half Florida and the southern part of Lousiana (those areas are mostly populated by spanish and frensh bastards afterall, so what's the problem - no?????). OK, and some minor islands somewhere in the dark.

20:22:44 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Barny:

I accidentally clicked report on one of your posts.

hmm.. i am wondering how New Orleans is protected against those huricanes in the future...


Ohh i know.. with the dutch technology.. and if i am right it's a dutch or american company with dutch people in it  as well^_^

They must have been made by foreigners, that is why the levees failed! IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!!!

20:50:53 Jan 3rd 10 - Ms. Pink Bear:

errr... lol... the dutch were building after katrina :P

21:44:07 Jan 3rd 10 - Sir Mcmax The Knight:

I don't understand why history and geography (world-wide) havn't been implemented in the US-education..........

Both the dutch, the northwestgermans and the southwest danish areas have been protected for long. Some areas for centuries. I'm sure our specialists know what they are doing.

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