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RP stick game!!
00:40:47 Aug 26th 07 - Sir Fizban:


Very old, forgetful and eccentric mage. Secretly the god, Paladine, in human form.

Is known to cast his favorite spell, 'fireball' in many combat situations. However fireball can incinerate everyone (friend, foe, or self) if they're in the blast radius. Teammates need to beware of this fact.

13:53:55 Aug 26th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

Demonic Shezmu

- Ruler of Carrothia (of the horrible dictator kind)
- About 27000 year old Demon trapped inside a young man with unusual dark scale-like skin and eerie green glowing eyes (extra glowy when enraged...or feeling hawt)
- Does not care much for the so called "Infidels" (being friends, foes and lowlife kinda everyone alive...)
- Is known to spread death and decay wherever he goes...
- Wields a massive... black sword with weird green symbols engraved into the blade and the handle is made from the finest dragonbone...
- Writer of true Poetry for the Dead...just to harass his enemies even more...

22:48:07 Aug 26th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

00:19:41 Aug 27th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Wow, please note he only grabbed known spammers. I think terrible things will be happening to them. ;-)

00:40:26 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

i actually like all the app, so i will be including all of them in
some way or another.. eventually =p. but yeah the battle group is ready,
so make some suggestions now!

00:58:32 Aug 27th 07 - Sir Laticus:

the battle group takes on nemesis and gets uber-pwned

01:28:46 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

The battle group climbs the mountain of no end and as they find out it has no end

01:42:21 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

is it just those 3 ppl or is me and razios still in it from before?

02:29:28 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

*As you sit there and marvel at the evil in which you've just created... you ponder whether you should just kill them.. you later deside not to...

*You deside to make them climb the endless mountaine, just for kicks =]

*Unfortunately no one knowes where the path is.. so as the leader, its your duty to ask for directions...

02:30:45 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

brann, your in it, but razios isnt... if he wants to be in the adventure at any point or time, he has to make an app...

06:55:58 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

That sure looks like a nice guy. Start a conversation that is really too long and annoying for him, which will make him lose his patience!
Ask how he's doing, if he's got any family. If he ever sticked his weener in butter. Really awkward questions from a stranger!

Then you can try out your battlegroup strenght!

08:33:42 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Yay, I liking my picture! How about they climb the mountain then fall down a trap down into an evil Tesco convention!

09:21:05 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

*After talking an incertain amount of time, the mans patiants starts wearing thin... he prepares to dicapatate you in the most gruesome of manners...

*Then seloc starts doing something weird!?

*So this is selocs power!!!!???

*seloc then attacks at full force!!!

*but it is apparent that he is no match for the demon man...

10:20:54 Aug 27th 07 - Sir Defensive II:

suddenly a mole pops up from beneath the demon man and begins gnawing on his balls

12:19:20 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

Bran runs in and clashes swords with the demon!

12:58:22 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Dragonboy:

flying pigs attack demon man

15:53:51 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Soulreaper:

SPIDERPIGS attack from all directions!!!!:D

17:04:48 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Let me get behind him really silently and whisper him that I have three arms!

17:43:26 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

OMG how could we lose, get Septim and Spoon to attack aswell!

18:22:08 Aug 27th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

get spoon to tickle the evul kinda eerie looking person with sword...with his 3 arms untill his greenish eyes pop out and then there is another entity escaping from the eyesockets...who in turn starts harassing the battlegroup in 'orrible ways too unspeakable to actually be spoken of...or anyone...except those present to watch the show who in turn I lost the idea I was pondering up...

21:57:49 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

*Spoon quickely masses an army of spider pigs and moles!!

*They attack in numbers uncountable!!!

*The strange man swings his sword!

*Blood starts spewing out of all the poor animals!!

*Septim quickely gathers all the corpses into a sack to serve at his restruant
 the next day!!

22:19:21 Aug 27th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:


22:25:55 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Men:

clearly hasnt watched the simpsons...


funny tho lol!

22:40:48 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

ive watched the simpsons movie =p
but i can make spider pigs whatever the f***
i want =D

22:41:40 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

and if no ones noticed...
the weird guy is demonic shezmu

23:30:08 Aug 27th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

I noticed...only a few living creatures have such lovely green eyes :D

01:10:38 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

man, i just noticed i forgot to draw a third arm on spoon while he was talkin to teh animals.. oh, and i cant do n e thing till i have sum more suggestions =p

03:45:16 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

the sky starts attacking the gang and they try to find a place to hide.

05:03:57 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

the gang?
is this all the sudden scooby doo?

05:08:59 Aug 28th 07 - Duke Pelagius Septim IV:

I want this mysterious Septim character to launch mounds and mounds of SPAM upon Shezmu in order to totally suffocate him!

06:16:37 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

*Wow, septim is somewhat of a badass!!! kinda...

*Wait.. is.. is that.. a spam cannon!!!??

*Hold on... whats septim doing?

*Oooooh snap!!!

*The spam cannon fires with a large BOOOMPF!!! (yes booompf)

*The spam flys at shezmu at lighting speed!!!

*But not even spam can stop this monster!!

06:18:24 Aug 28th 07 - Duke Pelagius Septim IV:

But smoking is bad for your lungs! Oh well...why am I wearing a sweatband? I want Scientist to come and blow up his realm again, thus making Shezmy cry!

06:29:37 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

too bad!
and you have a sweat band cuz you used to be fat...

10:58:54 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Dragonboy:

a madman with a axe attacks the demon

17:43:15 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

*Brann sneaks up on him, and attacks with an axe!!!

17:45:51 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

sorry guys, ive become a little lazy and only do suggestions i
feel like =[, il start doin more

18:59:34 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Soulreaper:

the demon geths offered $500 million US dollars to F*** off

20:17:39 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

All attack together!

21:14:49 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Azazel:

Eat him!

23:38:32 Aug 28th 07 - Duke Pelagius Septim IV:

No eating him 'til I bag up his parts, I wanna cook them and sell them! ^_^

I wan Scientist to blow up his realm again in order to make Shezmu cry!

00:39:51 Aug 29th 07 - Lord Yerean:

stickman, this could become a kickass comic !! XD

01:01:52 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

heh, think so?
im just not that original =p

01:13:36 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Truefailure:

have the guy in the skirt find the smurf he uhh...squished? and throw it at the demon guy...and the demon guy has like smurf-phobia or something and gets distracted...allowing the team to attack together :P

15:53:12 Aug 29th 07 - Lord Yerean:

Ghandi XD

21:59:21 Aug 29th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Fizban comes in and fireballs the axe wielder. ;-)

22:47:59 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

the crazy chicken offv family guy comes in and attacks him fer an hour long fight!

22:52:18 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Katokatomaster:

make the stikman fly a fighter jet and battle someone with it!


p.s i changed my mind im gonna fight but i did make a new acc but i dint resign so i still in the game ok

21:14:05 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

alright... il get to work...

21:47:26 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Thunder Monkey:

The Thunder Monkey likes this thread!!!!

17:07:00 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Seloc:

you stopped or something?

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