Forums / The hangaround / The geek test

The geek test
07:38:16 Sep 15th 08 - Lord Random:

2.958585% - Poser

meh, im an alcohlic though. go figure

12:37:02 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Superharibi:

pro im 13.21499% - Geekish Tendencies

16:49:55 Sep 15th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

12.62327% - Geekish Tendencies

16:55:14 Sep 15th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Lord Charley Deallus


9/14/2008 4:50:35 PM
Rev supposedly did...which much be rigged

Oh shut up, just because I have a life

Lord Random


9/15/2008 7:38:16 AM
2.958585% - Poser

meh, im an alcohlic though. go figure

Yay ^^
Me and Random are the lowest :D!

11:14:05 Sep 16th 08 - Lord Random:

It obviously means that we are the coolest players on VU =)

16:11:41 Sep 16th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

You might be Random, not sure about *nudges his head towards Revenge* him though...

16:53:11 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Doctor Strange:

5.32544% - Poser

  When I got to the "I know" section is what screwed me over, was barely geeky till then... *grumbles*

I have:

...corrected a professor in class

...criticized normality 
   I have been...: "smart" classes

 Have read:

Stephen Hawking
J.R.R. Tolkien

I routinely watch:

History or Discovery channel. -I wouldn't say routinely, but close enough to check the box.

I have seen:


I own:

1 or two computers

Dvd burner

chess set

binoculars -hunting

magnifying glass- no explanation...

I like to...:

play with hazardous chemicals- c'mon who doesn't?

 I play:

Weird Al Yankovic

Dr. Demento

More than one musical instrument- guitar, piano, saxaphone...

 I have:

...hacked into another computer system

... built a go-cart

...more than 3 screen names -several games and email... it adds up.

 I know:


...what E=mc^2 means - kinda...

...chemical symbols for 10+ elements

...the difference between speed and velocity

...the difference between nuclear fission and fusion

... what the blue screen of death means

...what increasing barometric pressure means  

18:25:44 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

I have..

Studied a language on my own
-> I wanted to speak Japanese so bad so I tried to learn some *beep*.. Didn't come far though :P
Thought I could win a quiz show
-> COME ON! The quiz shows these days are so easy.
Corrected a professor in class
-> The prof who gives Music class at my school isn't a Dutchie so she sucks at speaking Dutch. That's where I correct her =P
Solved an enite 500+ piece puzzle
-> I was 10 and bored ffs!

I have been...

To a LAN gaming party
-> More than once! I end up drinking beer though =P
Host a LAN gaming party
-> Same story as above!

I have...

-> Those werewolf games! :'(
Gamed in a tournament
-> Does Online Poker count? =P

I have read...
J.R.R. Tolkien

I want...
A date
-> Sure, why not. I can fix my own though.
More computers
-> Duh. My computer sucks, so I can use an extra pair..
To take over the world
-> Yeah! Would be awesome for me!

I believe...

-> Apparantly I don't!

I routinely watch...

obscure movies

I have seen (+2 times)....

The fellowship of the Ring
Yeah, I've seen it over two times..
The Two Towers
-> I own the DVD so..
The Matrix
-> Awesome movie : )
Any Monty Python movie
-> I've seen them all! I've got them all! They rock!
Star W*beep*pisode 1&2
-> Those are classics, c'mon!

I own...

1 or 2 computers
-> Laptop. 1. :D
DVD burner
-> Yeah, I guess that's pretty standart though
2+ dictionaries
-> English - Dutch, Dutch - English, German - Dutch, Dutch - German, French - Dutch, Dutch - French, and regular Dutch. Oh wait, forgot Spanish - Dutch and Dutch - Spannish.
+ 1 video game console
-> PS2 - To play my DVD's :P And like the first Nintendo there was. So cool.

I want to be (or have been)....

-> Frankly enough none of the options.

I like to...
Do logic games
-> Ok, ok, maybe an odd fetisj.
Turn on my computer first thing in the morning
-> It's pretty chilling, checking your email and online games lying in bed.

I play....
-> Atleast, I still got a few of those things on my room. I don't 'play' with them.
Show tunes
-> Yeah- I have to! I want to learn them on my bassguitar =P
Cartoon soundtracks
-> Same as the show tunes.. :')
Music that nobody else listens to, ever
-> -- One of my favorite songs.. 52 views in two weeks =P The song is awesome, admit!
Computer strategy games
-> VU?
Games via the internet
-> VU!

I wear...

-> Nothing on that list, damn. =P

I collect

-> C'mon, I got to click that...

I have...
Cracked software
-> Guitar Pro 2 cracked, Limewire Pro cracked, Spore cracked, EU2 cracked.
Beta tested games
-> VU is still in it's beta *beep*ers!
Used usenet or IRC
-> IRC is tha bomb
Followed comic strips online
-> JohnandJohn,, Whiteninjacomics, Nozzman... Dey're funneh!
Played Final Fantasy
-> I admit! FFX + FFX-II
Created a website
-> I had a domain registered... :P
Owned a personal domain
-> Like everybody has hyves/myspace/facebook whatever these days.
More than 3 e-mail adresses
-> Loads and loads.
Dated someone I met over the internet
-> And even got laid with her! :D

I know...

1337 sp33k
-> Who doesn't?
Chemical symbols for 10+ elements
-> C, H, O, N, Pb... *beep*, I don't. Never mind.
The names of 5+ hobbits
-> In Dutch I do! =P
That the answer is 42
-> Monty Python style :P

Bonus round
Throughout my life, my level of geekiness has only increased
-> Computers came and destroyed!

Ow, only 8,28402% now.. I guess I'm a Poser :P

18:52:08 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Here's what I really got...

Damn didn't copy...

15.7something something something something something... %

23:58:04 Sep 16th 08 - Ms. Peach:

11.2426% - Geekish Tendencies

20:49:24 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Daniely:

25.44379% - Total Geek

yeah... I'am 1/4 of a Geek:P but they say total.... no fair:P

04:00:21 Oct 15th 08 - Sir Meekas:

9.66 blablabla

04:48:18 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Hannibal II:

32.54438% - Total Geek   

This makes me kind of sad. I think I need to play more RPGs to get my score up.

06:27:34 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:


06:49:15 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Duca:

major geek lol

almost 39.5%

14:37:06 Oct 16th 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:

2.5641% - Poser


19:16:23 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

23.07692% - Geek

19:23:53 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

100% - Liar!

Christ that was alot of clicking.

11:20:29 Oct 18th 08 - Death Lord Fate:

10.45 blah blah blah

12:22:13 Oct 18th 08 - Sir Odissius:

6.90335% Poser. I thought I would definatly have higher score than that =(

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