Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Era of DVS

Mantrax Era of DVS
09:23:21 May 26th 09 - Lord Bishop:

Ok fixed :P

Kingdoms in Mantrax
RVLRevelation27Mr. Fordius100
FateFoundation28Sir Feanor81
BlizzBlizzard1Mr. Sin8
SexyRatman and Bobin2Mr. Ratman7

11:41:32 May 26th 09 - Prince Mielo:

how's the warring?

12:05:58 May 26th 09 - Sir Struddle:

Protection wars are always awesomessssss

12:10:28 May 26th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

he means whore-ing.

12:14:30 May 26th 09 - Sir Struddle:

bah we arent whores i have no idea what your talking about..........

12:53:36 May 26th 09 - Lord Bishop:

Either do i... and Struddles move your god damn scout... i need to settle yet another mine

13:15:09 May 26th 09 - Sir Struddle:

which one i only have 15 >.<

16:20:12 May 26th 09 - Ms. Shadowcat:

Kingdoms in Mantrax
FateFoundation27Sir Feanor100
RVLRevelation27Mr. Fordius93

Kingdoms in Fantasia
JUICYJUICY27Commander Aligreat134

ok, who's got the crystal ball?   predicitons for era 40 anyone?

16:47:14 May 26th 09 - Mr. Alfred Nobel:

Hmmm. If you join forces thats 193% vs 134%. Not suggesting anything here, just pure speculation.

06:26:18 May 27th 09 - Sir Feanor:

Hmm and if all three of us join forces that is 327 against 0.  What do you guys say, shall we all just be friends?

09:55:45 May 27th 09 - Lord Bishop:

Sounds like a plan :P

09:57:29 May 27th 09 - Lord Bishop:

Kingdoms in Mantrax
RVLRevelation27Mr. Fordius100
FateFoundation27Sir Feanor99
AAnarchy2Mr. Hamish8
BlizzBlizzard1Mr. Sin5
SexyRatman and Bobin2Mr. Ratman5


10:02:19 May 27th 09 - Sir Water:

Ratman and BOBIN!!! go

15:39:01 May 27th 09 - Mr. Jet:

Ratman and Bobin first casualty of the era

15:46:38 May 27th 09 - Sir Struddle:

poor poor poor Pimpnub

16:16:29 May 27th 09 - Lord Bishop:

RVLs first victims

17:40:36 May 27th 09 - Lord Deadpool:

Mr. Jet


10:39:01 May 27th 09
Ratman and Bobin first casualty of the era

It would be more interesting to see you and Fate go head to head ;-)

17:53:29 May 27th 09 - Lord Bishop:

lol why i will tell you what happens

Fate pumps troops into a blocker.... the awesome RVL take out that blocker

RVL then feeds on there mines...... mmmmmm

*runs to the council chambers to share his battle plan*

18:01:10 May 27th 09 - Prince Mielo:

If I was Fate, I wouldn't let them say that ...

18:06:00 May 27th 09 - Sir Struddle:

psht FATE are full of farming nubs that wont do anything if their life depended on it

especially Endless She's a total nublit

18:29:06 May 27th 09 - Lord Bishop:

lol Yeah Desire is pretty cool... erm.. i mean nubby

21:06:50 May 27th 09 - Endless Mystique:


21:13:10 May 27th 09 - Lord Bishop:



07:52:26 May 28th 09 - Death Lord Cable:

we in Fate are all nubs, come feed on us great kingdoms of VU, taking all comers ;)

09:44:10 May 28th 09 - Fire Lord Crazy:

ye Fate and RVL we will MAP you make that 500% :P

10:27:17 May 28th 09 - Mr. Hamish:

Bunch of Numb MAPers on Mantrax - Fate, RVL and Blizz have MAPed and are attacking Anarchy... have no respect for such cowards as this. Why dont Fate and RVL fight each other, we would happly fight one of you guys but the whole MAP at the same time come on... stop being wimps.

Kingdoms in Mantrax
FateFoundation27Sir Feanor1078
RVLRevelation27Mr. Fordius972
AAnarchy2Mr. Hamish100
BlizzBlizzard1Mr. Sin32

10:32:48 May 28th 09 - Lord Bishop:

LMFAO Hamish your such a nub

10:38:14 May 28th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

yes hamish when you refused our world map we all got angry and decided to eat you up, we had no chance winning 1 vs 1 so we joined together

10:51:28 May 28th 09 - Mr. Hamish:

Yes Dark Prince this is obversely so, we have all 3 kingdoms army's moving towards us ignoring each other - I suppose we are two of the most fearsome players on the map but this level of outright cowardice in our enermys is a bit to flattering for us (:

11:21:29 May 28th 09 - Lord Bishop:

lol no see at the beginning of the era.. its easiest to feed of the week ;)

Plus i dont even see Sin :S

13:00:11 May 28th 09 - Mr. Hamish:

Well its only "easy" if you gang up on them 20 to 1 otherwise you would be slaughtered... spouse some weak people need to be in huge numbers to feel strong. If you are feeling brave Lord Bishop - lets go one for one and see what happens... are you feeling weak (;

13:04:13 May 28th 09 - Mr. Magneto:

Fate and Revelation are so weak they can't even fight you Hamish. That's why they needed Blizz to protect them from you. If you beat Blizz, we are all at your mercy...

13:15:34 May 28th 09 - Mr. Sin:

If you got gangbanged it was really smart to attack me... Hehe. Now you can say you got attacked by 3, not 2 kingdoms.

13:16:34 May 28th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

lol hamish.... you still can't spell.

14:49:30 May 28th 09 - Lord Bishop:

lol one on one, whats the point of that... im in a Kingdom so i dont have to fight other kingdoms by myself :P

15:32:36 May 28th 09 - Mr. Hamish:

yes those last remarks kinda sums it up... let it go there...

15:40:35 May 28th 09 - Mr. Wolverine:

lol nah ur jus easy land that why everyone ran for you, they thought hey look a push over lets go take his land

17:30:04 May 28th 09 - Lord Bishop:

plus Fate are nubs... we have no reason to attack them,  i mean we want to give them a chance to atleast make it to quarter era ;)

17:42:24 May 28th 09 - Lady Karma:

you said you were going to take over my city and to make sure I build in a 5/1 ratio so you get a good meant 5 homes per mine right Bishop??

17:43:54 May 28th 09 - Mr. Magneto:

No, he meant 75K taverns, 15K GTs.

17:47:17 May 28th 09 - Lady Karma:


Uh oh :(

Man those pez must be as drunk as a sailor then...

18:18:43 May 28th 09 - Lord Bishop:

See what im talking about... bloody nubs

Karma its 4 homes per mine ffs not 5

And as for you magneto... everyone knows you only build 30k Taverns in a city....

00:18:43 May 29th 09 - Endless Mystique:

sees Anarchy bash a IoK nub into being second victim of the era

 *heads back to EIEIO-ing*

02:06:47 May 29th 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

:S:S:S which IoK nub? the only person in IoK who was on mant was rosahn. and i told him to wreck his cities and restart so i dont particually know who got bashed? and wow you killed a guy on his own .... want a clap?(directed at anarchy)

20:26:20 May 29th 09 - Lord Bishop:

Slipknot = *beep*
Fate = Nubs
Fate likes Slipknot
Fate are ghey nubs


City Info
Owner: Fate guy
Kingdom Banner
Size: ????? building(s).
Kingdom: Foundation
Gates: ???

21:44:49 May 29th 09 - Lady Karma:


Next you're going to say it's bad that I listen to Backstreet Boys :'(

22:45:37 May 29th 09 - Lady Sexier Than Quietone:

What next, saying I'm ghey for listening to Busted?

20:06:00 May 30th 09 - Mr. Hamish:

Doing well agenst the MAP lovers of Mant with Anarchy's two players being 1st and 3ed of the most fearsome... but can't last for ever agenst more than 20-1 odds.

Most Fearsome Rulers

  1. Mr. Human Destroyer has won 11 battles, captured 5 cities and killed a total of 2654 men and women.
  2. Mr. Elsin has won 6 battles, captured 5 cities and killed a total of 812 men and women.
  3. Mr. Hamish has won 5 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 454 men and women.

20:14:23 May 30th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

wow your so good!

20:29:25 May 30th 09 - Endless Mystique:

<<but can't last for ever agenst more than 20-1 odds.>>

Maybe not but Monkey Man sure can pumps those Gaia :p

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