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Mr. Dark Orion

Lived in Era 27, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Abydos

Dark Orion known to the ancients as the old egyptian god Seth came back from it's long journey of solitude and meditation to help his kd once again as the dark forces grew stronger and stronger and in the previous era the old egyptian kd of Abydos was close to total defeat.But from the ashes of defeat Abydos rised stronger than ever and in the next era they defeated all their enemies and distroyed all that opposed them, showing no mercy as the blades of revenge asked for their tribute in blod.
The supreme victory has been accomplished but, with it, a chapter of one of the greatest kds ever known was closing.The power has it's price and in Abydos case after winning everithing it could be won, the decission of ending his history,for now, has been made as some of the old gods were deluded and joined the dark side and others have dispersed in the four corners of the world.
But there were few left who wanted to continue the tradition of the old egyptian gods and thus a great kd was born.They were Seth, Crom and Xuaron but soon other abydonians and friends joined and so started a new page of great kingdom's history.NEMESIS has arrived!