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Mr. Spawn

Lived in Era 10 and got 1 heir(s) (Hellscythe).

Spawn entered the world of VU as a man of wisdom and insight.
In peace his empire expanded. He grew powerful in the ways of mining, and commanded vast legions of dwarves. It was the era of Drunk. And Spawns empire stood long untouched by the then growing power of Mafia.
But as so many others, spawns borders where assulted. For long Spawn survived by sending his dwarves to battle, but Spawn now realized that dwarves skills on the battlefield where limited. The fast fortune acchieved by mining was lost as fast as it came. When Spawn had no reinforcements left he sought power in the murky depts of this world. Here he lurced for years, and his before honorouble and vice self where twisted. For he pledged his allegiance to the dark lords of the underworld. And power where promised to the young Spawn.
When Spawn entered the world once more, his before fair look where twisted. And evil itself was reflected in his eyes. He slew his before loyal dwarfs and fiested on their flesh.
When every dwarf was killed, peasants as warriors, women as men and adults as children. The a small group of men went under his command. This band of humans had wandered for ages. And where desperatly seeking leadership in Spawn. And the humans proved to be easily manupilated. And he poured his evil to the minds of these creatures.
As eras past, Spawns knowledge grew. So do his evil.
Loyal to the Legion he awaits his lords return.

In the Final moments before the world went under, Spawn had
a son. HellScythe. And with his last powers Spawn made a barrier around Hellscythe. And said "My child.. I.. Love.. You...." Spawn was ripped to pices In front of HellScythe ...........armageddon....
The Only thing Left from Spawn Is his lethal Sword *TorMenT*