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Queen Arien Vaire

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Arien Vaire) and was the leader of Valar

The story of Arien Vaire begins with her foremother, Erwyn, who lived four eras past on Zetamania.

Erwyn was not a strong warrior, more domestic than anything, but she was plunged into war with the arrival MDOGS at her door.

She did not survive. Her daughter Eowyn took the banner up in a land called Mantrax and began to build an empire. She joined Crusaders of War, COW, and battled the Foul Fowl Kingdom. But, alas, she was not a strong enough warrior, and she fell, and the empire she had built was in demise.

Her daughter Arwen fled the destruction of her mothers empire, and the destruction of COW, and fled to the far corner of the world. There she began to build in her mother's memory.

She entered the service of the Kingdom of Heaven as a Knight, and began to learn the art of war and of diplomacy.

She survived the KoH/Abydos war to build a strong empire, and served the King as a Viceroyal, a position 4 generations would serve, a position her daughter Evanstar carried, as well as her daughter, Arien, and her daughter Arien Undomiel, and her daughter Arien into the lands of Fantasia.

Arien had no desire to war, though trained in some aspects of warfare, she preffered to explore and diplomacy. Thus, it was no surprise that she fell early.

Arien, grandaughter of Arien, her namesake, rose up and took the sword long lay dormant in her family's halls, and began to war.

She survived the demise of KoH, the King's Steward having suffered from poor health, and the Kingdom lay in ruins.

But the spirit of her foremothers was still alit in her spirit, and she formed a new kingdom, the Valar.

The Valar even it infancy, became a warring Kingdom, and members from the former KoH, including her mothers family, Thomas Bell and Stormcrow,as well as other strong members joined, and she found her dream coming alive.

Her daughter Arien Vairie, survived the tumoultous Era of Draiken, and took the throne. Choosing to war the Infidels Serenity, and coatriders Noob Table. They launched a war that was hard fought, and would more than likely lead to their destruction, but they were the Valar, they would rise up in the next life, and become even more stronger.

Arien Vaire fought a long war, and a even longer war still rages, a warrior in some aspects, but with much more to learn, she is heading the charge of her valiant knights, and moving foward.

Only death awaits the elven queen, will she survive long enough to see the destruction of Infidel kingdom? Or will her daughter be the one to see the Infidels fall?

Only time will tell.