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Sir Pallando The Blue

Lived in Era 17, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Noob Table

Many called the Istari the Fateful..... Driven to do what they felt was right in the end... even though they're fates were decided by so much more.

The birth of the istari Came Around in the First era of rambo... the Birth of the (Mafia) . Pallando was born near to the end of that era He was sent upon 50 Brigands... born during a storm his people thought high of him and expected him to lead when the cheftain fell against the hordes of the unkown.

Pallando arose fast.... Teaching his brigands to become warriors... they fought everything... and eventualy raised a settlement They raided everything they could.... Pallando was still but a boy though and needed the skills to become what he was to become.

So Pallando set out , He did not know what he was or what was happening to him, but his peers that he trained with were nothing to him now, he could defeat them in sword play with his wim, he could feel there actions before he moved. In battle he was unsurpassed . His enemies would set more on there flanks to defend from his suprise flank attacks then they would set into battle.

He was undefeated... He believed he ruled the Whole civilized world... but then so much more was revealed

To the south another power brooded something great... something like him.

his name was Alatar.

word spread quickly through Pallando's cities about him
he had never been defeated in the south.... he was a true warrior and general . his people loved him.
Pallando Fearing war with someone he felt so alike to, sent emissaries to his south.... a Meeting was soon arranged in Pallando's Grand City of Stormhold. They met ... adorned in there armour... both Blue.. The same shade entirely, they hit it off like butter and bread, Men and Mead.

They became the best of friends quick.... and as the bird sang the cities Of Alatar And Pallando Rang with word of the alliance of the Blue

And so they name Pallando the Blue Came about.

They soon looked south past the south-ron sea to the rich and fertile lands... they marched fast and hard. splitting the land half and half...

Then Pallando met His future..

In the north a man named Adelbert held a plot of land for mafia... he was a powerful and strong soldier....

Pallando know discovered the shear emincity of the land he lived... pallando did not Control a half ... not even an eigth of the land of the map...

And word reached Pallando and Alatar.. Fate was true.

Refugee's poured into there towns. fleeing from some "Armaggedon" cast by a great man in the east And that only great lords and Kings would live.... Rumor also said that 50 of his best men would survive....

Pallando tried.. god knows he tried but when it did come... as the refugee's had said... everything was wiped clean... the cities. the people... everything... except his 50 closest. most dear men and women....

Pallando then took about recreating his Empire.... but this time Alatar was nowere to be seen.... They say he went to the east but pallando was broken by the fact that his Dearest friend... his brother had left him....

But Adelbert. the man to the north... saved him... called him into his New Kingdom of "Legion" to serve.. gave him a place to grow a massive city... and be one of his Noblemen....

Pallando was happiest then.... he made friends like toke.. Fingolfin, Toke, Thorin, Adelbert,Spawn, (Depest apologise to everyone i missed i have a bad memory but Pieterbertereand if ur not there <3 m8) Ect. They raised a grand army. bigger then he ever dreamed of last "era"as adelbert called it. he said great mages could cast armaggeddon.... this world was just a game for the great lords and kings.... nothing more.

Adelbert soon called His Legions Commanders to a great meeting...
a Great and Old kingdom of mirror had Been Attacking there Great Wall and it must be defended.... But not just defended.. the land beyond it must be taken.. And so they raised an army.... Mirror Crumbled before the armies sheer might. And so The Second Armaggedon Was cast upon the land. Wiping the slate clean for the Second time in Pallando's life his greatness was wiped clean... many compiled all of the great lords wealth and Pallando Came thirty-Second among the kings and lords from across the land..

But Pallando felt amiss... he always felt wrong not searching for alatar so pallando disapeared from legion... his friends all felt sad for his loss of Alatar... Who was never to be found. And so, When Armaggeddon had once again passed his left his good friends to the outlands, dressed in blue, hoping to find his Half-King.

And so the wheel of time turned, Four era's passed, Legion fell, his friends scattered to other kingdoms, Many fought and achieved much.

... The outlands were a barren place, the water stale and the bread even worse, The Dastardly races to make there so called lives in that land were accursed, Alatar was nowhere to be found, Legend of the Ancient orc clans of the region fighting a Grand Battallion of men Addourned in white with pearlescent Blue Capes and plumes was common, but i gave up when word finally reached that he had been overcome.

it had taken much time, but i soon aquired the wealth i needed and bought Alatar's body fromt he cheiftains.

Adelbert had Achieved great power, he had joined Legacy, A great kingdom comprised of the same men that had brought legions Aparent downfall, Adelbert had risen and grown the most powerful that era..... And Legacy turned there hate inwards. Adelbert was cast out, And formed the Harstad Knights, The Same men of legion, I was with my brothers again, Toke, Thorin, Fingolfin, Adelbert, Spawn.... All but Adelbert and toke had taken on new names though....

We fought with courage, But Legacy and Narrse overcame us.

The next era's i dissapeared, as Alatar had done to me,
But from the accursed outlands i have returned, To see what my fate has in store.

for as the fable go's . Fate still spins its web, what has come may come again....

To be Continued....