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Family History

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Mr. Deadsnear

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Timetodie) and was a member of Zeon

March 5th 1218

I was born in a poor family . I have 10 brothers and 8 sisters . I was the middle one (13) in my family , I always wished to command power and battle across the world something like that . At the afternoon some knights came to our house , they were force recruiting soldiers 12 years old or older . My town was at war , so I and seven of my brothers has followed the knights to the mayor's house . They gave us spears and we put on the leather armors , we were directed to the border of the town . We waited and waited until it was midnight , and there was still no attack . So we camped , ate , and slept .

March 6th 1218

It was 6 o'clock the morning , we got woke up by some soldiers . We washed our face and we equiped our equipment , then we gone out of our tent . We saw an army of orc heading this way , therefore , we were in formation . Someone blew the horn and we started advancing and advancing and advancing and finally we reached the orcs . We were fighting for about 10 minutes . I stopped for a second or two , there were blood everywhere , an uncountable number of bodies , it was terrible . An hour later , the orcs fled . After the battle , everyone regrouped , i somehow remarked that 3 of my brothers were missing . I asked my other brothers , they were very sad . They said that they got cut down in battle . I was very unhappy , i griefed for them...

March 10th 1218

I finally came throught it , i got back to the regroupement ground . My brothers and everyone was there , we thought that we were free to go back home . But we were kept in the army . Everyone started shouting and everything after hearing the news , the camp was overrunned , leaving me behind , i saw my brothers got swept away by the crowds , and never seen them again . To be continued ...