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Mr. Chaos

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Chaos) and was a member of The Dark Brotherhood

Born the son of a peasant, Chaos was the sole survivor amongst the ruins that had formerly been known as the Castle of Winterfell. A passing lord took the orphan in after finding him amidst the smoldering ruins and raised him as his own child.

15 years later...

The lord died from a mysterious illness that took the land by storm leaving Chaos and his own son to rule the kingdom. The trueborn son wasted no time ousting Chaos from his lands and left Chaos to live off the wilderness.

Chaos soon met a band of mercenaries who were travelling through the region and joined them. As time passed, he became an expert swordsman and his twin blades gave the band of mercenaries an unparalleled reputation in the entire northern world.

Kingdoms fought over their services and destruction ruled the northern lands for years and through it all, Chaos slowly rose through the ranks and became the leader of the band of mercenaries transforming them from the rebels they used to be into an elite fighting force.

However, his half brother finally brought a halt to the fighting and banished Chaos from the northern lands. This did not stop Chaos from meeting him on the battlefield and, amidst the fighting, slew him. Chaos then brought his men with him south towards freedom from vengeance...towards Mantrax.

His time in Mantrax was shortlived however and despite joining the ranks in the Dark Brotherhood, his nearby neighbours showed no mercy to him soon after his arrival. He was driven away from Mantrax and once again found him and his men in a strange land with a strange name - Zetamania.