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Mr. Tonganboii

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Tongan Boii) and was a member of Army of Anubis

It all began 16 years ago...Tongan_boii was only at the age of 2 when his dwarf village was destroyed. A army of Orcs had invaded his Dwarf home and killed everyone but Tongan_boii.
Tongan_boii was then taken and nurtured by the orcs. As the years progressed, Tongan_boii had learned of His people's past.
Still Tongan_boii stayed with the Orcs and learned in their ways. At the age of 16, Tongan_boii was banished from the Orc society as he was too beasty. The Orcs have feared that Tongan_boii would one day rule them. Tongan_boii then left his Orch village and decided to take a journey far, far away. But Tongan_boii knew that one day he would be back to slaughter the Orcs..........................