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Mr. Duh Omg Duh

Lived in Era 30, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Shinobi Empire

i am from the land of giants.i came here by taking a adventure to the land of ogres,my homeland.i got separated at birth and was left by my race.the giants found me and raised me until i was able to defend and survive on my own.i killed every giant there was for their bones and skin so i can make a house and supplies for myself.i felt like taking a adventure and tried finding my own homeland.

i would describe myself as a average size,not tall or short but the right size.i wear all camo for stealth and wear a bonesack on my back for carrying supples.i have solid black eyes,black short hair.i was walking when i saw a sign that said duh duh duh duh 500 miles away.i would walk that way seeing wat was there,i entered a dark cave.i took out my bone latern i made and lit it.i saw wat was a family of dwarves.i walked passed them had woke up,i carefull slit his throat,took the body about 10 miles into the cave,took out some rocks and made a fire.

when i was done eatin the dwarf,i moved on and soon came to a bright light at the end of the cave.when i was out i saw a huge land.i seen citys and posts.i went in a couple and gathered and sold stuff i needed and didnt need.i asked where the city duh duh duh duh was and someone said about 50 miles up in the high mountains.i reached the mountain and started climbing.when i reached the city i was greeted by 20 ogre guards.since i was a ogre i was let in.i went to their king and asked if i could stay in the city,he let me.about 12 am at night i stealthed my way past the guards and into the kings royal chambers.i saw him sleeping.i killed him and everyone woke up and came running to the kings room.

they saw me over the kings body and bowed to me.i was confused and they said who ever kills the king will become the new king.said in my thoughts *OMG IM FINALLY A KING OF A CITY!I SHALL MAKE EVERYONE POWERFUL IN MY CITY NOW!*wow i morning i had a army of 1k soldiers instead of the 100 guards in the city.i claimed this city and will become the rightful owned of the mountain.