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Mr. Duran Greykell

Lived in Era 32 and got 0 heir(s) .

Duran Greykell had only recently been given command of his province, and was young and unexperienced in subtleties of city planning and commanding armies. Luckily for Duran, he was honoured to be part of a grand kingdom, the Ultimate.

For the first months of the era, Duran established three cities: Greykell Village, Outposts, and Fields. Thinking that the populations of these three villages would provide the province with all of its needs. The village would produce stone and gold, the outpost wood, and the fields food and troops for the army.

Duran's cities expanded, but not as quickly as he would have hoped. Duran had underestimated the populations ability to grow, and the potentially mighty cities were left mostly empty.

As the populations grew, so did the threat from a neighbouring kindom, Against All Authority. Then soon struck hard and fast, sieging and conquering the cities of many of Duran's allies. The muster fields of Greykell Fields were bustling as Duran struggled to raise an army, for the defence of his own towns and to hopefully retake ground from Against all Authority.

After much discussion amungst his advisors and corrospondance with Lord Zucox the Great, Duran made the decision to defect to the kingdom Against All Authority.

Duran's time with AaA was short however, constant attack by his former allies and a new threat coming from the north west denied him a solid foothold. Greykell set up a soon to be prosporous colony to the east, but soon after his western provinces were taken, the new colony fell as well.

That marked Duran's demise, his last city, a slightly defended keep was assaulted by a huge horde led by Mr. Tanc, Duran's former lord. The Greykell troops fought valiantly, but they along with their leader were slaughtered and the city fell.