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Mr. Hrogarth

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Orik) and was a member of The Black Hand

Hrogarth was descended from a long line of Dwarven Lords but the great miners revoultuion had overthrown the old regiem too which Hrogarth was a part of. With the few loyal followers he had remaining he set out to find for himself a life.
When he arrived in Talents Hrogarth discovered that the realm was already in turmoil with the various networks of kingdoms fighting savage wars with each other for supremacy. After some indecsion as too where to settle in this war torn realm Hrogarth finally settled his people by a tranquil lake which his people named Kraz Molarg (shimmering sky in his native launguage) Realisng that in these violent times alliences must be made quickly Hrogarth sent diplomats who quickly formed an allience with the Trollish peoples who lived of the other side of Kraz Molarg. The Trolls were lead my their chieften Wooteq and Intelectual and Charismatic Lord who was more than happy too gain some allies. So together he and Hrogarth formed the Black Hand a collection of lords of various peoples who had vowed too work together.
Hrogarth then began construction of a town where his people could trade and grow their food. They named this place Lake Town for obvious reasons and soon it grew into a prosperous and thriving town. Thus with Lake Town prospering and The Black Hand growing each passing day Hrogarth decided it was time for his people too make a proper city for themselves in the typical dwarven style of a mountain stronghold. Founatly there was a mountain range nearby which had been named Kronag Grimlak ( meaning The spear head peaks) and deep in these tall mountains the dwarfs build the city of Erebor.
The city grew quickly and many deep shafted mines were dug into the very depths of the range and from these mines rich treams of gold were discovered and within a short time a flow of wealth was pouring into the city.
However outside things were not going well a large collection of lords from the north calling themselves the Army of Anubis were striking south and pillaging many cites around Erebor and also one of the human lords that had been a key figure in the Black Hand abandoned his vows of alligence and joined a rival kingdom. Things were not going well for Hrogarth and his remaining allies and plans had too be made.
Hrogarth had obviously done something in a past life that had offened fate as only a few days after one of the human lords defected a great army came from a rival kingdom and destroyed the cities of his close allies the trolls. Hrogarth realised that his people must leave so he sent out a party of around about 500 settlers too find a safer place to call home. Meanwhile Hrogarth decided too fight it out should it come too that and began rasing an army. As his nation had never fought a war none of the young dwarfs knew what too expect and they signed up in their droves.
Soon however Hrogarth's enemies sa his army growing and stuck hard with all their forces Hrogarth had no option but too abandon his beloved cities and follow the example of his first settlers and flee to the land of the north, he did so but with a heavy heart.
Hrogarth's enemies really had a pure and utter hatred of the dwarves as both is long refugee colums we attacked and destroyed. Hrogarth died bravely defending his wife but was overrun by the barbariens.
Only a little dwarf survived the attacks and that was Hrogarth's youngest son Orik.