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Mr. Edward Gryfflur

Lived in Era 33, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of HaLL

It began in Era 33, the Era of Dark blood, where blood ran freely through many wars. The young warrior showed much promise, as he took many cities within two months...

Edward Grryflurr watched as a battalion soldiers followed the river, his city, Mounthome was situated near the mountains, and many mines ran through the mountains. He had travelled in there many times and had once become lost in the numerous twisting passages. Young Edward was a peasant, the city was ruled by one known as Jurrintile, an he had basically forsaken the city in the mountains. Very few troops inhabited the city, and those that did had poor weaponry. It wasn't that Mounthome didn't have good blacksmiths, it was simply because they were trained in farming and mining implements, that was about to change, and as Edward watched the large army marching up the valley, a sense of foreboding grew within him.
Edward walked through the new gate which was in construction, the walls around the city were being built at a furious rate and the stone from various areas that had been mined years before was being brought out and placed to form the wall. They hoped to have it four metres high before the army arrived, but against the superior forces, they doubted if it would help and they would be able to stand against the impeding attack.
In the city, all was hustle and bustle, Edward had been the first to see the army, but that was nearly a week ago. Now, young elves and some humans ran here and there, building stockpiles of weapons, and buying any others that could be available. A young soldier went through various drills with some of the peasants, teaching them how to wield their sword to the best purpose.
Edward stepped into the town hall and heard voices from ahead.
"I say we go to meet them now!" One declared angrily.
"Close the gates, man the walls and wait for them to come to us."
"Why don't we do both," Edward said, stepping into view. "Attack them and lure them into an unorganised early attack, then as we com through the gates, we close them and pound them with arrows, rocks and any other projectiles."
"Your right lad, I think you were sent here through Trinled's providence...

It was a week later, Edward walked through the streets of his town, death was everywhere, they had one the battle, but at a great cost. His only family, his father and brother had both died, he had saved his town, but their was little left to save. He had made up his mind, he would leave his town, gather and army and go and build empires to defend the week, defenseless and unfairly done by, from this day forward, Edward Gryfflur was going to change the world.
Edward ran to a horse, one of those that had belonged to a fallen enemy soldier. Mounting it, he galloped from the city.

Ten years later...
Edward sat at the head of his army, behind him was assembled ten thousand warriors, he was the second most powerful man in the world, and the other, across a slight plain stood the most powerful. Edward Gryfflur stood between this army and a small village, one that reminded him of his home in the mountains, and he was not about to let it be overrun by enemies.

25 years on...
Edward Gryfflur was a well respected man, renowned in battle, his armies were huge and numerous and he lived for piece and the protection of others, any within Gryfflur's kingdom was sure to recieve a decent life.

Another story... Totally unrelated...

A dark mist rose up ominously from the ground; nothing could be seen of a sun, if there was any, as dark clouds filled the sky, the area seemingly fixed in a dull twilight. No rain fell, it seemed that rain never fell. The ground was dry and dusty, nothing to be seen for miles except dust, and the giant monstrosity directly ahead. Rising out of the ground, a monolithic structure, great and old sprawled across the landscape. The stone was black, only adding to the harshness of the barren landscape. The structure lay across many acres; the strange wandering buildings built one on top of the other, creating a great sprawling castle of black stone. Black flying creatures circled the tall spires and varying towers among the extensive castle. Dark cloaked figures rode on their backs, from a distance; it was barely distinguishable between the black rider and mount.
A huge black dragon curved an ark through the air, the smaller black flying animals scattering around it. It flew to a tower near the centre of the castle, the rider leaping off its back on to a narrow balcony, barely visible against the black stone.
A black cloaked figure was coming up the narrow passage to the window just as the new arrival alighted. He was also cloaked in black, a black staff he carried by his side, its very being radiating darkness. By his left hip hung a huge black, sharp, pointed sword, darker then night, conjured up from a place of darkness beyond reality. Behind him, a giant figure loomed up, reaching about 4metres in height; the creature had its head bent to avoid hitting the high ceiling. The person in front, if indeed it was a person stopped as the shorter figure approached.
“All isss in rrready Masterrr,” The creature said.
“Perfect,” said the Master, “It is finally time.” He paused for a few moments, reflecting on his accomplishment. “You two will meet me below; I want to look over the army once more before we begin to depart.”
The two bowed low; the huge four metre monstrosity still taller than the Master, they then left, moving down the twisting passages towards the bottom of the castle, making sure all the troops were out of the extensive castle.
The Master walked down the passageway toward the ledge. He uttered a piercing whistle as he went, the sound shattering the surrounds. Throwing his hood back, he traced the scar that ran from his chin up behind his ear; a malicious grin twisted its way across his face as he contemplated his coming revenge.
A huge dragon appeared hovering beyond the balcony. Lifting his staff, the Master took a giant leap through the air, landing neatly on the black dragon’s back. The dragon went into a steep dive, as the Master saw his troops amassing on the extensive grounds within the castle a mad howl of victory and triumph came from his lips, followed by a chuckle filled with sinister malice.
His dragon echoed his roar of triumph, sensing his supernatural victory.
Soon he would have total control, and no human could stop him.

Some other random stuff...
January 18th, 1788, the beginning of the arrival of the First Fleet, that was the fateful day, the day that ended an era, a day that changed the history of all people… with dark skin.
It was the day, that white men came to tribal lands, and began to destroy natural life, and build.
However they did not spread all over Australia and impact everyone and everything straight away. That happened slowly, a country cannot be mastered in a day. Australia, with all its contents, took years to fully explore, it may not even be fully explored yet. They did not really move from Botany Bay for some time.
November 27th, 1821, that is the day in question, the day that directly affects the people of this story.
Matari’s tribe was part of Wanaruah people; they lived in what is now called the Hunter Valley region. In that time, the Hunter River was called the Coquun.
They lived happily, in harmony with the land. They had heard of white people before, but they did not think that they would take their land, introduce diseases hunt them or compete for food. A few whites had passed through before, and a man had introduced himself as John Howe, he was accompanied by a few other men, but there were a few other groups they had met. They had had an Aboriginal man with them, Myles, but most of the tribe did not know him.
In times before, and as time progressed, they had met other aboriginal tribes coming through, but more began to come, with stories of the strange things that the white men were doing. Some white men were reasonable and helped the Aboriginal people. Others treated them like animals. People told of them simply walking on to their sacred places and beginning to build houses. They told of some battles between the whites and themselves. But they could not stop the whites, they had something that some referred to as a ‘bang stick’. Mandu, one of the elders in our tribe went to visit some tribes near the white men for a special sacred corrobee or something like that. He came back speaking of the things that the white men had done, he had heard stories of fierce battles, which finally ended in many of our people being wounded or killed. Orad, another elder told of how many people had been killed by poisoned water holes. Women had been raped, and then killed. He also mentioned the great sicknesses that the Europeans brought with them, wiping out numerous tribe members.

“Aha! This time I got you,” cried Prentice.
“Oho I wouldn’t be so sure if I was you,” replied Dustin as he side stepped Prentice’s blade.
Dustin dodged behind a pole and then jumped out the other side at full speed his cloak flying out behind him, “You know,” he said “That you shall never win”.
“Oh no you won’t, you won’t escape this place alive,” Prentice placed a horn to his lips.
“Oh no you don’t” cried Dustin leaping forward, bringing his sword down on the horn splitting it in two.
Then Dustin rushed through a door that led to the parapets, Prentice shot off after him but as he went through the door a shield hit him on the back of the head and he fell to the moat below.
Dustin stepped forward and looked down to the moat below, “What a shame” he thought as he moved on his shield on his arm.
He had only moved a few steps along the parapet when he heard a footstep behind him, he quickly spun and the sword that was bearing down upon and then blocked another sword coming from the left. He glanced at his opponent “Garrick… We finally meet, you inflictor of pain. You inflict pain to all people in this country of ours.”
“Oh I’m so sad, do you think I care! I like the money I get and I’m not parting with it anytime soon.”
“Maybe not, but maybe so, only time will tell,” replied Dustin.
Dustin moved suddenly towards Garrick swinging his sword towards Garrick’s legs. Garrick blocked with one sword and then lunged with the other, Dustin moved quickly and managed to glance it away with his sword.
“Not bad eh,” said Garrick, “Try this,” Garrick brought both swords in towards Dustin’s neck. Dustin saw a way out, he ducked, lunged forward and….. Garrick was no more.
Or at least that was what Dustin thought as he rushed to take all of the money from the castles treasury, Garrick had been wearing chain mail and the sword had not wounded him mortally.

Buried Alive!

It had started off as a fairly normal school day, besides the fact that it was an excursion to the caves. Years 7 & 8 were going and they didn’t have far to go.
When they arrived they were given torches by the guide even though some already had torches and John was one of them. John also had a pocket knife and Dylan had one too.
Then following the guide, they entered the caves, it was very interesting with stalactites, stalagmites and all the kinds of things you find in a cave. Then they came to a large open area and when you stomped on it the floor sounded, well, funny or hollow. John, Maria and Dylan went wandering away from the class stamping on the rock floor to see where it sounded thicker or thinner.
“Maria, Dylan and John,” the teacher started but he was interrupted by rumbling and shaking, rocks fell, Maria screamed and John fell to the floor.
It sounded like the whole place was falling apart but in about thirty seconds the rumbling and shaking stopped. John looked around, saw a few piles of rock, Maria and Dylan.
“Wh-what happened?” Maria stammered
“I think that was an earthquake,” said Dylan. “And I think we’ve moved, dropped down or went up.”
“Hey look,” said John shining his torch around, “There’s a funny looking tunnel cave type thing, and what’s that stuff lining it, kinda looks like rope stuff.”
Maria shone her torch down the hole and they saw a giant spider advancing.
“Run!” Yelled John.
They ran, Dylan shining his torch back, saw that they weren’t getting away, it was still coming, he put his hand on his pocket knife and thought, “Well if it comes down to it I’ll use this,” and then they ran smack bang into a wall of rock.
“Get your pocket knife,” said Dylan urgently to John.
They shone there torches back towards the spider and Maria thought of something, she shined her light directly at one of the spider’s eyes, it slowed down and then stopped it moved and Maria kept her torch on it’s eye then John got the idea and shone his light at the other eye, the spider turned around and ran off.
“Phew,” sighed John, “That was a close one, to close for my liking.”
“What do we do now?” Maria asked.
“Well maybe there’s an exit around here you know like an emergency exit,” said Dylan.
“Yeah, let’s take a look around,” said John, “We’ve got lots of time.”
They looked around for a while and just when they were giving up hope they found the bottom of a ladder with a sign that said emergency exit.
“At last,” said Maria and just then her light died.
“Uh oh, we don’t have much time,” said Dylan, “Let’s move it.”
They started the climb with only two torches, it was difficult and at one point John looked down and said “Oh my gosh that’s high.”
“Don’t you dare look down again,” warned Dylan.
Just at that moment something hit Dylan on the head, “Bats!” Cried Maria.
“Keep going just keep going we’ll be right,” said Dylan but in his mind he was thinking, “I’ve climbed about 200 rungs spaced about a foot apart or more, gee that’s over 200 feet!”
They were all getting worried and then Maria who was at the top slipped, only just managing to hold on. John who was beneath her pushed her up so she got on another rung, they were all losing hope when they saw light not far up.

Their three green eyes twitching this way and that was enough to make you drop to the ground in fright but that wasn’t Jack, Ryan and Kayla. They just had to keep fighting these aliens but now they were trapped with nothing but a chair for defence!
It had all started as a normal day but that was before they had heard the whirring sound of the flying saucer coming down to land in the middle of the playground.
“What in the world!” Exclaimed the teacher.
All the class rushed to the window and looked, the sight that met their eyes was very unnerving, they saw the flying saucer, the door slide open and fluoro orange creatures emerging, a bit shorter than human beings although if you measured those eyes they’d be about level. The teacher fainted as soon as the first four emerged, in all there were ten.
“Am I dreaming”, said one of the students.
“I, I, I don’t think so,” stammered Jack.
“Lock the door!” Kayla said.
“We’re doomed!” Another student said.
“We need to sound the alarm,” Ryan said.
Everyone remembered the fire alarm or emergency alarm drill they’d done a week ago.
“Maybe this is a practice,” said a student hopefully.
Everyone shook their head.
“No,” said logical Jack, “Then we’ll all be together, a perfect target.”
They decided to search the classroom for some weapons, they only came up with chairs and tables (naturally).
“I’ve got it,” said Kayla, “We use the tables as shields and the chairs as weapons.”
“They’re aliens, who knows what secret powers they’ve got,” said Ryan.
“Might as well find out now rather than later,” said Jack, “Who’s with me?”
Only Kayla and Ryan agreed, so Jack said, “Alright then you two go grab a chair each and I’ll grab a table.”
When they were ready they headed out to get the aliens, they had headed for the Principal’s office.
When they reached the office they saw the door had been blown open and when the got inside there was a bit of a mess. Then an alien came through the door it glared at them and then open it’s mouth and blew fire at them they ducked down behind the table and it burst into flames then Ryan threw a chair at the monster it blew fire at it and it melted.
“Just stay still, actually play dead,” said Jack.
It approached slowly they obviously weren’t very agile, they could smell it now it smelt somehow like charcoal. Suddenly Jack threw the chair at the alien, the alien opened it’s mouth and the chair went straight through the alien!
The alien fell to the floor obviously dead. “Quick get some pens,” said Kayla, “They should kill the rest of the aliens.”
They grabbed all the pens they could find and then three came through the door, they threw the pens before the aliens opened their horrible mouths, they dropped to the ground too even though one had only been hit in the foot.
As they headed back to the classroom they found more aliens attacking a group of Kinders, they quickly threw their pens, the aliens dropped dead.
At Jack, Ryan and Kayla’s classroom door they found the rest of the aliens just breaking in, “Fire,” cried Jack, the rest of the pens flew through the air and all of the aliens except for one dropped dead.
It turned around it’s three eyes blazing, “Guys,” yelled Jack, “Throw your pens at it.” Then he shouted “Run!”
They ran and the alien sent fire at them they dodged and ran whilst they were looking for something to throw.
Suddenly Jack thought of something, he ran at the alien dodging from side to side, then as he came close enough he spat at the alien the alien fell to the ground, and everyone cheered.