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Mr. roxbury

Lived in Era 10 and got 0 heir(s) .

Started in beta 7 and joined Thyatia AR. Thyatia AR is a long time (3 years active) Utopia kingdom. Maruder started playing VU and recruited about 10-15 members from Thyatia and friends to create a new Visual Utopia kingdom. Before that, I had played with ZeTa in HaLL, but I never knew him there except I think he was a banner maker.

I joined mid round, and immideately saw this game was for me. Bloodbrothers AR was created by other friends and allied to our kingdom. I was killed after 2 days by Torsdag or one of the Surfers, this is the only time I've been killed in VU. The big war on the map was LW+VeA vs. SE. TAR picked sides and started warring VeA along with Bloodbrothers. I played 2 accounts (Utopia anyone? =) and got to know Vegeta after he kicked my ass with little effort heh.. fought LW with him with my main account, and VeA with my other acct. Got deleted by ZeTa. Vegeta quit, but I restarted as elf in the bottom of the map. No more multi for me after that.

Heard a rumor about Elves tree of gold spell in irc, but never really knew how to do it. I was lucky enough to land next to Jet who had also just been deleted, and copied his play style when he was using Tree of Gold to get a top 10 spot in just a couple days. Ended #35.

Beta 8, Tree of Gold craze.
Having played elves the round before, I knew perfectly well what tree of gold could do. I raced to reach Tree of Gold magic level and started pumping out the megas in the dozens heh. SAS declared on VUNN (50 players vs 10) and there was a huge debate in the forum about it. Since I had the biggest towns and econ, I massed huge armies, but was reluctant to use them because I didnt want a full scale war. Mind you, I was a nub explorer at this time. Played around with magic a little, but quit in protest after ppl started using Control Time spell. Augh sux btw =) Ended #5.

Beta 9. Didnt play but my TAR (now called VUNN) did pretty well. Maruder and Kim put out some hilarious news reports in the forum but got raped by LW. Now LW was in my sights since that day.

Beta 1, third era.
VUNN was in trouble, with only a few active members. I was running the show, but I had picked elf in the only round so far that magic was completely useless. Recruited rambo, old friend from HaLL and together we fought Xeqter to a standoff. Joined SaRS in the last days of the round. Ended #3.

Beta 2, third era.
Landed right next to rambo, and thought we were going to be unstoppable. Fought Shaz which turned out to be a really hard fight even with 2v1, but we eventually overcame him and started attacking south towards the main LW area. Initially doing well, but then Swamp started abusing AOTD spells to get infinite amounts of elites. Me and rambo quit in protest, no rank worth mentioning that round.

Beta 3, third era, gaia craze.
This was a very interesting era to say the least. This was the first era of Zeta Zealots and the era that brought us from being a big bunch of explorers who needed protection into an army of seasoned warriors who would stop at nothing to win. We didnt hog the resources, we divided them among the kingdom to whoever needed it the most at the time, and who could use it the best against the enemy. This doesnt sound like much, but before that everyone in the game was pretty damn selfish. However, with what we faced that round, we had to do everything we could to prevail, and even to stay alive. Those who got killed, restarted and fought. Some even got killed twice, but kept fighting. Zeta Zealots does not quit.

Now, we were fighting against 3/3 gaia for 10 gold each. This was a time when you could store unlimited numbers of bonus turns, build a town of 20.000 buildings in 10 turns and movement was 50% faster than today. Needless to say, this was a hard fight. Got raped, but like most of the kingdom, relocated behind Raistlin and Super Juul who held together the whole kingdom and fed the wounded back to size, all the time while fighting the whole LW by themselves. To make a long story short, Z overcame the odds and won the war. Ended #8 as Viceroy Bourne.

Beta 4, third era.
This round is a bit hazy for me, but I fought non stop and had loads of fun. Ended #2 after raist, even tho I had bigger armies. Raist sux ;)

The Beginning.
Quit in protest because my kingdom was doing townswapping. No rank to mention.

Era of Raistlin.
Didnt play. The era was market by spell abuses in general.

Era of Sezymon.
This era was tons of fun. Got a great start and warred everyone in sight. At the end of the round I owned a quarter to a third just by myself. Fun fun. Ended #1.

Era of Roxbury.
Dont remember much of it. Might have gotten my ass kicked this one, not sure. Ended #9.

Era of Valium.
Boredom. The funny thing is that the game actually loses its fun when you get that #1 spot. Feels like there is nothing more to do heh.. anyway I explored as dwarf most of the round, then fought Jeroen and did some feeding end of round. Z disbanded this round, against my will. We had won everything we could and killed everyone that stood against us. I dont think there will ever be a kingdom like Z again. The thing that set Z apart is the total selflessness in battle, the comradery and the leadership. Z wasnt about one strong leader, even tho we had good leadership at all times. It was strong because there were so many players that assumed responsibility, so that we always had several leaders available on the map. This meant that there were always someone to rally to the defense in one area, and when one player was weak, had RL problems or was running a bad strat, there were always someone to take up his weapon. Ended #6.

Era of Jeroen.
This era was a joke really. Played as Spacecadet and got raped by pretty much everyone. Dwarf sux against orc early round. Rounded ended early after the time had gone crazy, and I ended top 10 despite not logging in the last 3 days. I guess most people stronger than me simply got killed by other people. Totally undeserved, ended #10.

Era of Drunk.
Still suffering from my lost home in Z, I played alone this round as well, as Ranger. This didnt work out too well tho, because my play style was pretty easy to spot, and my cover was blown early on. Got a kingdom against me, kicked some ass, joined OWN.. rambos new kingdom filled with old HaLL nubs. Ended #2 using gaia spam. It was a pretty lame strat to use, but I did it just to make sure that Sezy wouldnt take home the #1 after he raped some of my old Z brothers with magic. The gaia spam end rank strat is still used now, but with halfers. Pretty amusing.

Era of Rambo.
Boredom. Explored as dwarf while Rambo and the guys cleared the area. Ended #2. Again. Two seems to be my lucky number by now.

Second Era of Rambo.
This one was more fun. Fought from start to finish, OWN got targetted by pretty much everyone except our brothers in X. The kingdom X, led by Paul (who deserves a lenghty history of his own in this game) disbanded and merged with OWN.

Third Era of Rambo.
Still in progress..
