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Shadowbane King Feliscar

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Kerith) and was a member of Swords of Wrath

The Legend of Feliscar begins before his birth. A great nation of theocracy was founded, the nation of Solazul. It had faced many challenges, but no such adversity tested the mettle of the people of Solazul than the great Dragon Wars.

The Dragon Wars lasted for over 500 years. And when the Azulites thought that the foe had finally been defeated, that all dragons were hunted down, one dragon was planning a final invasion from afar.

Resfar, the greatest of the red dragons, attacked the capital city Solaris and was met by the Archknight, the military champion and leader, Caniscar.

Caniscar pursued Resfar until he, with the help of Stelanthor, his friend, slew the beast. But the dark soul lived on and possessed a powerful wizard. Caniscar led the forces of Solazul to the Draconian Isles where the armies of Resfar waited. The armies clashed but eventually the Azulites emerged victorious.

Convinced, however, that Solazul could not be safe from the monster's influence, Caniscar sought passage to the Dragon Hell to destroy the spirit of Resfar and end his very existence.

He did, against the warning from Sagern, the Archmage and prophet, eventually go to the cold dark shadow realm and destroyed Resfar, but only after calling upon the aid of a mysterious force of shadow.

This force was Shadrax, the Shadow Dragon. Shadrax, a being of spirit, and Caniscar, a man of flesh and bone, merged to create a single dark being known as Shador.

Shador had but one goal, to destroy the people of the Almighty God, the Azulites. Turning the shining city of Solaris to ashes, Shador failed to kill the king's heir to the throne, Feliscar.

Now, called by the Great Almitar, the Holy God of Solazul, Feliscar seeks to save his people and to restore the once great nation.