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Mr. Darkchaos

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Chaosguy) and was a member of DarkChaosAlliance

Obliterated by The Horde, many kingdoms disappeared from the face of the earth. However, one remained: The DarkChaosEmpire. Faced with hordes of The Horde, the valiant Darkchaospeople did not bow down. They fought with all their dark and chaotic powers and defeated The Horde.

But the price was very high.Many of the mighty darkchaospeople were slain in battle. But, once again, the world was endangered. Many kingdoms had risen, powerful kingdoms. They were taking over the world and Darkchaos had to stop them.

In an attempt to combat the overwhelming forces of light, darkchaos founded the DCA: The DarkChaosAlliance. Knowing that the future was grim, he prepared an army of orcs to face the challenges that awaited.