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Mr. Otyuin

Lived in Era 23, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Flames

About Dwarves
Dwarves are stout creatures that live in the mountains. They have longer lives than men but do not have the immortality of the elves. They love food and enjoy good craftsmanship. To this point they are renowned miners. With their long memories and patience they have worked long and hard to spread through and populate the mountains. Although patient their anger is severe and lasting. Strong for their size they make good warriors.

Outyuin was a dwarf that at the age of seventy had the experience of an old human man but he was still ignorant in the eyes of the dwarves. He belonged to the Yiulo Clan., one of the ten that ruled the dwarves. Son of the clan leader, Frylior, he was the next in succession to lead. It was now his turn.

As he watched the fires of the city, Umblathi, burn to the ground. The orcs were meticulous in their attacks if nothing else. Every building, terrace, and hillside burned with the stink of tar used to light it. The dead burned everywhere, strewn over hillsides and houses. All were slashed by swords or pierced by arrows, limp as the fires devoured them. Orcs crawled over the twisted landscape. Nazgul cries shattered the night as the massive beasts blocked out the sky.

Outyuin and his companions turned their steeds, sturdy mountain goats made to grow to an incredible size by the massive mountains and their predators. The city was dead and the journey to the next dwarf city was long. Behind them they left their early years and before them was the world of humans between them and their kinsmen. The passage would have been short had it not been that the orcs had cut of the southern pass and the tunnels in the mountains.

Chapter One: Dreaming

After a week’s travel to the east they saw the end of the valley. From their camp against a rock face on a plateau they could see far and wide. For many of they group this was their first sight of flat lands. Only Tyquio who was two hundred had ever ventured outside the safety of the mountains. It was the Sea of Grass they called it back home thought Outyuin. A great expanse of low hills and rivers, populated only by small Human villages and Halfling cities tucked away behind the biggest hills.

To the south though, along the mountains were the Trolls. Monstrous creatures they lived in the deep forest. They tended the trees there. Digging canals between rows of trees planted centuries before. Peaceful they never ventured far outside their own lands although they would defend their homelands ferociously if someone had the courage or insanity needed to attack them.

To the south was their path. They would keep the edges of the forest as long as they could but sometime they would be forced in. Humans set up logging settlement along the forest to help supply their ever growing cities.

Away from the mountains everything was out of size. The tree looked ominously big and the rivers seemed to go forever in one direction. It didn’t help that he had been daydreaming. Sights of flames and the bodies of the dead filled his eyes. The smell of burnt flesh swamped his mind. Outyuin shook his head vigorously clearing his mind of the waking dreams. “Outyuin!” Kioler, one of his companions, called “You have been standing like that for fifteen minutes and you’re starting to scare us.”
“Sorry” Outyuin replied “I’ve dreaming again. The images always comeback, the smell the sounds… they all come back.”
“Hey, it’s over. We high tailed it out of there. There is no way in hell that they tracked us. Not with the rivers we crossed flooding because of the rain. We’re safe until we have to cross the forest. The Hammerthrowers we have with can hold them off while we cross them going south. We only have two weeks until we’re back in dwarf lands.”
“The orcs are not the ones that I worry about. Humans grow like weeds. The scouts say that they have spread to the forests. They are the ones that I fear most aside from the trolls.”
“Trolls? Outyuin I think that you have had too much sun. The trolls are long gone. They aren’t smart enough to live in the changing world today.”
“Whoever said that brains were needed to survive must not have had much of them himself. You don’t need brains all you need is an unlimited supply of military. That the trolls have. Do you really think that we can pass them and stay ahead of the trolls?”
“Hey all I am trying to do is raise our spirits. It has only been a week since we fled the city and some are thinking it’s not worth it. We need to stay alive.”
“I’m sorry. I lost everything in that attack. My family, my belongings, my… everything, it’s all gone.”
“Hey we’ll pull through. Now come on and get some sleep we start the descent tomorrow and it’ll be a long day. Come on.”

Chapter 2: The Journey

Days passed slowly. The day got hotter as they moved south. The estmate of two weeks wasn't close. The distance was much greater, the fast that the weather wasn't good didn't help either.