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Mr. Odun

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarson) and was a member of Clownface Industries

Odun, son of Udun "the great", first of his name, was born a noblemen, set to rule his freshly created city of Dragon's Gate.

Upon his childhood years, Odun recalled the war stories his grandfather used to tell around the festivity fires Odun's people threw every other moon. Odun's particularly loved the tail of the child warrior and the bear. He sometimes used to think the stories his grandfather told were of his own childhood, many many moons ago.

Luckily Odun was born a Noble birth in the city of Dragon's Gate, belonging to the greatest war strategists and adventurers in the land. It wasn't long before Odun could fully grasp what he was to become when he turns a man, at the age of 14. It was customary in their culter for a boy to chose his wife as soon as he becomes a man, but only if you also sign up for the military prior to marriage, and married Odun did, to his childhood love Yvette.

Odun and Yvette sharred a wonderfull first year together while he finished up his 5 year-long military bootcamp and officer training, as it was customary for the son of the tribal military leader to ultimatly replace his fathers, and generational role in society. It has been done this way for over 15 generations of the dun's.

It didnt take long for Odun to succeed his father, for at the age of 18 Odun's father Udun had been killed when the warmonger Prince Erythnul attacked one of the dun tribes cities called Craters Edge, in which Udun was crushed by falling rock during the siege.

By this time, the dun's had reached an alliance with another local Noblemen and co-founded the Kingdom of Rebirth, where from that moment on, everything had changed, Prince Erythnul killed the greatest military leader of his time, Udun, and his entire kingdom of StompStompers (aka the SS) eventually paid the ultimate price. Four years later, the SS are broken and scattered throughout the lands, some stick together, some forge new alliances, but Tong, now the lone wolf of the fallen SS has made first offensive strike since the war had ended, almost 10 years ago.

Tong violently took over the thriving city of Hotzone, ruled by a chidhood friend of Odun, and only two days distance from the military center of command that Odun occupied in the Middle Earth city of Tbagdad. Odun had been stationed their in preperation for the impending attack of ClownFace Industries, who were for many ages, the most powerfull and violent Kingdom in Valhalla. ClownFace Industries and Odun had never scuffled in the past due to a thinly-created alliance between the late Udon the great and the mighty Johnny CF (ruller of ClownFace Industries). However, when Odun's Monarch, Tryout did not want to allow ClownFace Ind. to occupy any of the new lands taken from the SS, Johnny CF was not happy about it and launched a full scale attack against Odun and the entirety of Rebirth.

More than 3 millions troops over a dozen armies began to invade the land of Rebirth within days of first site on the horizons. The kingdom or rebirth was now cast beneath a dark shadow of blood and gore as the ClownFace armies tore through the land. There was only one thing Odun and the residents of Rebirth could do, and that was fight for their lives harder than they had ever fought before.