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Sir Guardian

Lived in Era 14, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Kingdom of Heaven

I trudge on wearily, leaning on trees now and then to catch my breath, eating the berries and fruit I see in my travels. The battles I have fought while I was a youngster in my Orc village were nothing compared to what I have faced so far. The grown men of other races are definitely much more powerful physically, and magically. I am still shocked that I came out of the past battle alive. Ahh well, at least I still have my trusty sword, and my wits.

I have a keen way of building up my kingdom, and my throne is lavishly adorned with only the best gems in the land! All who come before me must pay a tax to speak to me! If not, then fear death, as I show no mercy...I even had one of my family members killed for she would not pay tax to speak too me.

As a general I know the inside track of becoming a great general. Learning the ways of a general in my Orc town has helped me get through many a tough battle, sometimes with only myself surviving out of 100k troops. Now I am not a coward, and I run from no man/battle. But sometimes you have to save yourself to fight another day with different troops.

This is the latest entry in my logbook...more will be forthcoming

2nd entry: I see some of my brotheren have been busy taking control of the countryside nearby. The fallen walls and towers are results of their successful battles fought the days before. The smell of burning flesh and death still purmeates the air, as there are still corpses smoldering as I take in the carnage. I will make cities look like this someday soon, I SWEAR IT!! I have found no berries/fruits on the trail today, and am feeling very hungry. I may have to resort to killing an animal...ahh what a feast that will be. Me with a fat belly, and my sword. The only thing that would make me happier is an army of mine numbering in the tens of thousands conquering a vast village/city!

Thus ends todays post