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Sir Acelnorst Dezhelian

Lived in Era 26, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Rogue Phoenix

On the first day of this new Era, Acelnorst de'Zhelian was chosen by his people to fund the new region that would lead his family's name to glory!

In order to achieve this, he joined The Alliance, a great kingdom that seemed to be a good option for him to make his aportation. But trouble started right away. The Alliance leader's sector was wiped out by the well-known Diamonds, while the eastern flank sucumbed to the Wild Boys' might. And there I stood, fighting all alone while my kingdommates restarted behind my protective cities. I was holding off Mr. Avionaro, a veteran player that had soon taken about 6 cities arround him and eliminating all of my pals on that sector but me. Garibaldo and Dwarf Assassin, at that time members of the NARUTO kingdom, were fighting him too. For this cause, they decided to leave Naruto and join The Alliance, so that we could fight together.

After months of struggle and hard fight we started to gain terrain from Mr. Avionaro, but the alliance was now very weak. Only Dwarf Assassin and myself were substantially powerful, for Avionaro almost had wiped out Garibaldo. But we talked amondst us and we decided to fund a new kingdom: The Rogue Phoenix Kingdom (with a fancy banner made by myself :) ) So the initial foes became members of one only kingdom.

The Rogue Phoenix incorporated a few of the former Alliance members that were worthy. Theese are Hodgesd and Griever Maelstrom. Garibaldo joined too, for he helped much on the initial fight against Avionaro and did not give up. The Rogue Phoenix expanded quickly and soon we had a worthy territory and power. At that time Solaris kingdom contacted us and we started the conversations that ended up on the friendship and alliance of our two kingdoms.

We Pushed down south against the Diamonds, who were being attacked by many kingdoms at a time. one of his members, who had put up a good fight against our offensive, decided to join us too. The Diamonds were finally defeated. At that point the drug lords kingdom merged with Cannabis and formed the Cannabis Lords kingdom. They started attacking everyone, in a simmilar way to what Diamonds did, and soon many kingdoms teamed up to beat them. They made another kingdom, called The Allied Kingdoms attack us, but they didn't manage to penetrate our border and we launched a counter-offensive that at this point we almos got them wiped out of the map. We alsothe Cannabis Lords, and managed to get a chunk of nice territory, with our friends Solaris as neighbors :).