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Family History

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Ms. Terryn

Lived in Era 27 and got 1 heir(s) (Eryn).

Terryn was born on the stroke of midnight, amist the thundering rain. Her mother died after her birth, after one last glance at the child she gave birth to. Because of this, most of her family's relatives and servants viewed her as a demon. Even her father followed everyone's views.
"No, she's not my daughter." her father said, forcefully pushing the baby away.

"Take her away and abandon her somewhere."

With that, the father turned around and left the room, allowing no disagreements.

The maid, Mary, looked down at the sleeping girl sorrowfully, but an order was an order. Mary tied her dark ragged cloak on and slipped the baby carefully under her arm and set off.
Mary relunctantly set the baby on the steps leading up to the grand doors of the rich merchant.

'They'll take good care of her.' Mary thought to calm herself and turned around to return to the castle. A sharp cry stopped her. She turned around to see the baby had awoken. Mary closed her eyes as a tear slipped down her face and reluctantly turned around and hurried off.
"Who's crying outside? You, go check." the duchess ordered the nearest servant.

The servant humbly bowed and went out side to check. Upon her arrival, she discovered a baby girl, crying. Her midnight black locks matted to her forehead with sweat. The door's creaking alerted the baby. The baby girl opened her eyes. The servant gasped and unvoluntarily took a step back. The baby's eyes were pools of endless black but the terrifying thing was the blood red hue.
"TERRYN!!" the shrill scream echoed through the spacious hall.

A dark haired girl peeked out from around the corner and looked at the middle aged woman with curiosity.

The women, donned with expensive silk, took a step back as her lips curled in disgust. The girl's redish black pupiled eyes freaked her out no matter how long she had been with her.

"Yes mother?" The little girl, whose name was Terryn asked.

"We're going to the palace. His Majesty invited us to court."

Terryn made a face at the news. She hated going to court. The first time she went there, the servants there recoiled at the sight and whispers followed her. After that, her mother didn't take anymore but this time, it seemed was different. six-year-old Terryn prayed that this time would be different.
"Terryn, help me get the laundry will you?"

A twelve year old girl peeked out through the small hut's dirty windows.

"Sure mom!"

Terryn hurried outside to get the laundry.

"Mom, why are you getting the laundry now? They aren't even fully dried yet?"

"Oh honey, today's the princess's birthday. Today's the day Her Highness becomes sixteen. And today your going to be turning sixteen also! What a coincidence! His Majesty wants to take the princess for a ride in the country as her celebration before the official party."

Terryn tried hiding her eyes. Ever since she was six, she had never longed to go to court or to see the king and everytime she saw the king, he would glare at her with hate. She never knew why. It was after that day to court when she was six that she decided to run away. Her nurse, Grace, had decided to accompany her. They had run away from the city into the country and set up life as simple country folk in the small town. And life had never been better.

"'re coming after you."

"No mom, stand up, please. I don't want to leave you behind."


Terryn dragged Grace to a nearby lean-to.

Grace took time to catch her breath before gripping Terryn's frail shoulders.

"Terryn, I think it's time to tell you the truth."

Terryn's expression was filled with confusion.

"Mom, what do you mean?"

"Terryn, I'm not your mom. And neither was the duchess. Sixteen years ago, when you were but a newborn, someone left you on the duchess's doorsteps. I was sent to take you inside and to take care of you."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Terryn...neither I nor the duchess was your true mother."

"What?" disbelief was written on Terryn's face. "Then who is my true mother?"

"Terryn, don't you think that the princess's birthday and yours is a little too close to be a coincidence? Although the princess has black hair and eyes, she doesn't have any similarities with His and Her Majesty. But you on the other hand, has the queen's eyes and mouth. You also share your father's profile. ...Her Majesty died the minute her child came out. People were saying that she gave birth to a demon spawn and protested to the palace officials that the royal family should get rid of it. A couple days later, you arrived on our doorstep. The cloth you were in was an expensive silk with the design of the royal family."

"What do you mean?"

"Terryn, you are the princess."

Terryn shook her head violently. "No way. I can't be the princess. What about the princess right now?"

"That princess is probably a fake that they brought in to take your place."

Suddenly, Grace bent over in pain. Blood bloomed from the area around her stomach.

"Oh no. The wound wasn't treated!"

Grace's breath started getting short as more blood flowed out.

"T-Terryn, I know I won't last past today. You need to run away. I can't go with you this time. I'll only be a burden. Go..."

Grace used the last of her strength to push Terryn away.

Tears streamed down her face as she cast one last glance back towards Grace's limp body and ran away.