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Sir Azgaroth The Brutal

Lived in Era 15, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Legacy

Azgaroth is born under a troll royal family of Stormblade. The Stormblade has rule supreme over the trolls for many years and are profficient with both magic and combat. The Stormblade family is an old allies of Sumulate, an old Dragon sage wised in the ways of magic.

When Azgaroth was a little kid. He like to use slave as a punching bag and test the potion that he made on them. He use them for magic practice as well as hunting games. As he grow older into the age of 18, he is even more brutal. He would whip the heck out of his human slave if one single mistake is made while they are serving him.

Although Azgaroth is quite brutal and careless to his slave, he is quite generous to his people and allies. He gained reputation and respect from his people from doing countless battles against their enemies while serving under a general called Narenku as an apprentice when he was a teenager.

In his 18th birthday, Sumulate who dearly valued Azgaroth bravery and generousity brought him the ultimate gift, the Fire Blade. The magical blade was made from Sumulate's searing heat for 7 days and night combined with a magical minerals stronger than even diamonds itself.

From the age of 18 to 21, he has been in combat using his mighty Fire Blade which was given as a gift by a Dragon called Sumulate at his 18th birthday. The Fire Blade are hotter than lava and sharper than any sword ever made. He wield it into the battlefield and slain countless warriors both knights and heroes alike. He would then slaughter all men and use women up as slaves.

He get the title of Azgaroth the Brutal when he rised to the position of a king at the age of 30 when his father died. It is rumor that Azgaroth has killed 1280 slaves from testing lethal potions and punching them when he was a kid. A total of 3426 enemies in the battlefield while he was serving under Neranku the great general at the time. A total of 156083 enemies throughout the time that he got his Fire Blade and his kingship.