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Fantasia countdown.
16:39:26 Aug 23rd 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Mr. Brutii
8/23/2008 4:06:49 PMI definately think Gothrim is a way better player than any of you.  Grumpy old star ur the one who needs to stop tryin to drag players better than u down b/c ur not as good as u used to be
the art of Hiding behind fake nicknames it is then.


17:39:43 Aug 23rd 08 - General Ezatious:

like Q said yesterday I don't know what your talking about :)
yet later on mirc she's admitting that she knew maybe you guys should take a look @ yourself :)


18:00:40 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

1, you don't give a ratsass what I think and be quiet :)
2. you actually do care and reply :)

Translation : Please dont reply any more.

I think everyone can see your trying to  manipulate me into not replying here. Poor attempt.


ah well I'm done argueing :)

not worth my time hehe :)

20 lines later you finish.


I was going for a era win but I'm not interested in having the era win over my other goals :) like having my allies pleased or archieving my own war victories or whatsoever :)

What war victories. You done crap all this era except feed on Fusion and Legacy, then go inactive, come back then whore till era end. Your kingdom has had some war victories, they did great to recover from losing their leader and main attacker, but you havent been much use to them, which is a shame, given your reputation in the game as a fearsome attacker.


so who makes a good ally ?
I think your a good ally when you careless about the era win and more about the ally itself than vice versa think about it :)

One that works with you to defeat all your enemies, we did it against Legacy, we did it against Sheolic *ive said many times that a freeze from Ingo decided the war*. DB never once complained when Twilight members came and took some gains, we just wanted to defeat our enemies fast. But the minute we walked down into Music area *after taking every single enemy town and army above Music*, to get to PKS, your members start messaging us, asking us to leave all the cities, they get pissed when we take a few cities on the path down to PKS.

Its a bit of a double standard tbh. You dont mind taking our gains *we didnt mind either*. But once we take a few of your gains you start complaining, im not surprised Oya responded the way he did to you Ford. Especially when we refused to break a NAP and give you the era win, which you thoroughly dont deserve.


18:11:57 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

All I was doing was giving due credit to Twilight. We fought them all era and they were better than us and would have won anyway.

If you read carefully, none of what I posted was really whining. I was just pointing out my assessment of the key role Twilight played, and also the overwhelming role that their all-orc strategy played in this era and will inevitably play in future eras.

(PS. I've no idea who Brutii is)

(PPS After reading the above I'm convinced Fordius is a lot smarter than anyone in DB, lol)

18:31:22 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Lulz:

"(PPS After reading the above I'm convinced Fordius is a lot smarter than anyone in DB, lol)"

After reading your post I'm convinved you're a retard. lol

18:33:10 Aug 23rd 08 - Grumpy old Star:

My god Gothrim, key roles, overwhelming roles, assesments... do you work in a marketing department? Coz i havent heard this much buzz talk from a person in VU in a long time (i think since Roxy stopped frequenting these forums).

An all orc strat is a) nothing new, b) nothing overwhelming and c) no it wont have a major impact on any future eras unless people are stupid enough to fall for the drivel you and the likes of you are spouting around. The key to a good KD is a well formed variety of races to support the various roles players have. An all orc KD is so handicapped in that area that it's just silly to read your claims and keep a straight face.


19:59:11 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Abaddon:

@Holy Paladin

Db didn't stop fighting PKS we're deciding the battles by throwing darts at a picture of you.  It's more fun that way and we don't have to log in as much.

23:59:01 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

fordy, don't you care what i think about you? :)


and brutii...........if you think gothrim is even a decent player, you have much to learn my friend.

01:23:26 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Fordius:

Haha ali :)

yet again it's quite funny :)
when I talk about LGC i didn't take any credits :)
I just said I came in in the right time to help cobra take down the eco towns.

Jet confirmed this aswell so it's quite funny when you keep saying that you guys did it all. Also we have fought more kd's than you guys did :)
so saying that we didn't do jack ass is even more off bs.

you say we have big towns and I whored *beep*loads ?
well it was your leader who said he wanted to take music towns cause else they would lose the era win maybe ( it's his own words not mine )

so really who of us 2 had more desire in winning this era ?
careing more about era win ?

you say we whored allot ?
well when I look @ kd score I see DB = 1.5 our size :)
you guys say you raze down your war spoils when I look in old area's I see nothing that confirms this.

well only against sheolic ( but that's war tactic so they couldn't take back as you guys couldn't keep defending those and you would lose resource if they took it so it's bs ) but it's a good strategy to raze indeed :)

but when we look @ this situation it's more and more looking bad for you guys.

1. you say I / we whored ( our enemies would say otherwise ) but that's besides the point you make this accusation cause we have big towns.
last time I checked you guys where 1.5x our size ( and have huge towns aswell )

2. Yes I've screwed up my kd when I went inactive.
but life goes before vu and whoever said otherwise is talking crap.
you know I was maybe going to quit the game and my reasons were valid.

so even saying something about this issue is not your problem but it's my kd's
I've apologised for this so how come this issue is even your bother ?
so please let them judge me instead of you :) thank you very much

3. your said I tried to shut you up ? wtf is that all about :)

maybe you can't read but I said :)

If you don't care don't reply
if you care reply
so if you care you just reply and when you don't than don't :) how is that making you shut up are you really that smart ? cause please explain the context of that msg where it explains otherwise. Or any1 else that understands how you can twist it.

that about it's not worth argueing is that you guys are only going to throw dirt :)
when there isn't really any point you guys just try 2 bring up *beep* :)
what I don't deny or what I don't hide so not really any point in trying to make me look bad :) if you have really something to say than do that instead of throwing with nothing :)

as far as people can see here in the forums I've answered all questions honestly while some of my questions still got unanswered why ???

like I said no point argueing with you guys.
you guys are DB right whateva you guys do is right ?
well dream on buddy :)

and there is another point left.

Oya never really replied to me but to the guys that actually did something this era. So not really a smart mssg from you.
I never asked DB to stay away from Music but the guys that have fought hard to beat down Music have asked oya to do so.
as far as I know they didn't really bump into the sheolic area to steal towns from your victory but that's as far as I know :)

the guys have asked you friendly not to interfere in the music / twilight war.
and only thing you guys were able to say is : You can steal our era win can't have that. Man please.

so next time get your facts straight before you even say something.
the mssg was clearly not send to me but to the people that actually did something.

I had no point in asking much from my kd as I haven't been there really for them. But they know that when I can be here I would give everything for them.

ah well enough for today :)
keep on throwing dirt guys :)

02:14:37 Aug 24th 08 - Lady Quietone:

twist and turn some more


02:18:26 Aug 24th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

General Ezatious

8/22/2008 12:37:14 PM
Weirdgrivi assen so far this is who's playing:

Tarawin, Roxbury, Frederick, me, scientist, cobra, verll, xanatos, corbett, fizban, aligreat, thomas, dvsmasta, wilberforce, lewatha, osiris, diomedes, salamong, brannigans-law, nephilim, benji, wyzer and xarxes.

XD, remember Andrei The Mad Farmer? He's been on Astro Empires for ages but I thought you guys wouldn't waste time with that *beep* game ^_^

Anyway, he's been telling me peace has been declared on the server or something like that :)

02:19:35 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Game And Watch:

I wish this section of the forums was a pub instead of a message board....with that dartboard Abaddon was talking about...and lots and lots of liquor and a boxing ring for the flamers.  It would be so great :) 

Id be there all night :)  Its like a fulltime job.

02:29:03 Aug 24th 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Ford can it already, there were exactly two people whoring in our little corner of the map, namely me and another one that i wont point out *cough* soc *cough*.

The rest were busy giving everyone around them the trashing they deserved. You on the other hand pulled a classic ford when you turned your back on your own KD after (shockingly repetitively - is that even a word? o.O) losing your naz army. Been there seen that little one so please oh please, just can it, mkay? Hats of to the part of Twilight that kept it together and fought on, you guys did great. I do suggest tho, that you rethink your leading cadre.

And at this point i'd like to give a big hats off to Von Darkmoor for being a straightforward guy with integrity to spare.

05:27:22 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Brutii:

@ grumpy, im not gothrim or a multi of him, im on a totally different world and a player who respects him

07:40:03 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

hey, im not farming! my income is halved cuz i have so many troops! :)

it is sheer force that im on hoh! dont include me in ur horrible, frowned upon, nasty methods raist! :)

07:49:26 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

brutii, you need to stay in that world then or come hang in fant for a while and see, or perhaps just look at the highscores page, btw vets call it HoH page.

07:54:23 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Brutii:

yah i know how good grumpy is i was just kindin i know he is number 1 in fantasia and i never was talkin about HoH at all just that i thought gothrim was a good player even if hes not top 10 shyers

08:14:23 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Chucky:

you fant players sh!t me...

10:53:58 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

ford, stop using :)



10:53:59 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

so saying that we didn't do jack ass is even more off bs.

Yes, you did something, but we already had a massive upperhand... most of their armouries destroyed, 2 of their merges bounced. Cobra inside their core.

you guys say you raze down your war spoils when I look in old area's I see nothing that confirms this.

Well you should really remove the stick from your *beep* and open your eyes. We razed a hell of a lot. If you don't mind my head growing a little, I know I razed around 15 cities, probably more.

  and have huge towns aswell

You have big towns aswell. Just as all KDs do.

If you don't care don't reply
if you care reply
so if you care you just reply and when you don't than don't :) how is that making you shut up are you really that smart ? cause please explain the context of that msg where it explains otherwise. Or any1 else that understands how you can twist it.

Your making out ali is the bad guy if he replies, which is not true.

as far as I know they didn't really bump into the sheolic area to steal towns from your victory but that's as far as I know :)

It would have taken you guys alot longer to clear the path for us to PKS. Don't say we didn't take those towns when they were undefended because you can ask gothrim about him trying to defend his mines and trying to make a tactical retreat.
Oh and you would have closed the gates so we couldn't get through, just as you did with another PKS blocker... but thats alright because you was upholding your peace agreement. We don't have the time nor patience to mess around.

11:47:05 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Fordius:

Let's see first raistlin :)

1. When I was DB I've staid up so many days just to make sure the kd won certain battles while I was babysitting ali aswell.

Does this mean the kd felt short for me cause they weren't active as me ?
yes with Twilight I've been active but when was I inactive when I was with DB?
Thnx to me that era you guys defeated Zeon so quick ( I was moving towards Abydos with a decent army for that moment than my comp broke down so why would I quit when I had the upperhand ? ) so really lame.
In those time I was with DB I was the most active you guys betrayed me by not being so active ( @least that's what you guys say )

this is for Harry

2. Yet again read :)
I never mentioned Ali when I said if you don't care don't post if you care post.
cause when I try 2 talk with people they seem to say I don't give a f*ck yet they reply if you care than you shouldn't act like you don't care easy as that.
it was for the general public. So funny when you guys twist this around.

3. Yes if you re-read maybe you will see that I said it's a good thing for war to raze down the area's but you gotta be honest really this only has been done against Sheolic cause you guys didn't want to relose resources against htem when they took back towns ( it's a smart tactic ) but this has nothing to do that it's just pure tactics.

if you look @ old LGC area where we both came to take down LGC towns LGC razed most before some1 could take them yet they are fully build now :)
really funny how does a 1 town colony gets 50 a 60k buildings suddenly out of nowhere :) so now please before you say something about that think :)

also if you razed all down you would have razed the pks towns you took.
but you knew it was more easy to keep than it was against sheolic you guys didn't. So please stay realistic and keep strategy & making yourself bigger seperated.

3. Yet again false accusations like I said before I never even had contact with any Music player or even better I didn't even interfered when it came to Music you can ask for confirmation from both my kd & music kd :)
when I knew I couldn't lead the kd of my activity I contacted darkmoor and told him and gave him leadership ( strange wouldn't it for some1 that always wanna stay in control I've changed the leadership I find it really strange actually )
but yet again you guys seem to keep saying stuff about me & music.
while there isn't stuff btween me & music :)

so please when you accuse please give things that's based on truth and nothing more ;)

well when it comes to closing gates it's just the same story you guys pulled out on us. And let me say this before you guys accuse me again.
I was the 1 asking for opening gates in boo area you refused but other members in my area did close the gates in the music / pks area. without my interference :)
so they found it loyal to do so and I agree with them :)

13:34:47 Aug 24th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

1. When I was DB I've staid up so many days just to make sure the kd won certain battles while I was babysitting ali aswell.

U r a babysitter for db??

13:50:00 Aug 24th 08 - Lady Quietone:

nice job twisting everything you originally said you had issue with DB over now we've got a whole new set of topics that you're flaming us it ever going to stop or is your next post going to blame DB for the conflicts in the middle east?  Ford all you're doing is twisthing words around a little different every time you post until it's not even the same argument...we've all lost interest like uhm two days back maybe?  next?  Nothing you post holds any validity...and we could stoop as low as you are doing now if we wanted, just not worth it - you arent worth it

13:55:49 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Ford your jumping to conclusions too fast.

I'll start from the bottom and work my way upwards.

well when it comes to closing gates it's just the same story you guys pulled out on us. And let me say this before you guys accuse me again

I wasn't meaning anything bad by saying you'd close your gates. You have to uphold your NAP/Alliance. Just as we had to.

Yet again false accusations like I said before I never even had contact with any Music

I never said you did, I was saying that Music still had armies about and we had to make a path of death and blood down to PKS. I was also saying it would have still taken you guys a fair amount of time to clear a path for us and since its nearly end of era, we don't want to be waiting.

also if you razed all down you would have razed the pks towns you took.

I did raze the PKS towns. Infact i've barely taken any PKS towns. If you mean the music ones i cleared a path down with, I razed most of them. However, I started rebuilding them. Example, (i know i'm giving info out to a place where everyone looks for it). I've changed Fort Goth to my armoury.
Ribatejo and Gold Supplie II were razed, but i've begun rebuilding them because that is infact one of the safest places on the map for cities now we've left PKS. As for Bel Canto Mine, I haven't had a chance to raze it since Seph has been prepping on it since about 4 ticks after I took it.

really funny how does a 1 town colony gets 50 a 60k buildings suddenly out of nowhere :) so now please before you say something about that think :)

Wow, Q has built up a town. We can't rely on war spoils to pay for our killer upkeep. We do occasionally have to build mines. Yeah its an unheard of thing nowerdays. Tell me about it!

I said it's a good thing for war to raze down the area's

Huh, where did you? You said: "you guys say you raze down your war spoils when I look in old area's I see nothing that confirms this."

So funny when you guys twist this around.

We aren't twisting anything around, you tried using emotional/physological blackmail.

14:43:33 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

1. When I was DB I've staid up so many days just to make sure the kd won certain battles while I was babysitting ali aswell.

Really struggling for any points now arent you. Dont forget it worked both ways Ford. Dont talk like you stayed on 24/7. You offered it the first time because you wanted to kill Zeon off fast. Dont make it seem like I or DB came begging you to do it. Same way you asked me to babysit for was only 1 time, and got a temp ban for it, so i refused to do it again.

This is evidence of what Q is saying, your just twisting everything suttly to change the topic.

Harry covered most of the rest.


You can change all the topics again now, we finished.

15:07:13 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Fordius:

Nopez cause till now I've answered every accusations don't towards me :)
while when I say something about DB it got twisted into Ford did this and that ;)

maybe go re-read everything and you'll see :)
anyways this is my last post as I don't have any interest in you guys anymore :)

pointless things that's being said :)

15:31:08 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

You keep claiming your answering honestly each time. So many times you havent or you have told half truths to turn everything on DB. We have logs and i sooooo want to use them, but I dont have permission. But im working on it =p


DB has never denied anything, I think you would have prefered if we did deny everything. But we havent, we admitted to Drenth and Me even though the conversation originally had nothing to do with that, everything else you accused DB of has been admitted to if it was true, show somewhere we denied it. You just felt the need to drag up any skeletons you have on DB. I so wish I was allowed to stoop to your level and do the same.

16:15:21 Aug 24th 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Fordius that 1 time you were with DB you went ahead all high and mighty, took a few towns then gotten your big army killed and went AFK. Yes ofc, we "betrayed" you. Lmao. You don't really expect anyone to fall for that, do you now? You are all gas and air that dissipates at first sign of trouble, thats your trademark. Youve done it one too many times to hold any credibillity still, so do your keyboard a favour and stop posting. Your essays are tedious to read and bring nothing to the table but half-truths and speculations. There, i've publicly called you a politician! Beats monkeyboy, but not by much :p

16:22:51 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Harry wrote: "Don't say we didn't take those towns when they were undefended because you can ask gothrim about him trying to defend his mines and trying to make a tactical retreat."

The forces at The Gothbourg and Fort Goth had been defending against a Twilight army that was to the northwest and the "tactical retreat" that you claim to have seen was probably my moving against a city belonging to Shyers, who had also been loose in our core and taking cities. (Unfortunately for him a halfling ain't no orc, lol). The vast majority of Music armies were over to the east fighting Twilight. Once DB attacked us there was no point in "trying to defend" as we didn't have anything to defend with. The majority of Music players went inactive at that point, and the remaining armies in the east were destroyed by Twilight within a day or two. (Twilight would have won anyway but it would have taken them a wee bit longer, obviously).

Never thought I'd say this but I miss the old Carnage. They might have been our enemies most eras but at least they had class. ;)

17:16:29 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

For some reason Gothrim, I found your post humorous.

In the tactical retreat, I saw you hide in an allies town for a tick, then decide against it and tried to move out lol. The tick after i'd taken the city and we taken down a tick and thus i hit you. That is the end of that.

Can I ask about the armies though. Why are the troops exactly to the 100 in each army?

19:32:21 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Harry, one of my armies had been prepping on Shyer's town and the other one was fleeing from Twilight, going the long way around the mountain because they had already closed off the southeast entrance. Those were the armies you killed that had been "in the field", that I can think of. Neither was acting with reference to anything DB was doing because it would have been futile.

Just because you dragged your fat farming asses right across the map from the far northeast corner, picking up the bits and pieces that Twilight left for you, does not give you the right to say that you defeated me in any shape or form. Twilight defeated me...and Music. By themselves.

19:40:56 Aug 24th 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Gothrim you are indeed sore. Now i'm sorry to dissapoint but you WERE beaten by pretty much anyone who took the time, including us. The only FAT ass i see is you, and it's most likely coupled with pimples on the face and slighty greasy medium cut hair. Now take your FAT fingers off the keyboard, take your FAT ass into the big blue room, take a deep breath through those FAT nostrils of yours and see that VU is a game, and that you suck at it in a big FAT way.

p.s. being called a farmer by a FAT fck like you is indeed slightly insulting as you are only calling it out as you were bested you fcking whining b|tch.

19:42:32 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

I never said I defeated you, I'm saying that you still had reserves.
Twilight did kill you guys and I won't argue with that.

The last post summed it up well.

19:46:07 Aug 24th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

DB are sore that Fordius/twilight beat both music and lgc for them hahaha. Good diplomacy DB, way to dominate :/

19:52:55 Aug 24th 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Natalia wannabe, go join Gothrim in his short trip. Must be hard bein*beep*oungster with a small d|ck, wondering if it will ever grow up to be daddys size.

20:24:42 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Too add to raist, no yours wont grow to be your fathers size.

20:36:26 Aug 24th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

you have an obsession with c0ck? Leave your basement and meet some hot wmnz like me you sad low lifes.

21:37:57 Aug 24th 08 - Grumpy old Star:


04:08:51 Aug 25th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

hey, nasty nat, shut it, whore

and Goth, we had a good go about it, but i will say, your preping armies...well i waas waiting a few ticks to get 100% and then you just ran, lol, Halfers aare not orcs, but seems i didn't need naz :) good fight thou. However, I should have been quickly erased, a few faults on your end and lot on your KDs, all your cities had troops in them but no one moved them out, so wtf is that about?

08:41:20 Aug 25th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

Shyers don't make me post the pics I have of you flashing me your little peker on webcam k?

11:03:20 Aug 25th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

omfg please show that lol i need a good laugh

11:29:17 Aug 25th 08 - Khan Krtek Buldozer:

(PPS After reading the above I'm convinced Fordius is a lot smarter than anyone in DB, lol)

I am a lot smarter than anyone in DB too. And fatter, too. Dunno about the size of my organ though, have not seen it since i had to sell all my mirrors for cookies. But i am pretty sure it used to be huge.

21:06:28 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Falazor:

Shyers is actually rather hung. I remember from back when I played! Now I'm back!

01:56:28 Aug 26th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

frack you people write to long messages in here I cant bother to read it all anymore.

03:25:11 Aug 26th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

lol glad you started this thread, Chef Boyardee?

Nasty Nat,  in case your wondering bout the size of my manhood, forget it, your not worth the time to tell you. *beep* your not worth the wet spot your parents made on the bed, or were you hatched?

Glad your back Flapzajaw :) xoxo

07:24:05 Aug 26th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

you do know that is clearly a fake nick troll right ;)

09:51:40 Aug 26th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

You're a fake troll nick!
Osiris left this game ages ago!! imposter!

20:31:20 Aug 26th 08 - Mr. Falazor:

Osiris is actually the real Natalia! AHHHHHHH

21:49:07 Aug 26th 08 - General Ezatious:

i cant believe DB babysit each other and dont get deleted!!!! wtf is that, clearly zeta showing favoritism!!!

23:02:45 Aug 26th 08 - Mr. Brutii:

lol shyers you wont tell her b/c u have no manhood lol

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