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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Wars (Era 35)

Mantrax Wars (Era 35)
10:32:33 Oct 5th 08 - Lord Random:


10:48:46 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Oop, so many of us hate the iiddiioott. He will change his u.n. again next era. Call it 'SSttuuppiidd guy' and we forgive you, Ghost

11:02:22 Oct 5th 08 - Sir Thomas The Anomas:

damn everyone hates everyone :P give me someone to flame ;D

11:16:54 Oct 5th 08 - Ms. Spy For Odc:


11:27:36 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

ile take you all on myself :P

12:22:27 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

hank spancula has spoken !

23:30:47 Oct 5th 08 - Sir Thomas The Anomas:

O_o did I stop the hating ?

I'm a love spreader!!!

I love you penguin :P

spree tha love


03:17:14 Oct 6th 08 - Lord Random:

Thomas is an ass pirate :)

05:45:32 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Sir Thomas The Anomas


10/5/2008 5:30:47 PM
O_o did I stop the hating ?

I'm a love spreader!!!

I love you penguin :P

spree tha love


I'll stay quiet on here for now but I'll be looking out for Ghost on the map. Since everyone already hates him on the forums and that has no affect on him, I'll try the old-time method of slashing his throat. Then he'll have a little difficulty talking and I'll have some peace :-)

05:53:11 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Lol and wat kd you in Rubyian?

06:04:02 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

The greatest one, figure it out from there ;-) We have no war with your kd saddly :-( But I will slit your throat eventually, unless Arma interferes.... There will always be next era then :-)

06:05:39 Oct 6th 08 - Lord Random:

look at the Hoh ghost..... fuzzy :P

you think your all mighty armies can run at them ghost

06:10:48 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

By greatest, I ment one of the 2 greatest :D Heaven ftw :-)

06:15:18 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Lol sorry must not be the greatest kd then cuz we arent in the #1 kd yet.

Haha fuzzy haha thats all.

Random honestly are you new? the HoH are #s not power. Ive ran through many HoH armies before. Its pathetic to watch lvl 1s and 2s die at the stupidity of ppl thinking it makes their armies Bad Ass

06:23:27 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

And what makes you think we use lvl 1s? I have 2 scouts with lvl 1s, don't know what else you could be talking about...... My armies are pure axers and Mus, and I have a few armies;-)

Insubordination The Devastators

Battles won: 335
Battles lost: 207

Players: 17
Mr. Hanky Panky
Sir Stirlin
Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwawa
Mr. Orcinus Orca
Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen
Mr. Wildspy
Mr. Deadordying
Mr. Leoric VII The Lazy One
Ms. Viper
Sir Gallyon
Mr. Elon II
Mr. Lurk
Mr. Coaltrain
Mr. Chimey Chonga
Sir Woody
Mr. Rubyian
Mr. Free

Battles won: 223
Battles lost: 127

Players: 12
Ms. Kish
Mr. Same Name
Duke Ozai
Mr. Skiepe
Mr. Ghost
Mr. Destroyer
Ms. Marinegirl
Mr. Brutii
Mr. Deltasig
Lord Sabbath The Dark
Mr. Dmitrie
Mr. Undermined

06:29:43 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

HAHAHAHAHA AXIES!!!!HAHA IM SO SCARED!!!!!! Now you just get to rock me to sleep tonight jumbo

07:18:19 Oct 6th 08 - Lord Random:

Mr. Ghost


10/6/2008 3:15:18 PM
Lol sorry must not be the greatest kd then cuz we arent in the #1 kd yet.

Haha fuzzy haha thats all.

Random honestly are you new? the HoH are #s not power. Ive ran through many HoH armies before. Its pathetic to watch lvl 1s and 2s die at the stupidity of ppl thinking it makes their armies Bad Ass

Ghost.... you know i'm not new, i've been flaming your pathetic existence for a few era's now, and its evident that i will have to be for a few more, your still as nub as your first time.

I was merely saying that Rubyian was on the Hoh, and that you could check there if you wanted to find out what KD he was in.

Also, how many Hoh armies have you 'ran through' this era. I doubt any.

You are a Nub and i hope you do 'ran through' all Rubyians armies.

07:23:37 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Haha Random i was wondering why ive never heard of you. Not important enough i guess or your flames are completly dumb and lacking anything good to laugh at. But keep the flames coming. Just the attention i want. Thanks for giving it to me Nubtards im enjoying laughing at your stupidity. And no i havent ran through any this era because no one is stupid enough to bring them by my nazzies or their to much of pussies to do so. Team effort took out Brains 500k army and we are about to do it again. Then when Rubyian gets off his lazy ass and comes and finds me ill walk through his pathetic armies of axies. ahaha axies ill be laughing at that for awhile

07:39:33 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Hehe, keep laughing :-) Your on the opposite side of the map from us or you definitely would be dead by now. I can see a few of your blockers though, hopefully we'll finish this war with RoC up before arma kicks in so I'll have a little extra time to turn your Nazzy scouts into mules for my pezzies to ride :-)

07:44:49 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Haha scouts thats funny. Who the hell you been fuking for your eye site to get so bad. Ooo scary you see my blockers. wat will i ever do. Idk maybe laugh at ur thousand of attempts to break them and watching ur axies walking into a suicidle area. But have funny rebuilding armies. I wont need to worry about it ive got plenty of reserves

07:48:21 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Hmmm.... Cussing again I see..... You sound a little frustrated.... And here I was thinking you totally ignored the fact that everyone hates you. Seems you have feelings after all :-)

07:51:34 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

ITs 11 pm at night. I dont have any Cigs or Dip so ya im annoyed a little.

07:55:47 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Hmmm... Both bad habits:-/ But whatever it takes to stay happy right :-) Its 2:00 A.M. where I live so you don't have a lot to complain about :-/ So for now, complain to someone else, I'm off to bed.

07:58:20 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Oh ive got a lot to complain about since ive been up for a week thanx to some BS going on in RL. But ill spare you the details since you probably all lack the intellectual capicity to even understand the situation

08:06:11 Oct 6th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mr. Ghost


10/6/2008 2:51:34 AM
ITs 11 pm at night. I dont have any Cigs or Dip so ya im annoyed a little.

You aren't of legal age for those and they are more trouble than they are worth even if you could care less.

I wish all the sh*t talking on the forums would stop...especially when half the threats aren't even carried out...if you are gonna make a it rather than come on here like "ima gonna gonna pwnzors joo so badly wit mah nazzie armehs...I is such a badazz an' can talk howeva I wan' on teh forums."
Really...actions speak louder than words...take it from me the Zetamania topic is a great example of all talk and no action...learn from others mistakes and errors instead of just getting worse...hell I am not even on this world, but hearing people talking like this really is pissing me off finally. 

Sure people may say "oh Charley Deallus wtf are you doing in another topic...trying to get a higher post count? I see you in every topic on VU." well f*ck their opinions because I hate seeing stuff like this go unchecked...jeez if I was a mod I would say "shut up and show it on the field of battle instead of with your mouths".  The immaturity is outrageous! I am working on not arguing so much in the forums so don't go throwing that up in my one is perfect, but DAMN there needs to be something said for some of these world topics.

08:17:00 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Charley there is a reason i dont care about Cigs or Dip and im not supposed to tell ppl that reason. I could careless wats legal and illegal. Most of which is fun, is illegal. The main things that are fun to me that arent illegal are sky diving, scuba diving, snowboarding and hanging with my girl and my friends. I apologized for being an ass last era and wtf did i get?more fuking flaming. so why the fuk should i stop honestly if the only one who gave me a break was Wilber(<3).... Then your always getting on me for defending myself against ppl who dont know sh*t about me and my experiences with this game. When they back off ill back off but not until then. They wanna be immature and not lay off when i try to stop then ill be fuking immature right back and not lay off. Ya you guys will point at me saying "oh you started it justin" well pointing at me means you got 3 more fingers pointing right back at yourself. Now im *beep*ing tired and im going to go snuggle up to my girlfriend. Good night to my friends who are still on ill ttyl.

02:32:08 Oct 7th 08 - Mr. Pyrofire:

wow you have to admit they talk a lot on the zeta forum
it has over 1000 posts almost twice ours

02:57:09 Oct 7th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Lol. Justin, you're dumber than i thought. Cigs and dip both kill you and are pretty dam stupid. Also, If you want people to stop bugging you, delete your account and restart completely. But they will still make fun of you if you act ghey so you may be out of luck.

11:07:48 Oct 7th 08 - Necromancer Lust:

dont kingdoms declare war anymore? or are we just secretly attacking each other?

11:57:16 Oct 7th 08 - Sir Stirlin:

seems like everyone but AoA inform you they are going to war you.

13:53:30 Oct 7th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Does it make any difference Stirlin? I lost earlier a town to Heaven (they are your brothers this era); reported to our forum and everyone knows. No need for biurocracy?

19:25:18 Oct 7th 08 - Necromancer Lust:

took that city cuz your armies were approaching our cities, you made the first move "_"

20:48:20 Oct 7th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

Necromancer Lust


10/7/2008 6:25:18 PMtook that city cuz your armies were approaching our cities, you made the first move "_"

Lol Gaia's taking cities.thats a good one.

08:40:36 Oct 8th 08 - Necromancer Lust:

"_" obviously it would be dumb to show you my nazzy armies cuz then that would give you info so

Behold! the king of Gaia, Necromancer lust! bow beneath his power

03:49:03 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Pyrofire:

well if you had 151 gaia it could beat 1 nazzie

if your lucky

07:27:13 Oct 9th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

haha ;)
Necromancer got some very good army's :D

20:36:25 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected Form:


(''')(O.O)(''') RAWR~!

06:47:34 Oct 10th 08 - Necromancer Lust:

my 20k Gaia army is beating every roc city ive come to thus far... jeeze Roc you cant beat some Gaia?


Necromancer. The city of Garreth is now under our command!
They had 4318828 gold, 345080 stone, 117851 tree, 0 food and 2500 slaves in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 3076 troops.

Our troops gained +2 extra experience.

Troops Alive Dead Injured
Armory II (your army)
Gaia 18460
Hammerthrowers 0 0 0
Ogres 0 0 0
Shamans 0 0 0
Nazguls 0 0

06:53:31 Oct 10th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

Lool the joke is he doesnt realize he is slowly bleeding to death.

Alive Dead Injured
Armory II (your army)
Gaia 18460

now its 18K.:P.have a nice day.

07:18:58 Oct 10th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

btw, rubyian is an even better fighter ;)
u'd better be scared of his axes :D, coz he got millions ;)

07:36:41 Oct 10th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

Necro, come knock on my door with that silly army

07:42:59 Oct 10th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Mr. Roheran


10/10/2008 7:36:41 AM
Necro, come knock on my door with that silly army

He is faking........

Old info:

Casting Eye in the sky from xxxxxxxxxx upon Armory II with 98% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The Armory II from Necromancer Lust[H]:
Armory II from Necromancer Lust

New info (less than one tic old):

Through the eye we can see this information about The Armory II from Necromancer Lust[H]:
Armory II from Necromancer Lust

07:44:25 Oct 10th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

Lol No1 is stupid enough to believe him MCMAX although he does have gaia armies....Unless we killed them all.

07:45:08 Oct 10th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

It looks like he have transferred troops from Carbination II (a little old info too, the number is reduced with a couple of hundreds to around 1300 I know) to Armoury II.

Through the eye we can see this information about The Carbination II from Necromancer Lust[H]:
Carbination II from Necromancer Lust

07:46:58 Oct 10th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

he can still come knock on my door with those any time ;-)

11:49:24 Oct 10th 08 - Necromancer Lust:

well those gaia armies i originally used against IoK when they were in power were the remainder armies from the very start of the game "_"  i should really be thanking u, you removed army upkeep

16:17:56 Oct 10th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Welcome in my net as the spider said to the flea:

15:15:36: Tornado won a battle against Armory II from Necromancer Lust. We lost 655 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 0 Riders, 0 Spellweavers, 1380 Archmages.

18:40:07 Oct 10th 08 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected Form:

DRUGS STILL LIVES~! FTW! (''')(O.O)(''')

07:36:44 Oct 13th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen:

everyone is suddenly so silent 0_o

07:39:26 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

we're are trying to work out what the hell has happened to fuzzy :p

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