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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Wars (Era 35)

Mantrax Wars (Era 35)
08:02:25 Oct 13th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

haha ;)
we died, yup.. that must be it :p

don't be stupid, its not that hard to see what happened right?

08:32:06 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

*Doesn't know what happened* :p

08:57:25 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Sir Gallyon


10/13/2008 8:02:25 AM
haha ;)
we died, yup.. that must be it :p

don't be stupid, its not that hard to see what happened right?

No, you are right - it's quite easy.

But it must have been a bitter pill to take for Fuzzy-members.

Not all wanted to follow I see. At least 4. Sir Stirlin and Coaltrain and two we for the time being dosn't know who are.

11:28:11 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. John Dope:


Army Info
Commander: Mr. Coaltrain Kingdom Banner
Kingdom: *No Kingdom*
Size: Division (01-02)
Status: Moving South

Colatrain is now KDless
propably got an app waiting to b approved by heaven

11:32:24 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. John Dope:

Oh and btw...
i've been readin though this
and Ghost, ur one funny guy
you should do a stand up comedy at the corner of 4th n Center
You'd get skull *beep*ed so bad it'd b too damn hillarious not to laugh bout

11:38:20 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Deadordying:

As far as I know, Fuzzy and Heaven merged so that it would be easier to communicate between the 2 kingdoms. As the 2 kingdoms have been operating as one throughout the era it made sense. Unfortunately it is impossible to join a kingdom within 10 days of the end of the era. Some people from Fuzzy did not manage to join Heaven in time hence some players are now kingdomless. No big arguments or fallings out just an anomaly caused by a rule that no-one seemed to be aware of.


12:08:40 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Hmmmm, I haven't read about such a rule either.

That is surely nice to know for the future.

13:19:44 Oct 13th 08 - Necromancer Lust:

Mr. Roheran


10/10/2008 1:46:58 AMhe can still come knock on my door with those any time ;-)

Casting Eye in the sky from Hurts Doesnt upon Suunnnshiiine with 53% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The Suunnnshiiine from Mr. Roheran[ROC]:
Suunnnshiiine from Mr. Roheran

i gotta admit thats one powerful army so late in the era "_" lol

18:45:42 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

lol, its a scout i sent running before arma. no biggy. well done though!!

19:43:18 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

some pzz write my name in kd thingy so i can make a kingdom so im not kdless lol just so i got someone to talk to and can see kd list :P
me feels lonely all alone :(

21:16:31 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Well HP, guess most feels lonely all alone...............

01:12:24 Oct 14th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen:

hanky is a loner all alone in the world =-'(

03:25:32 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Knigh:

hanky i'll write ur name and u write mine, i know the feeling i am to :(

06:57:46 Oct 14th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

haha ;)
let me explain, I will be going on vacation, starting today, till 24th oktober. the nexy era will prolly already have started when I return.

therefor, I was not able to arrange things for next era. Since heaven and fuzzy are very good friends. It was decided that a merge would be the perfect solution. This way I am asured things go correctly.

It is also better for our communication/merging/organisation...and stuff like that =)
don't worry guys :D. fuzzy might be back soon :) but for now I'm going on vacation :)

bye all, see ya next era

11:25:13 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Knigh, why did you leave ROC?

11:28:24 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Vapor:

joining up with tds for next era

23:09:19 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

What's happening with this guy?

Message From Mr. Free


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Mr. Free [H] (10/16/2008 8:04:41 AM) GOOD BAD
thank for all the gold stupid!!!

I am eating his towns with no resistance at all - and look what he is posting. You couldnt even re-take any of the towns I have taken from you *beep*.... See now?

23:12:03 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

by that I mean 'iiddiioott'

00:57:12 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Knigh:

i left roc to go to tds for next era, but im lazy and didnt read that u cant join a new kd in the last 10 days so got stuck being kdless, and roc being the traitor they are have decided to attack me for my mines altho i have done so much for them, i even stopped a big heaven attack on roc before i left, but still there low lifes that jus grab at anything (some execptions e.g. John dope, mcmax benji think thats bout it)

04:03:24 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Free, how could it happen one Orc could freeze you one of your main armies, you being an Elf? He he he.

Name of the army: 'Dieprick'; I would have named it 'I'am a prick; and I will die'

And so it happened
We killed all of the 9719 troops and 0 peasants.

08:02:33 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

Mr. Knigh


10/16/2008 12:57:12 AM
i left roc to go to tds for next era, but im lazy and didnt read that u cant join a new kd in the last 10 days so got stuck being kdless, and roc being the traitor they are have decided to attack me for my mines altho i have done so much for them, i even stopped a big heaven attack on roc before i left, but still there low lifes that jus grab at anything (some execptions e.g. John dope, mcmax benji think thats bout it)
i haven't attacked you but think I will now!

08:10:10 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow:

Is it really wise to start making enemys right before you start a new Kingdom Roheran, i would have been trying to make friends this late in the era.

11:04:09 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Knigh:

lol bring it roheran, as i see heaven have taken most ur cities and tbh ur armies are pretty weak, knighs on a rampage now, will only attack those that have preped or attack me in roc, dont add urself to that list

18:38:32 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

lol JLE, its era end so having some fun..


Knigh, come knock on my door to the east, you will see how weak my armies are! your memory is short from the roc kd forum if you believe that is the case ;-)

18:56:02 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Knigh:

omw :)

19:21:14 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected Form:

Sigh, roc is getting ripped that a good thing ?_? Me and knigh was supposed to fight too xD I'm still waiting.... :P

19:24:49 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

depends on which side of the fence you sit hiro!! i think if internal politics would have been kept in control we would not have been breached. I saw very little from Heaven that SHOULD have caused problems. Knigh, Mcmax, mayhem and the guys/girl (Noa!) did a great job holding off all attacks but we broke internally and the cracks showed. now the vultures are circling!! but thats the game!

20:17:33 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Knigh:

yes we held them off well but we lacked activity from our leaders and half the vices, i was sick of it and went to move to tds but got stuck by silly 10 day rule. and as soon as i leave loads of heaven get through, strange that is

20:21:51 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

RoC seems to get rid of some Hot-spurs. But RoC will stay as a kingdom.

21:59:05 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Knigh:

hot spurs? wat u mean by that?

00:34:13 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Brain:

RoC should disband for the sake of humanity.

00:56:48 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Knigh:

yes, yes they should

02:03:39 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Mayhem:

ROC's only problem was the  fact we had to many members doing what they wanted and not listening to what was asked of them.

I (Mayhem) went missing due to Work commitments which ended up keeping me away from the game for to long , however things where going down hill before that , as a leader (vice ) of a empire you ask things of members which to them may seem a waste of time but should be done anyway (whether they agree or not ) , this was not happening even halfway thru era.
 Messages where constantly sent out about protecting core  i even resorted to threats ( which in hindsight now i should of went thru with ) but nothing was happening ( there where a few members who responded  ).

Because we decided to war AoA early on, and  now looking back was a  wrong  descion as we had to travel there to fight them  and we warred for like weeks with no outcome (resources or gold) all the while our core was not being sured up.

Egos clashed , members left and basically we internally exploded .

ROC is and will always be a great empire where i have meet and become friends with a good group of people, unfortunately some choices of members where wrong..


02:48:57 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

erm... seem as im not in a kd so not got a kd forum
can anyone freeze that frigin mereg from bran north of heavens core plzzz :)

Nazzies Paradise & CO (merged)

Army Info
Commander:Sir Brannigans LawKingdom Banner
Kingdom:Army of Anubis
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)
Status:Moving South West

03:18:32 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

pie in the sky will do :P

05:25:40 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Utkarsh Bhardwaj:

hanky where u playing next era?

05:45:17 Oct 17th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen:

i got through blocks by magic means not lack of men from roc =-P only thing you lacked was def behind your blockers so i razed all i came in contact with XD

and max always have at least towers or homes something in warehouse cities otherwise scouts can take millions >=-)

09:43:58 Oct 17th 08 - Sir Cyprian The Doom Slayer:


You really dont know whats in it...


huh is it a fools game ?

If you wonder soo much ask the remainders of drugs ? thell tell you the chaos ? ^.^

10:46:06 Oct 17th 08 - Duke Argyle:

Nice done AoA against heaven, lots of creds for this insane impossible overhand...

11:58:11 Oct 17th 08 - Sir Stirlin:

im kd less to hankyster! so lonely :(

13:30:00 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

im not going to be exactly playing next era just mainly hanging around and maybe farming not sure yet but, i probs be in heaven or fusion, y?, u?

22:10:24 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Quit razing mah cities AoA/RoC -.- I thought you guys would put up a fun fight, not a newb fight.

22:36:37 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Shandar:

I'm having fun. :)

22:46:38 Oct 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mr. Mayhem


10/16/2008 9:03:39 PM
ROC's only problem was the  fact we had to many members doing what they wanted and not listening to what was asked of them.
That is the exact reason why I left...of course some people seem to be hypocrites because they did not seem to understand why I left...Knigh especially begged me to stay and now look at him...

09:14:20 Oct 18th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen:

mayhem no longer seems to be in roc now either. dont know if he was kicked or left but i don know he has been on recently because he took a city of mine =-P

09:29:54 Oct 18th 08 - Mr. Vapor:

mayhem busy irl stuff he stoped about 1-2 weeks ago

09:55:21 Oct 18th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

RL is about being our worst enemy this age..... equal to or maybe even worse than a simple kingdomhopper......

10:14:54 Oct 18th 08 - Mr. Knigh:

u best not be refering to me, i was moving to an ally city, and told  guys i would hit none of u unles*beep* first some of ur playuer thought i'd be free mines they were rong

01:32:34 Oct 19th 08 - Mr. Sloop:

Is it me or did RoC just penetrate heaven's core..?

10:11:11 Oct 19th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen:

and if max is refering to me i too said i would not attack anyone so long as i was left alone i even gave up willingly HALF my cities adding up to 7 cities so you could clear the core of non roc members, half my income and still you attacked.

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