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Forums / In game politics / Abusal of Mod powers: Mark two

Abusal of Mod powers: Mark two
16:21:50 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Aben II:

poor Krum, though i dout he has quit, he will probley come back under a new name without mod powers.

16:25:55 Aug 8th 07 - Sir Scientist:

Right, now that the issue is dealt with, people have heard what Krum has to say and it is over with. Stop flaming Red Hand just because they stick by their leader and just get on with the game at hand. Enough is enough of this and I don't think I'm the only one who agrees with that..............

16:28:30 Aug 8th 07 - Lord Eleutherios:

I don't want Krum to go, for I know him as a good guy. Unfortunately, he is the only one who has the guts to take action for the wrongs that had been done:

1) First of all, mods can take part in the discussions in the forums, but not use their powers as mods in the discussions. I am pretty sure the Admiral has realised that.

2) It has come to this because the Admiral is passionate about RH, for he is one of the founders of RH from a very long time ago. As RH leaders, he is bounded by responsibility to defend his kingdom. However, as a mod, and to the VU community, he cannot use his mod powers to show his passion and bias to his own kingdom. It is a difficult position to be in, but I guess the players who are way longer in the game than I am has seen him crossing the line too many times.

3) It would not had come to this if the relevant RH members at least have the guts to stand up for him and RH in the first place when the debate on the topic was still reasonable. The response I see from RH members are only to escape the points raised, and the lack of courage to admit wrong-doing.

4) Perhaps the VU community and ZeTa should also take a step back and consider the role of the moderator. It is not a pleasant job, and it takes the fun out of the game for the moderator. Any mis-step, no matter how minute, will be noticed, and this is a game for all of us to relax, and not for anyone to be stressed about.
Ok, the flame-bait has been laid. If you don't want to listen to (or read, for the matter) reason, go ahead and make this ugly.

16:31:45 Aug 8th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

I agree with you, Elethingy.


16:32:46 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Aben II:

i agree as well i don't what to see Krum go.

16:36:25 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Rocky:

All menbers of the RED HAND stand behind our king right or wrong just tell everyone else to stop b!tching they got what they wanted could not handle their problem on the battle field so they came to the forum to do their dirty work happy now SMUFF and Spoon and all the other cry babies out their? RED HAND KGDM STANDS UNITED.

17:00:06 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Orly:

Could you please stand united in some other game? :>

17:03:44 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Aben II:

how did people know Krum was a mod unless he told people.

It seems to me the new mod [who ever it will be] shouldn't tell anyone their a mod.


17:06:56 Aug 8th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

rocky, dude... Anoying little...

How old are you? 9?

17:16:15 Aug 8th 07 - Ms. Persephone:

Personally, I do not have anything against Krum, I have played against him and alongside him multiple times throughout the eras. The problem i had was apparent inconsistency of the use of mod powers. If you are going to apply rules governing the locking of a trhead, then those rules need to be applicable to ALL the threads, not just the ones concerning a certain kingdom or yourself. When one only applies the rules to threads concerning ones own interests, then all objectivity is thrown out the window. 

In effect that mod loses credibility. We all have seen threads with a hell of alot worse flames and spam going on in multiple threads, occuring at the same time as the locked threads in question, but yet go unmoderated..... 

I also wonder if this whole mess wouldnt have happened if krum hadnt tried to have the last word in the thread......


@Rocky: That post of yours was a fantastic and insightful look at the event in hand, i am impressed with your clear show maturity....<note sarcasm you little twit>


17:25:38 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Rocky:

my name say it all I like to fight you come at me or my kgdm i will fight back or talk trash am loyal to my kgdm thats all. Its just a game a WAR game at that , I think if people have problems with each other fight it out if you win congrats if you loose their is always next time. I realy dont see the big deal about what krum did, if was any of you guys had the power krum do, they would off done the same thing all am saying is lighten up its a game folks.

17:27:13 Aug 8th 07 - Sir Paffician:

No Hathor, your hurting little Rocky, how could you say his 9! Hes 10 and a half :D :D

17:28:13 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Rocky:


18:23:51 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Helmuth Von Moltke:

The issue isn't with him as a person, it's with his moderating abilities.

If he will be a good moderator, and can act impartial, unbiased, and can keep ingame-influences out of his moderating decisions, then I see no problem with him remaining. But I think he knows he can't be, and recent developments have shown this, hence his resignation. Nobody was saying he should quit completely, just that he should be more aware of his actions. If he wants to take it so far as to leave, then he can, but that sort of response was not encouraged or warranted. All we want is a fair forum.

19:10:26 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

i agree with Eleutherios and Helmuth, Krum shouldnt leave. i have said this. he needs to stop abusing his mod powers. if he feels he cannot do this i have no problem with him leaving.

and Rocky grow up. this thread is not about how we were beaten, i accept we were beaten (thanks to Karac who i do not begrude in anyway for this situation ;P) you were the one, along with Strike, that turned this into flame bait.

19:12:11 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Diplomat The Weirdgrivi:

Krum is evil and sucks. He had a personal vendetta with me and banned me anytime he could. It was truely horrible, sooo many times being banned for no reason! (And I bet i was not the only person that he was stalking.. )
Finally he quitted. I really appreciate the end of his reign of terror. Maybe this day (August the 8th) should become some sort of national vu-holiday? Let's celebrate Krum-Liberation-day?! Anyone, hmm?

19:30:36 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

krum leaving next era so no more red hand >.<

19:36:11 Aug 8th 07 - Sir Paffician:

Did he said so Zakira?

19:38:34 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Orly:

"my name say it all"

Indeed it does, it says you're an immature 11 year old twat, that shouldn't be allowed to post in a forum.

The fact that Krum wants to leave is his own decision, thought I admit I won't be losing any sleep over it, the problem was that he was a biased ineffective moderator that considered the forum as his own private domain and that everybody else posts there at his pleasure. He should have resigned as moderator the first time he did this kind of thing.

21:59:53 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Mr Smuff wrote "i agree with Eleutherios and Helmuth, Krum shouldnt leave."

Well said, sir! And honorably said!

There were several strands that all got mixed up. On Falcons...and now that the era is ending I can happily admit this...there were definitely two sides to the story and the Falcon position is entirely understandable, so I hope bygones can be bygones.

The Carnage river-jumping issue was another. And the question of how transparent moderation is or should be on this forum, and how Admiral Krum went about it. Clearly he wasn't popular as moderator, but then "popular mod" is a bit of an oxym0ron, isn't it? ;)

But there were, and shouldn't have been, also personal attacks on Krum himself. And so it's good to see people taking a careful step back from any hint of supporting such.

Once again, well said, and lets hope Krum doesn't leave, or else rejoins us soon!

01:03:31 Aug 9th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

Orly such a meanie im a vice in red hand by the way :(

03:14:38 Aug 9th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

your a vice and you either dont no what a MAP is or you wernt informed for our MAP. hence your messages saying, 'get out of our territory' and 'whats this army doing, are you going to attack us?' blar blar blar

04:47:46 Aug 9th 07 - Mr. Thunderstrike:

Krum isn't going anywhere...mark my words...I've seen players like this before...He acts powerful, people react to his deleting threads and such, so he stomps his feet and pouts... "I'm quitting"...It's in his blood now, he either is all talk, or he will quit only to return...

It is a game Krum, you are ok...we chatted a bit... but seriously, the only beef people seem to have is your locking threads or deleting them to protect you or your kingdom... You cannot censor the public in a public forum...

Not worth quitting over...just cut it out...

18:33:35 Aug 9th 07 - Mr. Nieander:

I'll be the next nazi-mod and close every thread that doesn't have at least 50% of the posts on how good and awesome I am....

but don't you people worry, Krum was never able to actually quit VU..

20:03:43 Aug 10th 07 - High Lord Kland:

As one of the founding members of RH, I was really pissed at the accusations pointed towards RH. I tend to refrain from posting in these sections of the forum because of the sheer immaturity and stupidity of quite a number of VU players, but I think some things need to be said.

Krum may have made a few bad choices in locking threads, but he's made a sh!tload more good lock-downs IMO. The "Hi I'm *beep*" thread comes to mind.

Do you think he is the only mod? Do you think he is the only one who locks down threads and bans people? There are other VU mods, however, the others don't have the balls to show themselves. A lot of the bans and lock downs that Krum gets blamed for are done by other mods, or Zeta himself. Krum admits he's a mod because he doesn't care that you all know. Where as the other mods just sit in obscurity and let Krum be the scapegoat for their sh!t.

He's not quitting because people "hate" him or whatever reasons are posted above. He's quitting because he's had enough of all the bullsh!t that goes on in VU. It may be a public forum, but there are still limits on what you can say. I'm sure a lot of your will disagree with that and that is your right, but if you want to talk about "How g@y Krum is" or "Who's d!ck you sucked last night" there are plenty of other places to do this. Bottom line, this is a game and this forum should be for discussions about the game.

Flaming IMO is all part o*beep*ood debate, but personal attacks are just blows aimed below the belt and seem to be the last resort of dullards who can't come up with anything intelligent to say. A lot of the remarks aimed at Rocky were in very bad taste. What if he is 9? Ever thought of that? Is it a crime to be 9? No. So why even bring it up? Maybe english isn't his first language, I'll bet a sh!t load of you never thought of that. Either way, my point is, debate the topic, not someone's grammar or sentence phrasing. I would rather be in RH with Rocky working as a team, then in another KD where the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing.

Now, for the matter of RH breaking NAPs and such. We NEVER had a NAP with Carnage. If any was proposed by any member of the KD, it is not valid unless it is approved by Krum (because he's the leader), He never accepted one, so we do not have one. We have a NAP with Jesters and had a MAP with Falcons. Falcons decided they wanted to attack Jesters and because of our NAP with them we refused to aid them. This does not mean we broke the terms of our MAP, it means that we could not (because of political reasons) attack Jesters because of the NAP which pre-dated the MAP with Falcons. So? What to do? If we attack, we break a NAP (which would have been dishonorable), if we don't, we strain our relations with Falcons. The best decision for the KD was to refuse aid at this time due to our NAP. If Falcons had chosen another target, we would graciously have offered aid and they knew of our existing NAP before they decided to war with Jesters.

We did not break the MAP with Falcons, in fact they ended it and gave us a 48hr notice. They were also the first to attack, they attacked us a full 4-6 hours before the end of the 48hr MAP closure period.

As for Carnage river jumping. You all know my thoughts on this. All I have to say is, RH knows about all the exploits in the game. Krum is a mod, so he probably knows some half of you don't. But we believe in playing fairly and honorably. Just because there is an exploit, doesn't mean you should use it.

I know a lot of you will disagree with that last statement, but IMO, it the the honoable KD who sees the exploit and chooses not to use it. I prefer to face my enemies head on and let the better man (or KD) prevail.

This will probably be my last era as well. This game has been taking up too much of my time over the past few years and I think it's time to move on. I am fed up with all the bugs, exploits and glitches that are obviously never gonna get fixed. I'm also fed up with the lack of forum maturity and etiquette displayed here. This is honestly one of the worst forum I've ever been on and it has nothing to do with Zeta or his mods.

For all who know me I salute you. I have enjoyed playing the game.

For all those in Red Hand, keep fighting the good fight.

20:14:22 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

'We have a NAP with Jesters and had a MAP with Falcons. Falcons decided they wanted to attack Jesters and because of our NAP with them we refused to aid them. This does not mean we broke the terms of our MAP, it means that we could not (because of political reasons) attack Jesters because of the NAP which pre-dated the MAP with Falcons.'

A.) The terms of our MAP stated that NAP relations had to be broken off if they needed to be.

B.) We signed the MAP agreement before half your core got over run by jesters. so your telling me that you NAP'd Jesters before they over run your core?

More red hand bs if you ask me. oh how the mighty have fallen. even their own vices dont no whats going on....

20:57:54 Aug 10th 07 - High Lord Kland:


We never agreed to those terms. If you say we did, then please post the msg from Krum saying "We Agree" and I'll shut up.

As for the NAP coming ofter our MAP, I checked up on that and you are right. They were very close though, that was my error. (BTW, Jesters never took half our core.) However, upon doing a little research I also found that we never agreed to your terms. TBH, without the agreement of terms, I don't think our MAP was valid to begin with. I also discovered that we had a ceasefire with Jesters before our MAP, yes, the NAP came later, but when the Falcons MAP came in the picture we were already at a ceasefire.

Even so, Falcons were the ones who attacked first, before the end of the appointed ceasefire.

20:58:59 Aug 10th 07 - Ms. Persephone:

<As for Carnage river jumping. You all know my thoughts on this. All I have to say is, RH knows about all the exploits in the game. Krum is a mod, so he probably knows some half of you don't. But we believe in playing fairly and honorably. Just because there is an exploit, doesn't mean you should use it.>



Uhmmm....ok....thats all fair and good.....and if you dont do such a thing then more power to you. But please dont act like all of Red hand does not engage in such activity, because they have...proof? glad you asked....


TinyPic image

21:22:25 Aug 10th 07 - High Lord Kland:

Not sure who that is. But if you can show me a second shot of that army on the other side of the river, it will be dealt with, I assure you.

21:28:20 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Orly:

Could you people stop with the holier-than-thou attitude? Look what that got mighty PHI.

21:29:33 Aug 10th 07 - Ms. Persephone:






21:30:01 Aug 10th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

a one up the bum no harm done?

21:39:59 Aug 10th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Damn man, and I wanted my own thread =(

21:50:32 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Helmuth Von Moltke:


I'm loving this round. So many KDs keeping up this "No Riverjumping!" front on the forum, while their own members use the tactic ingame. Priceless.

22:33:17 Aug 10th 07 - Sir Fizban:

And surprisingly the Lgc riverjumping doesn't exist. I'm halfway tempted to just walljump to keep up the 'evil' rep. ;-)

22:46:51 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Rimtas:

riverjumping isnt cheating its just a tactic ;)

22:50:55 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

it call merging !!

23:08:20 Aug 10th 07 - General Konichiwa:

... across a river

23:23:06 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Ithakan:

cant they just make the rivers a bit wider.......

23:58:11 Aug 10th 07 - Sir Scientist:

There are other VU mods, however, the others don't have the balls to show themselves.

When people treat them as they have done Krum, can you half blame them? I don't think that is it the fact that they're hiding the fact that they're a Mod. I think it is more along the lines of, they don't want to get the disrespect that some people have shown Krum. I respect Krum for what he does on the forums, ok he has made a few mistakes but he has done alot for the forums and keeping to the rules. I think that VU has lost a good Mod because people jump at the slightest mistake, yet when it comes to him doing something well on the forum he gets nothing from the people of VU......... (Just my opinion, you guys can flame it all you want, but I do think that Krum should stay)

01:24:10 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

i think Krum should stay as well. the point of me making this thread was not to try and banish Krum from the VU game. but to try and make him see the error of his ways. he openly abuses the Mod powers given to him and i would like him to stop. not stop playing this game completely

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