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Ally Gone Bad
00:21:30 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:





Sabbath you know what Sanoh is talking about. You used glitching to get into the backside of our core to attack us without us being able to do anything about it... it wasnt you but it was your kd.

00:22:25 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

...all you love? :'(

PS-Aw damnit Uther stole the 50th post -_-

00:24:14 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

ok then explain building armories in our core? hmmmm? HMMM?? yeaaa? and armory that was called "trees for me" and also we attacked yall from inside tips on what yall were planning to do.  I will not open that up here cuz they wish not to be known.

And you know i dont give a flyin *beep* anymore do what you want... complain... cry... whine i dont care.

Also who was the last ally we turned down cuz i dont recall that one?

00:25:39 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

lol wtf is glitching? i have never heard of that and im being 100% honest about that.  we have only one army in yalls core where are these ARMIES that you see hiding in the edge of the map.  I  mean if you see them please inform me so we can use them against you :)

Good Day!

00:25:41 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

thats right Charley...

Charley, i miss you...

how are things going?
I talked to Slade yesturday and he told me to join him next era and i asked him what he'd think my reaction was going to be...


then he said fine....

once again i turned down Slade but i told him one day i would be with him...

00:29:35 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

alright so how does a XX army move a good 40 ticks from your core over night into our core without being seen anywhere whatsoever when we have multiple players in multiple timezones...

we have eyes for each half of the day and yet this army pops out of the side of the map and runs for Father's cities?

come on Sabbath do you take me for a fool?

and i am talking about BLS.
Last era you said they were treating you like crap just like your saying to us this time.


00:29:36 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Lord Uther Pendragon


9/22/2008 7:25:41 PM

thats right Charley...

Charley, i miss you...

how are things going?
I talked to Slade yesturday and he told me to join him next era and i asked him what he'd think my reaction was going to be...


then he said fine....

once again i turned down Slade but i told him one day i would be with him...

O_o the last words I said to Slade(that were funny) were "F*CK YOU SLADE!" and then I banned him from a channel on IRC...too bad Salamon unbanned him...I wouldn't join Slade in my honest opinion :) mainly because me and him cannot get along without me wanting to tear his throat out with my teeth.

00:32:51 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

yea uh we never allied with BLS. Lol and if you still dont remember.  BLS thing was join them or die... they threatened us with war regardless of anythign... but im not bringing up that situation agian anyways.. it will only start more *beep*.

Also how does an army move 40 ticks over night?  I mean if you figure that one out please let me know.. cuz i wish i knew how to move armies that fast.

00:35:52 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

High level magic...and the luckiest damn teleport cast ever... :)

00:37:10 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

lol yea i wish charley hehe

00:38:30 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Shezmu tried that once...teleported an orc army into his core :)  unless he made that story up >_>

00:43:06 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

that was originally an actual lumber city and when tension started to rise and we started hearing rumors he started to get a little tense because you already attacked him once, and hell if you would have allowed him to send a scout further south until he got another city up to start with then he would have happily given you that city after he got back on his feet, but he got nervous that you would attack him without warning because of a temporary settlement.

00:47:12 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

yea i dont believe that... he built that and within a day it was a full blown armory.  We also recieved word of a possible attack from yall and right when that happened he had already made his armory at the time.  If it was an intentional Lumber City there why arent there any remnances of it being a possible lumber city.  No lumbermills at all.

00:50:40 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Dmitrie:

Alright well since you’re all so hot and blaming this on stupidity.. Lets talk stupid for a min
Your army landed on my city.. It wasn’t until AFTER I left my city that you starting prepping on it, I had to TURN around and come back.. You claim this whole “you should have warned me.. “  WHY?? you didn’t warn me.. Your excuse of I work 12 hrs a day.. Suck it up so do I…
After I took out your army you went crying to your leader.. BUT if you would have succeeded I would have sucked it up and kicked myself .. For trusting the “nap” you claim to stand by..  Then would you have compensated my loss? I think not you would have told me to suck it up.

IF you were running from AOA did you think that by running up a mountain, in a cove would protect you? I was WAY out of reach to you in the first place, and a 12 hrs movement from your retreat would have brought you 12 tics closer to your core instead of mine.. And to clarify running I did not see any AOA coming after you they are too busy in the north with RoC atm.. So that being said.. If you were running you should have ran back down to your core instead of prepping on my city.. Or sent a courtesy letter telling me you were coming to camp.. I would have not made any movement on you..
When you cross the street , you look on both sides don’t ya.. With all the scouts you have near Dimitries you cannot claim to the excuse you did not know I was there.

And Uther, you cannot tell me that you were starting a tree business in the core, and then within the day have an armory.. after rumors? U have a MAJOR city in our core we never bothered you.. but you chose to come back into our core and build an armory.. that was your plan from the start.. you even tried to camouflage your army by calling them peasant travelers or something and started moving those "peasants" into your major city.. you dont want us to think your a fool... then don't act like one.

00:55:11 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

well said dim... im sure you will still get flamed and accused for a bunch of bull*beep*. but its w/e lol

01:25:21 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Amaroq V:

12 more ticks south would have brought me directly to the middle of ur core. it was try to rebuild in that cove which was a good 30-40 ticks from AoA and a place we had NO LOS.  u attack an army during a map without warning.  and we had absolutely NO scouts near u.  and if u say ur army was GONE, then if i was looking to take the city i would have found it easy with all the troops being riders and arch mages, along with a crapload of pezzis...

01:42:20 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


Dim im not the one that built the city so GET YOUR *beep* STRAIGHT

and your LOS must suck ass because if you couldnt see what was happening north of you then that would explain why you didnt believe the "AoA" story.

Amaroq was running because i ordered him to. I had my armoury left up there and could have pushed back but my computer *beep*ed up and i lost my city, when i got on down at my fathers house i was able to get on and Amaroq was moving south to rebuild asap just like i told him to and my city was gone. All but 1K of my original army was gone so there was no way we could have taken the north back from my armouries position. Amaroq moved south like i told him to and i guess because he saw Father's city he thought it was fine to settle there because the plan was to make the city to get lumber so he would get the lumber build armouries into it to send just in case AoA squeezed through their "Allies" territories to get to us. he was going to use these cities as a buffer to give us time if you guys let them through.

and damn at this time we didnt know that Miller was butt raping AoA because if we would have known then i would have told him to move a little south and stop because the danger from AoA was ceasing but i wasnt there at that time to notice that. So if you blame anyone for anything then dont blame Amaroq because he was taking orders to build a quicky lumber city so he could have lumber to build a quicky Armoury and demolish the lumbermills. In doing this my goal was once again to create a buffer just incase of a breech, there was no intention of anything until we saw you guys mobilizing troops towards our direction.

you want the truth there...

I gave orders to do what was done so that when we needed a buffer other than TDS we would be prepared and once anything came up then we would move that city out.

Us mobilizing small numbers of troops was for that reason and that reason only.

And if you would have come and discussed with me the AoA alliance like we agreed on to begin with we would have trusted you with the diplomatic protection, but like most know i do not put all of my eggs in one basket.

and Dim it was a MAP not a NAP

01:45:50 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

dude how many time do we gotta say this... where you "Intended to restart" was our core.  You had cities to the north of us and south of us.  Yall had scouts running up and down the west side of our map all Era so dont try and bull*beep* us you knew it was there and you knew we had a blocker there.  If you wanted to rebuild you should have gone further south to your OWN core and rebuilt there.

And if you cant read he didnt say build 12 tics further south he said that "12 tics would have brought you CLOSER to your southern core".  Plus you *beep*ed and moaned demanding you be recompinsated for him killing your army.  You even threatened us telling us you would leave the kingdom to attack us if you didnt get reprimanded.

02:05:21 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Amaroq V:

last time i checked there is always a clause where if a city is taken/army destroyed by means breaking the NAP/MAP/Alliance, there is always retribution made.  in case u forgot i'll give u a very common one. 

If a city is taken from a member in the allied kingdom.  that city will be given back along with another of equal size. 

U guys broke alliance terms more than once.  have been untrustworthy and faithfull for 2 eras in a row now.  keep up the good work, soon u will have nobodies trust and will be the target of everyones war...

02:15:57 Sep 23rd 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

Untrustworthy AND faithfull for 2 eras straight? Wow, that must take some effort.

02:16:46 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus: guys really need to....

-Made with 100% chill and no fillers to get that chill feeling-

*Warning, Chill Pills have a number of side effects including paranoia, constipation, vomiting, heart failure, and a small chance of contracting testicular cancer.

02:21:33 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

lol and as you died last era you will die this era too. hehe hate us if you want it wont bother me.  We did what we thought was justified and what needed to be done... maybe there was a miscommunication between us and things just didnt go as planned. hence yall have both ignored the fact that WE RECIEVED *beep*ING WARNINGSS OF A POSSIBLE ATTACK FROM YALL.

Yall put it out there that we just straight up broke the alliance for no reason.  Our relations were going tender, things werent working out, then we recieve inside tips, then we see an army prepping and to add to that yall build an armory inside our core.  I think what we did was justified and we talked about it throughout our kingdom.  Im sorry we hate each other now but i quite frankly dont care anymore.  Even your own king said it, it is just a game.

02:26:41 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Mpesh:

well at least i know never to ally bc or tds... thanks for the heads up

02:48:40 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Mpesh you know you love me...


btw i heard you're leaving?


yeah Sabbath you and Syuveil are right it is just a game but mainly Charley is right.

Those pills do have some pretty sick side affects...

crap went wrong in this and who care, allies one era, enemies the next, and half and half some times.

hahahaha we're like a moca late

(hopefully no one finds that offensive because im just saying its a mix)

anyways, sorry for my outburst i just felt like typing big text and putting a BEEP in.





Mpesh i know you love me...

: P


02:49:59 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Creepin aka Mpesh you have already NAP us before so its not like your not used to us. We helped you with Dacii more times then i can remember and if you think we are unhonourable why dont you ask Blunt if he is still playing. Me and him were coordinating attacks and helping eachother out with Gladiator. And all of BC STOP CRYING LIKE LITTLE GIRL SCOUTS. Your pissed that we used our inside info you you guys quicker then you mobilized an attack on us. The second we got that info we were discussing everything on how to fight you back then we just decided why wait for them to take the offensive against us so we struck quicker then you did so get over it!!!!!!

02:54:04 Sep 23rd 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

My god people! lern2grammer!!! NOW!!

03:03:00 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

lol your the one to speak... how about you "LEARN to GRAMMUR" lol

03:11:12 Sep 23rd 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

Some people these days....

03:17:17 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

lol ill call myself out on that typo... uhh GRAMMAR :).  But yea your the one coming here with a hard on like you got something.  So back it up.

03:18:25 Sep 23rd 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

Still nothing? Don't even detect that faint bit of sarcasm in there? No? A real shame.

03:19:08 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

lol i bet he is one of those people who get a hard on when they sense danger =P

03:22:32 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

lol hes Weenie Senses must be tingling... hahaha

03:22:56 Sep 23rd 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

That doesn't even make a little bit of sence...

03:23:44 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

lol so we got spiderman with his Spidey senses and wat we calling Gilthanas with his Weenie Senses?

03:24:30 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

lol thats cuz you dont get the joke.

03:26:01 Sep 23rd 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

03:27:12 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

uhh ohh... his Weenies senses are tingling again... soo hes gunna start posting scary pictures.. lol runnn!

03:27:14 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Haha its another Revenge thinking posting stupid pictures makes him a BAMF.

04:05:57 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Sokine:

haha go tds, bc are truly selfish but chaoslegion he the only good player :),

04:12:54 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

haha Chaoslegion is the one that put our kd tensions through the roof.

04:20:02 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Sorra:

Only if me and KH were there, i could have probably stopped this break-up

04:48:20 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Dmitrie:

the way i see it you can say what you want and try to make us look bad .. you manipulated the situation.. it bit you in the A$$ now you're trying to cover up by saying we broke the nap blah blah blah..

We were told not to attack BC and we didn't we walked around you so far.. you threw the first arrow now deal.

In my book actions speak louder then words. But the funny part is that most of you who are speaking out against each other here claiming to have naps are being deceived as well.. and i have letters to prove that.

But i understand ppl have nothing better to do between tics and sit here and gossip about things they know nothing about.

04:52:51 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Well said Dmitrie

Oh and why cant BC start a war they can win?Honestly pick a target you can fuking hit!

05:03:31 Sep 23rd 08 - Necromancer Lust:

there eyes are bigger then your mouth

05:13:32 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I think every needs to go out and get some ice cream...really...

05:15:32 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

i would charley but 1st no money. second cant take my gf with so there no point =P

05:27:46 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Mpesh:

lmao i love when ppl take me seriosly...

05:30:02 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

lol Creepin ever since you were in chat wasted out of your mind i kinda havent took you serious since =P

05:35:39 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

No money? It costs like...3-4 dollars at must have spent you money on something...and I don't wanna know what

05:38:27 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

350$ Alpine Stereo Deck with an Ipod hook up for my car. Yes im being serious charley.

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