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Berserk Recruiting
05:44:33 Nov 15th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

OOOo okay that makes sense. Sry sry didnt realize that lol, btw im irish too and im one lucky sob ;p. Also i send gifts for the wife and children, cookies and candy for the kiddies and the moms get a free ticket to a spa at vex's elfish cap ;p.

05:45:46 Nov 15th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

I drink Whiskey and Guinness....does that make meh Irish? O.o

05:58:04 Nov 15th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

no, but makes you friends with an irishman :D

06:10:36 Nov 15th 09 - Sir Aussie:

I drink anything and will fight anyone....does that make me Irish? :D

06:11:48 Nov 15th 09 - Mr. Arch Shade:

I think that makes you Australian!  lol :-)

Or a Mainer.

06:12:16 Nov 15th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

lol nope, just makes u a drunk XD.

06:55:01 Nov 15th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

I hate guiness it tastes like burned bbq sauce, I do however have a weakness for uisge.

09:25:24 Nov 15th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

I hear guiness has to be poured in Ireland to taste right.  heheh

03:22:50 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Berserk is still looking for more members! All are welcome to join! All we ask is for you to be high spirited and respectful.

03:27:00 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Cuddly Bear:

i wish i could recruit berzerks...instead i have to pay 6000 gold to train them :(

05:16:45 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

6000 is nothing compared to my 50k nazzies lol. dam, if i went troll id have alot of them ;/. though i wouldnt be abel to feild them yet. (alot for guy on talents that is)

06:09:01 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Targaryen:


20 active members (daily)

1 inactive still looking for a few more :D

15:00:11 Nov 21st 09 - Lady Landros of Luxx The Phishhead:

feel free to poach any of the ex-CRAZY guys who aren't into the new DARK format.  you'd be my first choice.

15:50:34 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Lol thank you but i have a decent history with the crazy members, i got along with most of them and i wont do that to ryan. Now if they ask on the otherhand then id be all for it. Though ty for the compliment.

16:06:07 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Cuddly Bear:

Remember Targaryen, walls mean nothing to a naz army.

16:13:25 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Ya, but remember naz's mean nothing to a mage either :(. Though if i may ask it says it increases army atk does anyone know the exact percent?

17:17:07 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Cuddly Bear:

I have to say...when traveling throughout all the worlds, i see multiple Berzerk settlements everywhere. Congrats on your presence being almost everywhere. Wow that didn't make senseee

18:09:20 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Lol we try :D. We are kinda split up atm. Next era we will be one solid kd and then we'll be far more concentrated.

23:44:44 Nov 21st 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Mr Targaryen,

I would take it as a personal favour if you let in any former crazy players who do not wnat to join with Dark. You guys would be my first choice as well but I could not abandon the guys who wanted to tough it out. however anyone who does wnat to join you should be able to with no strings. Id rather they join you where they will have some very good vets to learn from than waste an era.

Duke Ryan the laughing storm

16:17:36 Nov 22nd 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Well then they are all welcome. Just send me a pm or arch shade one.

01:05:45 Nov 23rd 09 - Lady Landros of Luxx The Phishhead:

most have gone their separate ways.  some joined fight club, others phi, and a few the elite ravage.

18:34:31 Nov 26th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Hey is Targaryen again most of you just call me Tar, might just be my user next era. However at this point in time we still have plenty of slots open etc. We are looking for newer members as well.

On the side note: Berserk has formed a cf with the kingdomless user Barny in order to freely "expand" our own interest. He has proven to be a decent player on his own. Tbh i think most could learn a thing or two from him.

13:50:55 Dec 7th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Well since it hasnt been said in public, (hidden bump here too) Berserk is now warring bear machine and the gladiators. We were after hillbilly for a reason and just because you change your name doesnt mean we wont stop hunting you down.

01:43:18 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

 Well it seems since the era is coming to an end (another hidden bump) i would like to ask everyone for some constructive critisim (not sure i spelt that right). Anything will do though please do refrain from spams. Those go directly to my inbox XD.

To start it off Berserk will explain how our Era has gone so far.

To start things off a lone player who was a friend of Arch's dropped on Talents. Then signed up for the kd and joined completely forgetting that he needed to join the kd first. >_> After that He made friends with some players Known as Vex who joined berserk and would later become a good friend and an excellent comrade. After he joined he recruited (as far as i know) Kreed. One of the Top 3 zerk talent members if you ask me.

After this time as soon as Vex's oop wore off we came upon a war against Fire n Ice who at the time possessed 8 members if i remember right. They attacked Vex oop and took out his starting cities. In response he then relocated and Kreed, myself and our newest member at the time Mouse all joined together and fought to a standstill. After about a week of literally no movement it ended with Fire n Ice as well as ourselves looking for a CF. We accepted and in turn had some of our core cities returned and had one of our cities given as c ompensation. It was Zerks loss.

During that time we recruited many new players. Actually recruited our other top 2/3 players if you ask me. Urkel II and Sawyer the elf. Both fantastic players in their own right.

After the end of the war with fire n ice we both agreed to focus our attention on Hillbilly mafia. We then placed some forward bases which is when we encountered a sleeping giant. Barny, dear god did i mess up there lol.

At first we were unconcerned about Barny though after our cities got up and we actually started to take into account the possibility that he might just not have one city on Taletns we moved to elminate him. Compelled by our greed and fear. We can say he defended all our attacks succesfully. Though his economy started to wither at some time due to us taking up stores of his resources. He then sent Zerk a message informing us that we indeed had the same enemies. Soon we signed a cf with the kingdomless Barny.

After such we started our invasion of hillbilly which was a success due to a Zerk and Fire n ice joint effort. However if anything needs to be said about hillbilly it was the simple fact that they did a wonderful job off filling their blockers.

After such Talents core went idle for osme time taking in whatever rogues we could take. Though at this time we noticed that some offworld forces were moving in on our world. We would soon later learn that they had no intention of doing so. However Zerk being concerned as for doing so well, and being new decided that we would send some small scouts down into what we found out was nirvanna. >_> due to my lack of information gathering, we came upon Bear Machine who had already placed some forward cities on Talents. Zerk being concerned decided that defenses needed to be prepared for them as well as the "west end" of talents. We had some powerful neighbors coming in and started to sperate our forces. Also do to our preperations we were able to spare a few troops for the Starta war effort.

After sitting idle and poking our noses in Starta and reinforcing during our economies and blockers during the first peace Zerk had. We were suddenly attacked by Bear Machine. Who we must say did nto take us by suprise with the attack, but with the numbers of their forces. At first we were pushed back and lost some ground though Zerk quickly organized and pushed the efforts back. After some "Brutal politics" we failed to come to an agreement with Bear Machine. Since then the war has waged on and the tide has changed. Fire n Ice at this time now a 2 man kd decided to come to our aid when asked by an unknown participaint. I myself had no knowledge of this until just a few minutes of typing this post. GoTF started to attack Bear Machines on their own accord which Zerk knows only that they have a reason and decided not to stop someone with a common enemy.

At this point in time Zerks relations with all the kds but Bear Machines seems to be average to good. We hope to take some constructive critisim from those of you that are more experienced and those that we fought and wish to humbly ask for it to improve our game.


Ty and you all have a nice day.

04:26:04 Dec 11th 09 - Ms. Hellscream:

;) well written as usual Targaryen and even though Bearmachines have issues with Zerk.
I'd like to say they have been nothing but honest and true to there word which for a relative newcomer to the game is refreshing considering the amount of 'Flaming' that happens in the game forum .

04:28:26 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

lol thanks hellscream. You know i consider you a friend, if you ever need help so long as i am able Zerk will aid.

04:32:02 Dec 11th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

[...] Zerk will aid.


During the week it's otay, but dun ask for help during Friday happy hours, ain't gonna happen, sorry :)

00:33:20 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. Kreed:

Its just funny how things work out

23:31:50 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

lol newcomer, i can assure you i have some minor exp but thank you hellscream :) i appreciate the comment. also it seems a very select few of some of my most trusted players wish to leave next era. I offer them my trust and luck. if you guys wish to post here plz do so. i also will offer up some newer slots for some players if they so wish to join. we care little if your new or experienced. if you are newer we will forge you into a tool worth using. if you are experienced then i assume you already know which end of the blade is up.

23:45:27 Dec 13th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Targaryen where is Krizmn?

23:47:36 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Arch is taking a breather atm it seems. He got upset about some negotiations and im in charge of Talents core this era so its like zerk is 2 kds. so im running this thread trying not to let it die. If you wish to talk to a zerk official Graybeard is extremely active and i am as well.

23:49:04 Dec 13th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Its ok. Sorry to hear that. Just wanted to chew on Arch Shade's ear.

23:50:57 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Lol well now might not be the best time. :p though if you must blow some steam i am a strong individual emotionally so yell away. Though if i dont take anything to heart dont hate me XD.

23:55:31 Dec 13th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

No no not game stuff. We are friends. I don't take most of the game seriously either. its only a game. :P

00:12:43 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

o, lol kool. Wellthen me and you can be friends as well. Though i assure you i know nothing about him really.

00:12:49 Dec 14th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:


grumble grumble twat grumble loser grumble no honor grumble

boobs that is all that really matters :D

00:15:34 Dec 14th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

LOL Lady Liquid Sex

Yeah I think we can be friends too Targaryen. :)

00:16:34 Dec 14th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

can I be friends pleeeeeeeeeeeeease I need friends :(

or at least a drink....anyone have a drink up in herrrrre

00:17:37 Dec 14th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

LOL I thought you were making drinks for Wrath last time I checked

00:19:11 Dec 14th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

He drank it all :S

00:23:33 Dec 14th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

if Krizmn made promises just inform Targaryen.  He is great about upholding agreements even if they were just implied.  I think Arch Shade kept some arrangements to himself but he is far from dishonourable if that is who the lady is ranting about. 

Scarlett had the best boobs.  although hellish holly's were probably a close second.

00:26:02 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

lol thnk u psycho i try my best. i can honestly tell you ive had friends that were in crazy  before i quit for awhile. though its good to see myself in a good light.


Also yes sexy we can be friends :D. Though i like my scotch.

00:27:19 Dec 14th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

LOL I think that was a babble Targaryen. Yeah you have friends all about. More than you probably know

00:29:02 Dec 14th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

ah Targaryen a nice single malt

00:30:13 Dec 14th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

LOL @ someone trying to make implications

Mr.Targaryen I certainly would never imply you or any of your kingdom were any of those things, it was a simple mockery that I thought the Dr. would, and did, understand.

I would like to know if there will be drinks :P

00:31:02 Dec 14th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

scotch ! aged to perfection, and brilliant in coco

00:32:14 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Nice perhaps i should make a list of some of my current friends. not sure if some of the others are still alive. btw any of you know Teirdel? or Kuma?

00:33:07 Dec 14th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

In coco??? NOOOOO alone or with Drambuie

00:34:35 Dec 14th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

Dr........I'm a lightweight :\ I have to mix it or I'll be hanging from their chandlers

00:35:36 Dec 14th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Teirdel is ROC yeah and Kuma/Kumar was in Dark

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