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Forums / In game politics / Berserk TRIPLE TEAMS us

15:44:55 Dec 11th 09 - Grand Ape Kongdust:

era 26 or 27 comes to mind eh Nat ;)

(thats right, i just called you Nat :P)

15:48:59 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. Confidential:

I love how this thread was created to flame Beserk and it turned into flaming Bear Machines haha

18:40:11 Dec 11th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Hey Stealthmachined :) great to see your still around lying and accusing and such not :).

And lets quickly get GOTF's side straight, we have a NAP with BM everything is fine then they attack and break the NAP there's no two ways about it. They then make some false claims about us having scouts in their core and not letting them through our core to attack our allies (which was one of the stupidest claims i've ever heard anyway). So they attacked our north valhalla core where there was one player who actually could fight and his main army had just headed south, one player with a few troops there and then there was just me and another player who had just started 70 ticks ago. So we are still small and protected by 50% rule, so what i do is i sacrifice my income as i know if i build they might be able to attack me and just train troops. I come out with an army about a fifth of the size or smaller of theirs, and i CW their blocker enter their core and destroy 2 cities, sacrificing myself in the process. I lose my cities and my army eventually though it took them long enough to catch me :L. So we retreat and build up again (for those of us who lost most everything), and prepare and the rest of our kingdom is busy with HIV at this point. So now we have recovered we are launching a counter attack against these NAP-breakers.

And they have the cheek to say we are gangbanging them? We had no idea of Berserks intentions, maybe if you weren't so hostile to everyone you wouldn't be in this situation.

As for hiding under the 50% rule, yes i did, its a feature of the game i used it, i feel its only fair when it is NAP-breakers it is used against.

Yet we did not bother to take it onto the forums, we did not need to humiliate you, you'd already humilated yourself and frankly that is not how GOTF does things. But now you have brought this upon yourself by starting this thread.

As for fire and ice, no disrespect to them but i have barely seen them all era let alone speak to them (mainly as they are not very near us).

Thanks for reading - whoever could be bothered - :)

P.S. we have a NAP with Dark so maybe thats why they opened their gates.


19:03:08 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. Graybeard:

I asked you to leave our core before this all started. You chose to initiate the attacks on us instead. Deal with it and the politics that come with your poor decision to take us on.
BTW-I am interested in getting in on the $ .
Based on my current place in your core, could I ask for $100?

21:16:32 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. Adelbert:

Not the way gotf do things?
Junior, you should stay silent in the forums... Really!

Your ways are really not admirable at all :p
And you still haven't apologised for your accusations fafnir! =)

As for the topic of this thread. I'm really not surprised.
I'll be surprised the day i see berserk do something on their own. They should be capable of it, yet they still don't :P

Opportunist scum the lot of you.. Worst part is the ineffiecency, even with these pathetic tactics. This goes largely to NP though.

Gl little men! Only thing keeping you alive is massive naps and conspiricy, which is okay, but don't go brag about it. Really, makes me sick :p

I wont respond to any whiny counters here, i'm already emberassed that i took the time to read this. Ah well, have fun everyone :)

21:21:35 Dec 11th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Adelbert i don't know why this concerns you but;

No when i feel my input is required i will post on the forums.

What are our 'ways' and what accusations? :S

And as for not responding to silly counters i'm reasonably sure you will.

21:46:55 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. Kreed:

Bear Machine you brought this on yourself. You unjustly attacked Berserks core in Talents when it was largely undefended and took two of my mining cities. Then you ask us to have  a CF once you see us make a stand and the condition is you get to keep our cities.

We were willing to negotiate. All we asked for was that they completely leave Talents and forfeit the 3-4 cities they had at the time. They refused and now we are making them pay.

BTW...the only Berserk members who have really attacked you are Targaryen, Urkel, Vex, Roderian, Graybeard, just recently Mouse, and myself. All of which who started off in southern Talents except Graybeard

21:48:41 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. Galactus The World Devourer:

Your ways are begging for mercy, accepting deals of surrender, then seeking immediate opportunity to backstab. You are the scum of this game Junior, face it! When you died after your little treason, you pathetic little man, you accused Adelbert of being or rather Arzun's multi, yet you've never apologized. The point here being, you are in no position to place yourself in a moral position whatsoever! So keep your silence fool and go back to hiding in your little cave or wherever you are.

your friend

21:48:53 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. Cuddly Bear:

I love Berserk. I will crush walls anytime for them...too bad i have done that multiple times :)

00:14:29 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. Ram Bang:

Now you guys can flame BM all you want, I don't mind. Except one thing, we did not steal the bear theme. NP's bear theme is just a coincidence.

00:28:28 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. Cuddly Bear:

That is rather odd. But I believe Ram Bang.

00:29:04 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. Briefcase:

Stealth,  I really must say that you should lose everything this era. First of all, you broke a NAP with us when you first took GiantCity, without declaration or warning. You just attacked one day and we have been fighting you ever since. I doubt you still have a single unit that is still alive from that period, so much have we fought.  At least I wrecked every city that you took from me except for one. So don't act like  we joined Berserk in attacking you.

04:55:14 Dec 12th 09 - Endless Despair:

Mr. Graybeard


10:03:08 Dec 11th 09
I asked you to leave our core before this all started. You chose to initiate the attacks on us instead. Deal with it and the politics that come with your poor decision to take us on.
BTW-I am interested in getting in on the $ .
Based on my current place in your core, could I ask for $100?


lol.. I have $100, but other targets are you for hire? ^_^

05:00:35 Dec 12th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

for u hun, I'll only charge $75! ^_^

Just dun steal muh gumdrop!!!

05:04:53 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. Cuddly Bear:

Gumdrops? *drools*

05:08:50 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

i think thats called ill gotten gains, proceeds of my addiction to animo p*rn are turning you into a hirer of mercs. thank goodness we arent warring or you would be using my own addiction against me. <3

05:09:17 Dec 12th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

Yuh, last era Davey stole muh gumdrop :

Gingerbread men without their gumdrops get sad :'(

08:19:19 Dec 12th 09 - Endless Despair:

no wait!!!
that was my imagination on what he did what that gumdrop O_o

I like your price better ;)

Palp... you know I was surprised this game doesn't have Mercs for Hire like warbook did  *imagines all kinds of new fun* ^_^

11:38:06 Dec 12th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Mr. Galactus The World Devourer


20:48:41 Dec 11th 09 Your ways are begging for mercy, accepting deals of surrender, then seeking immediate opportunity to backstab. You are the scum of this game Junior, face it! When you died after your little treason, you pathetic little man, you accused Adelbert of being or rather Arzun's multi, yet you've never apologized. The point here being, you are in no position to place yourself in a moral position whatsoever! So keep your silence fool and go back to hiding in your little cave or wherever you are.

your friend

I never accused Adelbert of being anyones multi, i've never even met the guy. As for backstabbing yet again i have no idea what you are talking about. So basically i think you are the one who should remain silent.

04:12:56 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Urkel II:

I think the point of this thread got lost somewhere on the way.

We're unhonorable by attacking them with, what seems like it, our friends.
We're unhonorable by attacking them while repenting their assault on us.
They are very honorable by trying to defend from all attacking forces.

In the meantime im slaying most of their hard-worked rank 1-2 units.

04:22:57 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Urkel i think most everyone understands but thank you for pointing that out. Though if its out of everyones systems we can let this thread die if not we have the information already posted to prove our pure and honest intentions.

19:55:27 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Galactus The World Devourer:

"I never accused Adelbert of being anyones multi, i've never even met the guy. As for backstabbing yet again i have no idea what you are talking about. So basically i think you are the one who should remain silent"

Yes you did. do you think adel kept his little convo with you a secret to the entire kd? You said you thought adel and arzun was the same guy, so you where gonna report them=p
Backstabbing/betraying trust, w/e you wanna call it, you made a deal with adelbert not to attack us, but sent you members charging against us:p
thats betraying our trust imo.
I will not remain silent aslong as peasants like you crawl around, taking every oppurtunity there is to claw for more power with yerr filthy hands.

20:04:47 Dec 13th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Galactus it has already been sorted with Adelbert this was all a misunderstanding and the fact you are still making invalid arguments only goes to further my point that you should remain silent.

21:51:42 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Galactus The World Devourer:

W/e captain cunt

21:58:41 Dec 13th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

In other words you've got nothing better to say.

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