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Forums / In game politics / Bootem feeding

Bootem feeding
13:14:01 Jul 8th 10 - Lady Godiva:

11:38:47 Jul 7th 10 - Mr. Hamish:
Its also when Giant kingdoms NAP each other and spend the era clearing out smaller kingdoms rather than fighting each other. Its a kind of lazy cowardice VU suffers from it a lot, more sometime than other times... Am just opening up this thread to get an idea if this era is one such were the bootem feeders are dominant.

OK bootem feeders flame away... make your selves visible...

Heres 5 gold, go buy a clue. Idiot.

Swifty is right, he's just a troll. Everyone I've seen over the years in VU whos second language is English has improved in it, he hasn't.

14:11:27 Jul 8th 10 - Sir Horus VIII:

You will have time for VU while you are in college... trust me!!

15:21:18 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Jango Fett:

HA!! I cant afford that. I plan on graduating in three years then head to medical school or pharmacy school. There is no VU in college for me.

15:35:59 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Path:

lol, well, we've identified one thing you will learn in school then.

16:01:15 Jul 8th 10 - Sir Horus VIII:

Jango, I wish you the best of luck!

However, I stick to my original thought. I expect you to be able to find some time. Its not like VU is a major time constraint. (and I hate to see people leave)

I got through college with a technical degree and still had time

20:04:09 Jul 8th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

VU after one or 2 eras get addictive.

gl Jango

03:15:41 Jul 9th 10 - Mr. Jango Fett:

Thanks ppl. I will need it.

05:57:38 Jul 11th 10 - Lord Uther Nonsense:

one last post

The name is Sam Thomas and this is my email.

If you aren't friends with me on facebook then talk to Jango about it. We are RL friends.

best of luck to Zond and his gang.

08:28:30 Jul 11th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

Thanks Uther.  I sent men to protect your gaurds :P

08:58:16 Jul 11th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

see you on the flip side Sam :)

09:23:24 Jul 11th 10 - Mr. Admirable:

The flipped side of what?

09:24:23 Jul 11th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

Sam knows :)

09:40:15 Jul 11th 10 - Mr. Admirable:

I pity you all.

09:53:44 Jul 11th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

HAHAHAHA  what ever gets you through the night man

19:19:19 Jul 11th 10 - Mr. Jango Fett:

Yeah Sam is a BadA$$ player. He taught me loads my first era and now I am keeping Maniac Wolfenstein from taking my kingdoms little core area because of what he taught me.

00:54:01 Jul 12th 10 - Mr. Bark:

Playing in Uthers kingdoms always made VU really fun to play :)

01:38:40 Jul 12th 10 - General Zondervan:

Too bad Uther couldnt play with me this era :( He tried, but no time so i kicked hima dn we protecting his lifegaurds!!

03:00:47 Jul 13th 10 - Mr. Bling Fcukers:

meh...homoghey poof playing trash talk on blings map. feck off feckers

02:47:56 Jul 16th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

look who talking about gheys <.<

the Fate/Fear alliance should fall this or next era lol.

04:32:03 Jul 16th 10 - Sir Horus VIII:

ice prince, you have already won every negative forum award for the era, you can stop posting now.... i'm really tired of seeing you name in every focking thread


no hard feelings though :)

04:34:27 Jul 16th 10 - Mr. Tasty After Dinner Mint:

Dont mind him, Horus. Hes still butthurt that we keep rejecting his Apps.. ;)

13:55:30 Jul 16th 10 - Sir Horus VIII:

Did i just get baited.... ?

00:51:28 Jul 20th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

Tasty what apps? I have sent NO apps to Fear or Fate. >.< imbecil

01:10:52 Jul 20th 10 - Mr. Admirable:

Do not deny your countless pleas to join the VU greats in your quest to survive a whole VU era.

02:01:53 Jul 20th 10 - Mr. Path:

"the Fate/Fear alliance should fall this or next era lol."

Half the people in this forum are saying that Fate offered to nap DOA to bring down Fear.  The other half are saying that fate and fear napped before the age started and always will work together until taken down.  These two groups really need to get on the same page.  Fate and Fear allying may not even happen next age, may not have happened this age, nor last age.  The fact that you band together is a large part of what keeps making it occur through normal diplomacy.

What bothers me most is that which you wish to defeat would likely have already defeated itself if allowed to run its course.  Obviously I lack the ability to monitor alternate realities, but having been in the center of this for a while, that is the impression that I get.

02:33:13 Jul 20th 10 - Mr. Weirdgrivi:

Where is that guy who formed the V for Vendetta Kingdom? The Smith guy? The one everyone hates but made VU a fun place to be and kept this game from falling into LGC/DB alliance hands? :D

02:33:29 Jul 20th 10 - Mr. Weirdgrivi:

I can't even remember his name :(

02:53:47 Jul 20th 10 - Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin:





04:34:37 Jul 20th 10 - General Zondervan:

@Path, there will always be some kd running the map. And some kd wanting to take it down.

We all know that. Yeah it happened to be FEAR every era. and you happen to nap fate everytime. thats what makes people say what they doa nd think the way they do.

To fix this, why not go ahed and say right now. Next era you wont nap fate at all. That would shut them up correct?

05:02:05 Jul 20th 10 - Sir Butters:

Path already pointed out he is not playing next't really care all that much about next era :)

He's simply pointing out, that every comes in saying we are going to gang up on Fate and Fear sooooooo...of course Fate and Fear will ally until the other huge groups decline to ally against them.

05:12:36 Jul 20th 10 - General Zondervan:

If we want to get technical, fear and fate have always napped it seems. so leaves others no choice.

So dont trya dn turn it around. I understand defending your kd, but there is a fine line.


05:32:54 Jul 20th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

19:10:52 Jul 19th 10 - Mr. Admirable:

Do not deny your countless pleas to join the VU greats in your quest to survive a whole VU era.


that just shows you and tasty are pure idiots I have never sent an app to Fate or Fear, I usually join kingdom with member size of 10-19 I am not ghay enough to be like you and join the vu ''elites'' and ally with the other dominating kd, go bugger yourself.

05:34:57 Jul 20th 10 - Sir Butters:

23:12:36 Jul 19th 10 - General Zondervan:

If we want to get technical, fear and fate have always napped it seems. so leaves others no choice.

So dont trya dn turn it around. I understand defending your kd, but there is a fine line.



If we want to get technical, it has always seemed like everyone has come in gunning for the two so they NAPed...haven't you gotten that point from Path yet?  That's why it's a self fulfilling cycle...

05:39:51 Jul 20th 10 - General Zondervan:

Everyone has come in doing so? I do believe this era DOA was killing FATE, then FEAR jumped in one they were losing.

So please dont even go there, everyone in the whole damn game saw that.

05:49:03 Jul 20th 10 - Sir Butters:

And everyone saw DoA and Lulz attacking ppl together way back at the to see your point?  Again, same cycle...everyone "saw that"  (if not, we have screen shots...)

I'm not saying it's bad or whatever, but you act like you should ally up and we shouldn't...that would be...silly, no?

05:51:15 Jul 20th 10 - General Zondervan:

Show me screenshots, you said it. Show them. I want proof.

Lulz was fighting Relentless OOP, they merged into us, Then we attacked Glads. DOA isnt even near either. So plus show me these screenshots.

The only war we joined DOA in on, was against fear and fate, LONG after fear jumped in.

Plus go somewhere else or stfu seriously.

05:53:14 Jul 20th 10 - Sir Butters:

Hehe, lets go ask BF :P

05:55:40 Jul 20th 10 - General Zondervan:

Go ahead ask them, we got reports in our forum of you guys attacked us way before we attacked them. So please post all you want.

05:58:05 Jul 20th 10 - Sir Butters:

Actually, you'll cleared out BF with DoA and then Orcster came and put a city next to Pengy

Again, you're getting pretty defensive, I'm not saying it's bad that you allied DoA, but we all saw it coming, so dun be surprised Fate/Fear ally when the two other big ones do...  You have as much ability to break the cycle as they do.

05:58:24 Jul 20th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

Zondy relax he is just trying to get ya out of your nervs.

06:02:06 Jul 20th 10 - General Zondervan:

Lmao, You guys naped way before Lul and doa had any relations at all. We had plans to kill, gotf and glads. Go ask them both. :)

And yeah he did put a city there and removed a few BF.

Did he attack? No. You guys attacked first, and we attacked back.

Cant blame us, we were fighting Glads.


But no matter, im done here. Someone else will come and argue with you. Still funny though :)

06:03:13 Jul 20th 10 - Sir Butters:

*shrug* ofc u had no intention of coming to an agreement with DoA *cough*

06:13:17 Jul 20th 10 - Mr. Path:

Zond, part of your problem this round is that Arthur made a post in the fantasia forum basically laying out too many facts about your kingdom.  His aim was just to let people know what wars were going on.  However, in his post he essentially declares war on both gladiators and Fear well before you were ready by listing them as active wars against your kingdom, even when the recipients of those war declarations still had no idea.  It also made clear that you and RR had a MAP.

So, considering that, yeah, you bet your ass we killed that guy when he came to set up an armory blocker right next to us.  Why wouldn't we?  And, you guys had been attacking BF well before we even saw your banner in our line of sight.

Anyhow, when I made that post I had no intention to cause some flame war so I'm going to let that topic be then.  Was just hoping next age could be different somehow.

06:18:55 Jul 20th 10 - General Zondervan:

I understand taking out the city, but we didnt attack BF way before you saw us. Trust me on that.

And next era things will be different from what i hear.

08:15:55 Jul 20th 10 - Mr. Bling Fcukers:

im boss next era and u all fecked because fate gonna be ma bitches and zondy's kd gonna be ma pets

12:53:33 Jul 20th 10 - Duke Ohmlyone:

19:01:53 Jul 19th 10 - Mr. Path:
The fact that you band together is a large part of what keeps making it occur through normal diplomacy.

How about we approach it from this point of view. Since Fear's inception....When HAVEN'T they NAP'd Fate

That I can remember, never.

When HAVE they war'd against Fate

That I can remember, never.

Call it what you will...banding together for security, the natural course of VU events...whatever. It wouldn't be an issue and people wouldn't talk about it if the perception wasn't that Fear and Fate always NAP. In fact, many people look at them as one large KD.

Personally I do care, I always enjoy the war. It is always a challenge. I am just tired of the bs about everyone pushing you two guys together to"protect yourselves". Man up and admit it. You all work well together...everyone will always be gunning for you..........Fear and Fate NAP every era.

13:56:44 Jul 20th 10 - Sir Horus VIII:

This era all BF was trying to do was build cities for other KDs. We are a feeder KD for DOA and LULZ

14:16:31 Jul 20th 10 - Mr. Weirdgrivi:

Thank you Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin. Yeah Asystole was the coolest <3

Btw, is that General Something-Something guy, Ezatious? :D

14:44:37 Jul 20th 10 - General Zondervan:

Good one Horus :p But if wa true there wouldnt be this topic :D

And no im not him :p

15:32:09 Jul 20th 10 - Clown Wankin Between Ticks:

15:16:31 Jul 20th 10 - Mr. Weirdgrivi:

Thank you Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin. Yeah Asystole was the coolest <3

Btw, is that General Something-Something guy, Ezatious? :D

No, that homoghey ez quit. What TNP named is the same guy. Auspice :*****

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