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Forums / In game politics / Carnage Embassy 2.0.1

Carnage Embassy 2.0.1
19:09:47 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Twamao:


03:15:36 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Architect:

well, your happy now aren't you...

04:44:39 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

happy about?

22:02:55 Aug 31st 07 - Lord Yerean:

MORE of my threads got deleted?!
what the heck is with this moderator?? PM ME! I WANA MEET YOU.

Architect is a Carnage leader, twamao.

And this thread is supposed to stay at the top! Yarr!

01:43:59 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Twamao:

well, its all for naught now. 

In summary, I have open my line of communication open.  You just pretended to talk.  How difficult is it to answer a yes or no question?  I have waited for a clear answers and yet you guys kept on taking my cities.

12:57:15 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I think that a definate NO! then

13:24:44 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Onuris:

Why did you guys NAP Lgc/DB?


15:37:18 Sep 1st 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

I've heard certain people from LGC/DB offered Carnage sexual favours in exchange for the NAP.

But then again, it's only a rumour...

15:44:52 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

Well truthfully it was Oya's erotic dancing that got can that guy put on a stripshow:D

16:29:48 Sep 1st 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:


19:19:31 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Dreadii:

lol look at the G@y add.

it seems only our embassy has it
i wonder why..

01:30:03 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Draven:

we were at war, but then we smartened up and decided to give all Fantasia a go :)

01:38:42 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

no no no no no

it was all oya.....had to be!!!

02:56:15 Sep 5th 07 - Mr. Owt Flow:

wow. We must be doing something wrong this era. No one is complaining.....

03:00:16 Sep 5th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

I am! 

15:15:45 Sep 5th 07 - Lord Echram:


Wow. We must be doing something wrong this era. No one is complaining except Twamao.....

21:06:11 Sep 5th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

but, the real question is, does twamao count? ;)

21:17:59 Sep 5th 07 - Lord Echram:

I thought that was pretty clear from previous message ;)

22:59:28 Sep 5th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

the even more real question, does Twamao count for anything at all? ;)


<3 twamao!

06:39:48 Sep 6th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

Well, i know im alone. :(  And I know Carnage has helped me before.  But it seems this relationship is over.  Thanks for the help.  I really appreciate what you have done for my old kingdom. 


05:14:23 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

ah well I guess this cannot be avoided. :(  Blue Dog said that some of my former kdmates are perplexed about why i declared war on Carnage.  I feel it is my duty to inform them why. 

I started this era in the middle.  I was surrounded by Luna Wolves, guardians of destiney, MAD, Kingdom Hearts.  A few of them invited me to join.  It was a nice offer.  But i refused all of their offer.  Kingdom Hearts even invited me to join them before taking my last city in the middle.  It was very generous of them.  Though the message was not.  "Join us or die".  Although that did not happen after a few weeks in the era :)

But I knew that would happen so i sent scouts down south where Dark Blood, Carange and Legacy are located.  I went south hoping i would be able to build in peace.  I reached Carnage area.  And Stormcrow saw my scout and sent me a message:

Stormcrow (dead) [] (8/22/2007 9:11:54 PM) GOOD BAD
Twamao:D Good to see that name:) Always welcome in our part of the woods:D

Well, I interpreted that as an offer of peace.  Which is indeed generous.  A big kingdom offering peace to a tagless player is indeed exceptional.  I needed cities but i also made it clear, very clear that i am not joining Carnage.  so i decided to a place where not a many cities are built.  Since PKS was also at the same area, i asked them if i can build there.  Artimeus has this to say:

Mr. Artimeus [PKS] (8/25/2007 6:41:53 AM) GOOD BAD
I just wanted to let you know that I have no intention of attacking you unless you attack me, but I will be dropping my cities close by. I hope this is alright with you.

I said i will not attack him also.  Unforunately, an army of Canabis was there also.  So i trained some armies to fight it.  I didnt expect Einskaldir from Carnage to take my cities.  But he did.  I complained to him and to Zmonev.  Einskaldir told me there is nothing in the forums that said not to attack me.  I let that pass without a fuss.  And then the bad news came.  Grim DarkHammer from PKS they needed to secure the area and they want me out.  Although it would be better if they gave me a few ticks for me to build another city elsewhere :)  But i have no complain.  I did not complain to Grim Darkhammer.  Because i know that a kingdom needs to secure their area. I decided to send a scout a little bit north.  I built a city west of the western bridge blocker.

But before i did that I tried to ask Quietone from Dark Blood if they can accomodate me in their core.  She said i can build outside their area but not inside their area.  Again, I did not complain about that.  I have no right to do so. So i build in the area west of the western bridge blocker of Carnage.  I must make it clear that at that time i build there there was NO carnage city in there.  Just a couple of untagged cities. Although there is a small carnage army from Tak.  I decided to build there because i feel it was a secure place.  Dark blood on the left, Carnage and PKS on the south and a couple of untagged players who seems to be inactive.

But unfortunately after a few ticks Tak from Carnage decided to take the city i built.  Again I complained.

You (8/29/2007 11:12:27 AM) what is your kingdom stand regarding me? are we at peace or not? I was told by your leaders that i can build freely. Why the hell do you guys take my cities? I am getting sick and tired of this.

Sir Dionysus [Havoc] (8/29/2007 11:19:50 AM) GOOD BAD
I am talking to a number of counsel members right now. Trying to find out what happened. Who took your city? Just so you know, untaggeds are generally fair game and I did not see a post saying not to attack. I do wish that whoever did it had talked to us first. They should have recognized the name.

I told Dionysius that Tak took my city and if possible i want it back because it is well outside the boundaries of Carnage and they said they are peaceful with me. 

Sir Dionysus [Havoc] (8/29/2007 11:40:04 AM) GOOD BAD
Tak should be contacting you directly to discuss the city.  (there is a continuation of this message but i deleted it because it does not say anything about the situation and it involves other kingdoms.  If you want to see the rest pm me ingame)

Tak did not contact me nor replied to my messaged.  I decided to build in other places while waiting.  As of the moment Tak hasnt replied and if Tak can read this, at least have the balls to reply. 

While all of this are going on, i was warring guardians of destiney and Kingdom Hearts in the middle. 

Fortunately for me I was able to build near legacy as Roxbury said that they will leave me in peace.  Thanks Rox.  But after a few days Desert from Carnage attacked my scout.  The scout was to build a new city.  I was mad not because they attack a scout but because I dont see Carnage leaving me in peace.  Inspite of the fact that they say they see me as a friend. Which i do not see in their actions.  Inspite of the fact that they say they have been generous to me, which i dont see at all.  I needed resources badly.  I am waging a war in the middle and needed to replenish my troops.  But of all the people who will prevent my growth it was you who prevents my growth all through out the era!  Basing on what you have done to me all era long I dont see Carnage treating me as a friend! 

So what did i do?  I decided to use BTs and take that city from Desert which happens to be an armory.  I was mad and i even sent a message thanking Desert for the 13k slaves i got from his city.  Now you are furious because you think i did something stupid?  It wasn't stupid.  You did not listen to me when i was complaining.  You still make me believe that you treat me as a friend inspite of the fact that you continue to attack me all through out the era.

Architect, oooh, what a nice guy.  He talked to me in irc.  He asks me to show him a battle report of the attack Einskaldir and Tak did.  He asked me for a battle report that happened a few weeks ago.  Asking me for a battle report that i have already sent to one of Carnage members.  He told me if i cant show him that then i have nothing to complain about.  Ooooh, what a nice guy he is.  It made me even furious.  This guy coming to me asking me for something that happened weeks ago and telling me i have nothing to complain about. 

I decided to search my messages if i still have a copy of it.  I looked over the hundred messages i have just to slap it to architect's face.  And then i found it. ( I cant find it again so i cannot post it here.  Ask Architect, he saw it).  I decided to post it in the vu channel to humiliate him.  Then he goes "Why did you post it here?"  "You have already decided to war"  then i said "Want me to declare?" 

It seems Carnage has no balls to declare war.  So i decided to declare it for them.  It is easier that way. 

You will not oppress me anymore Carnage! I will fight back!  I know i cannot win against you, nor do i expect to do damage to your kingdom.  But you cannot fool me anymore.  DIE CARNAGE SCUMS!

05:17:38 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

oh btw, i do not expect to beat you nor do damage to you.  But expect me to flame you. 

hercules, that army was pathetic.  I slaughtered them all.  You should have seen their bloody faces.  Send something better next time.  Maybe a merge?

05:55:52 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Architect:

First off, find me a single King, Vice, or Diplomat who would try and get a city back for you that you dont have a battle report for from when you lost it.  You will not find a single person, I can guarantee it.

Second, what you posted in the main VU thread was one of our members talking about a possible attack, not a battle report.  If it's not a system message, I dont believe it. 

Third, when you posted that was after you went off at me for requesting a battle report that you stupidly deleted.  Then you got pissed, threatened war, then declared it.  Nothing that you would have shown me after I closed the IM with you would have changed what you already said.  At that point you were taking personal business into a main chat forum and that is entirely out of place.

I came to you trying to overt a war which I thought I saw on the horizon, this was completely for your benefit.  It would have been easy for us to directly attack you and take you out from the moment you took Deserts city after he attacked your scout, which didn't even die:

Mr. Twamao [] (9/5/2007 3:11:55 AM) GOOD BAD
01:03:38: Lookout lost a battle against New Town from Mr. Desert. The army escaped to Van Elsing. We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

---We didnt kill or even injure a single troop in your scout.---

He killed my scout :( Its just a scout. It wasnt in your core. Im hitting back
---We killed nothing of yours, and thats the proof.---

Mr. Twamao [] (9/5/2007 3:13:33 AM)
Mr. Twamao. The city of Poo Land is now under our command!
They had 25 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

no resources. but i got an armory and 13k slaves.

This "thanking" as you call it seems to be more like gloating to all of us at Carnage.  Any attacks that may or may not have happened before now do not apply to this specific situation.  You attacked us out of no-where, your friends.  Your friends are now fighting you because you declared war.  This is all your fault, you cant pin any of it on us.

06:04:42 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

*sigh* next person please.  As i've said to Big Dog or whatever kind of dog he is, do not send someone like architect to me.  Why?

1. He only sees my attack on desert's city and Desert's attack on a scout.  He has no idea of the bigger picture.  He has amnesia regarding the cities you took from me.

2. He's asking for a battle report of a battle that happened 2-3 weeks ago.  I sent that already and i like to press clear news. :)

3. He came to me trying to overt a war by trying to bully me.  "If you dont have it you dont have anything to complain"  Is that the kind of diplomat Carnage has?

I know you tried Architect.  I know.

06:05:38 Sep 7th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Architect. Perhaps a third-party can soothe the nerves of all involved. As well as getting all of this off public forums, hmm?

Besides, aren't there bigger fish in the world to fry than Twamao? Any form of escalation leading to this incident becoming a war would be an unnecessary waste of resources for all involved. (especially since I can beat Twamao solo with both my hands tied behind my back. ;-) ).

06:07:05 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:


I have tried my best at trying to get peace with you mate. I know that carnage has made some stupid mistakes, i am not going to cover it up, and there was some gross miscommunication issues in our kingdom.....and desert was wrong to attack your scout like he did, especially after we warned everyone to leave you alone (despite us not having any official relations)....

Are you wanting a public apology for those couple of cities taken and scouts killed? Sure, we're sorry. I have tried to work out problems mate, even willing to give you a city of my own if it would work things out, but you seem incapable of rationally listening.....i have just now sent you yet another pm letting you know we are still willing to have an official nap with you, because despite what you may think, some of us till think you are basically a good guy...


but if you would rather come into the public forums and flame us instead of working things out fine.....




@Fizban: Wow, who knew, you actually were the voice of reason:P Oh, sorry......what he said.


<Besides, aren't there bigger fish in the world to fry than Twamao?>

Yeah I can think of several kingdoms^^

<3 fizban for life:)

06:19:04 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

No what I wanted was for Carnage to accept my attack as a man with balls.  You took my cities I did not give much fuss about it.  Now i decided to hit back and you threaten me with war. 

I came to the public forums because while you say you are still friendly your pm messages are full of threats.  threaten me with war, threaten me with armies.  wtf, I will not back down. 

Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite [Havoc] (9/6/2007 8:19:45 PM) GOOD BAD
Alright then, that is THEIR PROBLEM. If they want to act like that, then that is up to them.....but you seem to be acting and responding TO ME like i did the same thing. If we took that approach with those kingdoms we were napd with, we wouldnt be napd to anyone.

What you need to do is ignore them, flame them, insult them, whatever makes you happy, but when talking with me, when I AM TRYING TO WORK THINGS OUT AND EVEN RECOMPENSE CITIES TO YOU...try not to take the same approach...

Not all of carnage act the same or believes the same, liekwise with legacy, db, nemesis....

I have alot of respect for untaggeds in fant....

And didnt you told me to flame?  Im just taking your cue.  And where in your message did you offer to compensate? 

06:28:54 Sep 7th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Oi Twamao-mon. Allow me to re-read the message for you.

Part 1:

He wanted you to take the issue to those that were responsible with it and to not to shoot (or heap a crock o chit on) your friends/allies within the party that wronged you. An advocate, if you were. The part about acting like a major @$$ to other kds when handling diplomacy is quite true.

Part 2:

Do whatever makes you happy but use some common sense at the same time! Cool heads work things out. He was also formulating ways to get you back in the game. (This is where the recompensation was coming in). He didn't state at this message he'd give you a town, but you wouldn't know everything someone else is thinking, now do you?

Part 3:

Not everyone in Carnage or any other kd would give you the deal he's working out for you, because Blue's a good guy. (You're my boy Blue! ;-) ).

Part 4:

He loves ya man.

So calm down a little bit man, think things through and let's talk it out. I don't want to have to save Carnage alot of trouble, but you're smack in Legacy territory and awfully close to an armory of mine. *hint hint*

06:34:09 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

I actually meant in game, not in public....

And what i was trying to do was to get you to reason with me rationally, instead you kept talking to me like i am the one to blame for all of this. Yes there were some in carnage who may have treated you wrong in messages, but that was them, it seemed you kept wanting to talk to me like i had done the same thing, as i pointed out, if we all took that tactic then there would be no naps because every kingomd has a$$holes in them.....(looks at naerey;)

I have tried my best with an impossible situation. If you want to insist on arguing fine then.

And i never said i HAD offered you a city, I said in a previous message that i was considering offering you a city of my own, and the offer still stands, if it means peace, because despite what you want to think mate, alot of us still like you....and i mean what i said, i do respect players who go untagged in fant, if they can pull it off, then more power to them (like fordy a.k.a. diesel, the man is my god)....but how can i reason with someone who refuses to listen?

What happened to you was in the past, we can actually get over it and try to work things out.....

So flame away mate, insult, shout out how much you hate us....if it helps get your frustrations out then have at it......




@Fizban: You actually made my headache go away a bit, nice old school reference:)

06:35:03 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

Part 1
I already did took the issue to the persons involved.  Einskaldir said untags were fairgame so he took my city.  Tak didnt even bother to reply.  I didnt even bother to message Desert coz im so frustrated why carnage keeps on attacking me.  I have taken it to Dionysius and Zmonev.  Where else should I take it? To Zeta?

Part 2
I did what makes me happy.  I took Desert's city to show Carnage how frustrated I am of being always attacked by people i thought were my friends.  It made me happy.

Part 3
Not every kingdom would also offer me peace and take my cities afterwards

Part 4
No comment. 

When im threatened with armies and war i dont usually stay calm.

06:41:06 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

Alright, our embassy is getting way too serious, wheres some of vu infamous spammers when you need them?


Is it me or has anyone else noticed that today has been the most active of the kingdom politics forum all era:P

06:49:54 Sep 7th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Twa - At some point you have to cut your losses and move on. Railing won't change things, flaming won't change things (unless it makes people more ticked at you to the point that it leads to your extermination). Storm was gone after a few days, and I wouldn't have counted on him to relay information that you were allowed to settle in peace. So, that last NAP wasn't an official kd-wide NAP or if it was, it was a failure to communicate, either way it sounds like human-error

Now, if what I'm hearing is true, and they offered you another NAP (this one sounding legit), then I'll ask you, 'What is more beneficial to your long-term game: A NAP with a 38 man kd and the ability to grow your econ before looking for some prey in the north, or getting whiped out and sent to new player world?'

Sometimes, you have to do stuff or deal with stuff that doesn't make you happy. (Let me show you my work sometime). However, taking a random city (from Desert in this case) didn't help your cause too much. In fact, you probably should've tried to bring in the third party much earlier. We tend to get things done and can think with a calm, clear mind and tend to have that affect on the other two parties.  

Though I will admit though, when I'm threatened with armies, I do get ticked off too. However, I'm still able to weigh pros/cons of the situation and plan accordingly. I'm wanting you to do the same.

06:50:08 Sep 7th 07 - Lord Echram:

Indeed. Let us not waste time with those that do not listen. Instead let me enlighten everyone with some facts:

Did You Know . . . . .
* If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
* If you fart consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.
* The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.
* Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.
* Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
* On average people fear spiders more than they do death.
* The strongest muscle in the body is the TONGUE.
* It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
* You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.
* Americans, on average, eat 18 acres of pizza every day.
* Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.
* Did you know that you are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider?
* Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do.
* In ancient Egypt, Priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes.
* A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.
* A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
* The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times its own weight and always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.
* Polar bears are left-handed.
* The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds, that makes the catfish rank #1 for animal having the most taste buds.
* The flea can jump 350 times its body length, that is like a human jumping the length of a football field.
* The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.
* Some lions mate over 50 times a day.
* Elephants are the only animals that can't jump. (thankfully)
* A cat's urine glows under a blacklight.
* An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
* Starfish haven`t got brains. 

Anyone want to be a cross between a pig and a dolphin the next time they reincarnate?

06:54:00 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

Fiz, i had cut my losses.  As i've said i didnt made a fuss on those cities they took.  But sometimes enough is enough.  They cannot treat me like a fool for the entire era.  They cant attack me whenever they wish. There's a fine line between being tolerant and being a fool.

After i declared war on Carnage, i did not went out of my way to attack them.  I just went the ticks pass as normally as they did before i declared.  They were the ones who attacked.  I just defended myself.

In fact i have achieved what i want to achieve.  Look at them.  all paying attention now.  They weren't paying attention when there was a post in their thread that says Do not attack Twamao.  Now i attack them and they're paying attention.  I did a nice job.

06:59:01 Sep 7th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Then handle it from here man. Though if I get a green-light from, let's say Blue. Your cities are mine. ;-)

07:01:26 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

@Twamao: Omg mate, why cant you just settle down, relax and see that there are some who are trying to help you out.....

Have you stopped to wonder why there hasnt been any carnage armies heading straight towards you? Especially after you declared war? Because many of us just assumed that you were venting and I had asked everyone to leave you alone while i try to work things was only when you refused to listen that hercules took matters in hand and went after you....

We made it especially clear in our forums to leave you alone, or face a kick....i already said that desert was out of line in attacking a scout, and even apoligized in here in the forums on behalf of carnage. But to be honest, do you know how many times we have had scouts killed by napd kingdoms, and how many scouts we killed of napd kingdoms with no fuss being made?

At least I have extended a formal apology, and am willing to make every attempt to reach peace with you, an old friend, and work things out....i guess some people dont live by the saying "let bygones be bygones" i suppose.....


the issue appears to be dead. twamao wants a war, then so be it...i give up:(

At Marche: Wow man, i'm a little creeped right now....<goes to hit kick button>emale initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.

07:15:31 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

Oh cmon. I already said that i didnt went out of my way to attack you guys.  You did.  dont talk to me like im the one who wanted to war.  Why the hell do i want to war a kingdom?  Your kingdom's problem is its full of people who likes to take matters in their own hand.  Why not try to control your players for a change?  I dont think your kingdom listens to you.

Anyway, let's try it in reverse.  Let's pretend i offer you peace and then take all the cities you build and kill your scouts.  And tell you im generous and stuffs like that.  And now i tell you as i send my armies towards you that you should let it pass.  would you still believe that i want peace?

I have carnage cities near me?  You dont have a guarantee that your kingdom will leave me alone.  Do not say that i should believe in your words when you just sent a pm that your armies are on their way.

It seems your offer of peace requires me to die.  How about You leave me alone I leave you alone?  That's the simplest it can be?  And yet Carnage cannot make that offer.  So i leave the decision to you.  You leave me alone I leave you alone.  And let bygones be bygones. 

10:23:56 Sep 7th 07 - Sir Zmonev:


11:51:21 Sep 7th 07 - Lord Echram:

Soooooo...........Hows the weather?

12:02:35 Sep 7th 07 - Sir Zmonev:

Its a bright bright bright sunshiny day!

The weather isnt bad.. Hows the weather where you live?

12:12:35 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Wow, Fizzy, I'm impressed!  That is a side of you that I have not seen before.  Just figured I'd comment on that.

And, hopefully the last time I comment on this Twamao thing here, as it should be held privately, however we also saw how that worked last night or IRC...

Twamao, why are you thinking that flaming us is going to help us get to the notion of making peace with you.  You've severed many ties inside of Carnage and this doesn't seem like something you would usually do.  I dont know you too well, but I do know that how you are acting is nothing like how you usually conduct yourself.  And no, Carnage most likely will not make the offer you stated above simply because of what has happened since, however I could be wrong about that, thats up to the establishment.  You are obviously not wanting to die, but your actions keep on pushing us closer and closer to the point of no return, that is if we have not gotten there yet.  If you are at all interested in preserving the peace, I suggest you calm down immediately and handle this a bit more rationally.

12:16:33 Sep 7th 07 - Lord Echram:

Cloudy, but the temperature is good. I have no complaints.

12:17:50 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Architect:

and its 3:18am here.....It's dark.

12:27:45 Sep 7th 07 - Sir Zmonev:

Cloudy with sun sometimes and its °15 - °18 degrees.

12:27:54 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

Exactly!  Now we're making sense!  You do realize that i did the same to Carnage like what they did to me.  You took my city and offered peace.  Now i took your city and I offer peace.  :)

I flamed you here because I cant possibly beat you ingame.  1 vs a kingdom :(   I went public because no carnage pm were sent without a threat or without saying im stupid.  And now its good to see that your messages here dont have threats in them.  :)

12:40:07 Sep 7th 07 - Lord Echram:

Good! We are getting somewhere. Twamao, we kindly reject your peace offer!

Problem solved! Lets have War.

12:43:12 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

I already declared. remember?

12:46:31 Sep 7th 07 - Lord Yerean:

YOU chose to be untagged. Untagged are usually thought as weak players since they have almost noboy to back them up.
YOU did not suggest a NAP or anything OFFICIAL. Neither did we, because I don't think it matters that much to us.
Furthermore, WE NEED CITIES TOO to take out the various kingdoms.
Nonetheless, we've done mistakes, and so have you.
Now, I see you have lots of time on your hands to complain, personally I don't right now.

If you piss on everybody, not much will change. If everybody pisses on you, you'll be hella drowned. (citation needed)

12:56:55 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

im sorry because i interpret that "you are welcome in our area" message as an offer of peace.  I guess it's not

13:05:59 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

woo long flames

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