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Dark Dishounorable?
05:58:02 Jan 14th 09 - Monarch Vampire Queen:

Monarch of Dark here

Was watching to see how this played out.

We stated we had no interest in BE but once BE attacks us ..........

07:30:35 Jan 14th 09 - Lord Whoop:

Close this topic please. It's useless. It has all been solved.

08:33:48 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Graybeard:

I do not say much,but while traveling through Valhalla with a 200Naz army, I was attacked by one bethmorian armies while I was at work off line by one of their leaders Barbaros without warming. All troops were slaughtered.
This happened prior to any of these claims by Nub. They have nothing to stand on with her claims unless compensation is offered for my losses.

13:44:33 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Graybeard:

The latest
08:08:33: Gulf Hagas lost a battle against Bitirdin Beni Lan from Mr. Barbaros Hayrettin Pasa. We lost 1 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 150 Shamans, 50 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

21:05:55 Jan 14th 09 - Sir Ryan The Quiet:

Meh My vote is for war, if they wnat to attack us then whine then I say smashy smashy. we will be speaking to our members.

21:21:58 Jan 14th 09 - Endless Delerium:

Kind of looks like war it is, thought I saw MVQ state once BE attacks ;)

01:06:14 Jan 15th 09 - Ms. Nub:

um greybeard.... your army was prepping on an armoury for hours.....

and there is a pro army coming head on towards us too.... it seems that you are trying to find ways to fight us, also you are STILL seiging that city.... and have been for several days.

02:37:55 Jan 15th 09 - Sir Ryan The Quiet:

thats why you should talk to Vices asap when that *beep* happens, otherwise you look foolish.

03:37:14 Jan 15th 09 - Ms. Nub:

I had to sleep... and my member did what he thought nessecary...


greybeard is just trying to make excuses to fight us, he is still seiging the city that he has been for a number of real days. through the whole ordeal he has not stoped the seige, i've been informed that moral is now 5%, production is 40%.....


just proves how long he has had said city under seige.


I did also contact vices about this, i've told lord whoop on a couple of occasions, and i beleive that he has PM'ed the member, yet cannot see the valhalla map so cannot tell that he is STILL seiging the damned city.


im not the one who looks foolish, greybeard is, he is making passes at us to provoks us into attacking him, posting half the story in the forums and then crying blue murder.


I mean who preps on an armoury for hours on end, when hostile armies are bearign down on it, doubling troop cost etc and expects NOT to be attacked??

03:40:07 Jan 15th 09 - Ms. Nub:

also, i might add that the only cities in the area were bethmorian ones it was in a corner, and there is no other possible reason other than provokation to prep on this city.

03:54:22 Jan 15th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

well...if it was just a few hours, like you said yourself...Graybeard could have been asleep :)  Dark may not see much of the Val map, so he simply plotted a course overnight and that's where it landed...

04:35:53 Jan 15th 09 - Ms. Nub:

Dwarven Inn is the city, he went to prep on my city rulliewollie mi, then changed path and started prepping on dwarven inn, which has its gates closed, so you can't make the excse that he was just setting a path for it.

the PRO army is that which was moving towards and my member felt it nessecary to take out the army....

04:38:12 Jan 15th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:


U should tell ur member he built Anrakdil too close...if he had built on the other side he could have had a bigger city :)

05:12:03 Jan 15th 09 - Ms. Nub:

hehe they weren't ours to begin with, blame DoD for barb's and some other guy for mine ;)

05:28:57 Jan 15th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

ahhhh mkay =)

20:21:40 Jan 18th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:

well dark are dishonourable anyway. we 24 hour CF them. then they attack and send a message 10 minutes later saying they ended it.they are pathetic.

20:28:07 Jan 18th 09 - Sir Thomaas:

lol, dark got to many members and vices, cant control them all you know :P

20:36:12 Jan 18th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius: was the same person who made the CF and who attacked me...and i was told by the leader to talk to them. i didnt say anything because i didnt see a point. it hadnt affected us majorely. but now we are screwed over because of it its pissed me off.

20:36:20 Jan 18th 09 - Endless Delerium:

Dark is dishonorable, suck it up peeps and take it like men and women ^_^

shee*beep*'s a war game... less yappin mo killin

20:37:33 Jan 18th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:




guess she is jealous i dumped her.


Joke Joke

20:39:49 Jan 18th 09 - Endless Delerium:

Sir Kathandarion of Imperius


1/18/2009 11:36:12 AM was the same person who made the CF and who attacked me...and i was told by the leader to talk to them. i didnt say anything because i didnt see a point. it hadnt affected us majorely. but now we are screwed over because of it its pissed me off.

You and I talked temp CF because one of our members went hostile (and ended up booted for it), and I did not attack you so... after the hostile left Dark he joined BioHazard (mutual enemy) and then either left or was booted from BioHazard.. CF then ended...  maybe you should copy that previous thread over here.

BTW, what tag are you now?  No, not because I want another round at you.. just because it sounds like something new has happened?

20:40:54 Jan 18th 09 - Endless Delerium:

Sir Kathandarion of Imperius


1/18/2009 11:37:33 AM




guess she is jealous i dumped her.


Joke Joke

LOL , I WAS .. extremely SO!! plus, bloodthirsty so... :)

that'll learn you for dumping me ^_^

20:42:05 Jan 18th 09 - Endless Delerium:

Hmm, did I snack on you once the CF ended? Damn I forgot to save that ;)

20:43:00 Jan 18th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:

IoK now lol. my own KD. and heaven and PKS AGAIN screwed us over.......and we lost our last cities on starta to dark :(:( so no were to run to. lol.

20:44:44 Jan 18th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:

and :P yu never just wanted it to look worse on dark. i cant remember who did. but we got attacked before you ended the temp CF or what ever it was regardless.

20:49:20 Jan 18th 09 - Endless Delerium:

So are you resigned to being tasty snacks for everybody this era and plotting a new master plan for next era? ;p  Yes I do try to do the diplo thing but I often am a greedy girl and can't resist the call of war :D  If you figure out who snacked on you b4 CF end was called let me know..  if they have tasty looking cities maybe I'll kick 'em and have them for lunch :D  just kidding

Mr. Barney is about to snack on my cities sometime soon... if you wanted a shot at Legacy there are new Starta opportunities opening up as I type ;)

21:24:53 Jan 18th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:

hmmm for umm the services you provided whilst we were going out id save your cities :P

21:43:06 Jan 18th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

 I thought this thread died.... 

21:50:36 Jan 18th 09 - Endless Delerium:

apparently not ;)

21:52:20 Jan 18th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Apparently Dark does a lot in a short time...

21:53:46 Jan 18th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

Hehe, what can we say...we've got skillz xD

01:40:40 Jan 19th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

A prosapia army eh? We have fingers in many pies.

01:52:57 Jan 19th 09 - Endless Delerium:

Tweet Yourself ;)

Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened the birds began to sing,
Oh wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?

02:15:17 Jan 19th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Thanks for that xD

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