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Forums / In game politics / FanTaSia Era of Awesomeness

FanTaSia Era of Awesomeness
06:25:12 Nov 12th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Nice to meet you HCA :)
Ohhh...your dead, see you next time :D

16:46:49 Nov 12th 12 - Mr. Berps:

I'm alive, good sir. Correct your mistakes. c:

17:09:39 Nov 12th 12 - HellBrokeItsChains (Mr. Berps):

posted with the wrong character last time.

17:34:57 Nov 12th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

I just meant your gonna die real quick ;)

17:45:08 Nov 12th 12 - Dragon (Junior Guildmaster Dragon):

ya the Great Dragon is on a roll and steam rolling over everything in his way... hehe

17:52:54 Nov 12th 12 - HellBrokeItsChains (Mr. Berps):

That may be so, the only reason I joined Fant was because I was reading around and heard that it's where the experienced players go so I said to my self the best way to learn is from the best so I went to Fant when it was Arma'd

18:07:51 Nov 12th 12 - Dragon (Junior Guildmaster Dragon):

you did the right thing then. 

Fant is the place to be

18:25:46 Nov 12th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Tho its recommended you join one of the main kds :)

18:34:04 Nov 12th 12 - Zond (Sir Inflatable Car Bed):

Or join me and we rule the world! 

18:39:40 Nov 12th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

I can vouch for zond :)

19:13:10 Nov 12th 12 - HellBrokeItsChains (Mr. Berps):

 If only I knew what Kingdom you were in, Zond, and I've already located by my self in one small area of the map. ;c

19:15:14 Nov 12th 12 - Zond (General of Legend):

just look for the coolest kd name ;)

19:16:17 Nov 12th 12 - HellBrokeItsChains (Mr. Berps):

I'll send in an App, then, and then tell me where we're located. Cause I'm near Beothuk Evil Ops. :P

19:16:51 Nov 12th 12 - Zond (Sir Inflatable Car Bed):

Well i know where that is, but a bit far away :P

Im busy fighting relentless and black flag xD 

19:36:31 Nov 12th 12 - Dragon (Junior Guildmaster Dragon):

you landed near beo and the Immortals.

you could always apply to the immortals

19:37:33 Nov 12th 12 - Zond (Sir Inflatable Car Bed):

hes mine! muwahahaha 

19:42:19 Nov 12th 12 - Legend (I am Legendary):

Dont join Immortals if you wanna live.

20:05:29 Nov 12th 12 - HellBrokeItsChains (Mr. Chains):

Did not join Immortal.
I guess I gotta fight MAD and Black flag now. Lets do this bitches

20:09:04 Nov 12th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

^ :)

20:10:34 Nov 12th 12 - HellBrokeItsChains (Mr. Berps):

I'll beep you up or die trying. xD

21:15:09 Nov 12th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

lol :P

00:55:13 Nov 13th 12 - Zond (Sir Inflatable Car Bed):

you know your good when you got 3 kds attacking yours. :D

01:49:39 Nov 13th 12 - Dragon (Junior Guildmaster Dragon):

I got that too zond, but I am in their cores...

Relentless really hates me. they got 3 armies prepping and a 4th on the way.

01:57:13 Nov 13th 12 - Zond (Sir Inflatable Car Bed):


ive got 2 holed up in a city trying to out spam me :P 

02:05:26 Nov 13th 12 - Mr. Kreed:

pshh I can move as a please. my city isn't under siege.

02:10:50 Nov 13th 12 - Zond (Sir Inflatable Car Bed):

you wont dare move. As id kill ya easy. had 71% on both you guys in there. Only bad part is dice rolled high in your favor. 

05:39:05 Nov 13th 12 - Mr. Ninja:

lol psh excuses... : P

05:43:41 Nov 13th 12 - Zond (Sir Inflatable Car Bed):

lol come at me you ninja :P 

05:58:03 Nov 13th 12 - Mr. Kreed:

he already came at you, you just didn't see...hence ninja :p

06:09:27 Nov 13th 12 - Zond (The For The):

haha sure sure :P

07:47:21 Nov 13th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

07:57:39 Nov 13th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):


21:14:08 Nov 13th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Why isn't Wilberforce, one of VU's greatest players ever, playing anymore? Without his presence spurring me onward on the battlefield, I've completely lost the motivation to play now.... maybe even the will to live! Anyone want my cities? :( :(

21:22:53 Nov 13th 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron):

MAD probably want theirs back...

21:30:09 Nov 13th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

And I have given every city that I have taken from MAD back to them. Without the Wilberforce "Great Guru of VU" lighting the fire in my belly and serving as the aspiration for me to attain his level of VU godhood, I no longer had the strength to hold on to the cities I took. My grip on them completely failed when I finally realised and accepted what Swifty said.... Wilberforce will not be playing this era....

I guess I'll just log in once a day from now on.... :( :( ;(

22:13:39 Nov 13th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

whats the deal with Cnaiur did he betray.. get kicked?

23:03:00 Nov 13th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Nope, spawned untagged.

05:35:14 Nov 14th 12 - Zond (Sir Inflatable Car Bed):

oh shit a slinger army coming at us!

22:19:44 - Mages have caused the morale in the Yum Yum army to drop!

22:19:42 - Mr. Vah attempted to cast a spell upon us.

22:18:59 - Fire rains from the sky on our Yum Yum army! 1784 troops burned to death.

22:18:56 - Mr. Vah attempted to cast a spell upon us.

22:18:53 - Mr. Vah attempted to cast a spell upon us.

22:18:35 - The progress of Yum Yum has been hindered by magic!

22:18:33 - Mr. Vah attempted to cast a spell upon us.

22:18:29 - Mr. Vah attempted to cast a spell upon us.

22:11:53 - Mr. Feedme attempted to cast a spell upon us.

05:46:02 Nov 14th 12 - Mr. Feedme:

all that i casted was an EITS

05:50:55 Nov 14th 12 - Zond (Sir Inflatable Car Bed):

more than just you casted :p

06:58:33 Nov 14th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Rawrfaic):

Well I joined the Era late.. Looks.. Interesting to say the least. :P

07:13:21 Nov 14th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Well, every kingdom is fighting an OOP war. So yes, it is interesting.

07:16:01 Nov 14th 12 - Zond (Mr. Coolio):

Not every :P

Black Flag attacked me, lost an army. and now nothin 0.o

Guess hes farming naz for me :(( 

07:20:41 Nov 14th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Black Flag are sending nazzies at us :P

07:22:32 Nov 14th 12 - Zond (Mr. Coolio):

Oh. xD

Must of laid off on me for a while :P


Now i can focus on just these relentless players, rest are done farming and now all moving at me :'( 

08:09:16 Nov 14th 12 - Mr. Ninja:

03:00:17 - Ninja Force won a battle against Waste Your Magic from Sir Inflatable Car Bed. We lost 387 Hobgoblins, 838 Rockthrowers, 0 Warlords, 0 Mages, 0 Berserkers and 0 peasants in the battle and 1497 of our soldiers got injured.

This is why ninjas shouldn't do shrooms before battle... the killing might be psychedelic but you'll be a few seconds late to battle : /

08:11:20 Nov 14th 12 - Zond (Mr. Coolio):

haha. i lost 2k slingers. :P

Poor little guys, just wait and see what ive got cooking up later ;) 

09:29:53 Nov 14th 12 - Dragon (Junior Guildmaster Dragon):

LOL Black Flag is attack my GT city in the south forcing me to gaia spam it just to keep it. Not even attacking with that city...

13:32:22 Nov 14th 12 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

Zond (Mr. Coolio): We thought we would go for a bigger target, looked like you had your hands full.

16:53:06 Nov 14th 12 - Dragon (Junior Guildmaster Dragon):

So I am a bigger target than Zond... thanks

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