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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 19

Fantasia 19
01:46:34 May 5th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

Beothuk has no need to play in Fantasia. We have won Fantasia 4 eras in a row, an unprecedented achievement. We even won it with absolutely 0 NAPs in our 4th era. Totally a feat without equal.

I heard that Legacy and MAD are NAPped this era. Tut tut. If that is true, my respect for Legacy just took a divebomb onto the deck of one of the Great Satan's aircraft carriers.

TBL, despite his name and his curse of loser-ism by birth, has been able to overcome all those birthright defects and has never been defeated in VU ever since he came back to the multi-character system (unlike mighty Wilberforce, esteemed leader of elite kingdoms like Dark Blood, Juicy, HIV, DOA and Legacy). TBL has no need to pander to little Smallfries' impotent jabs.

Ultimately, Beothuk's plan is to let Legacy dominate Fantasia for 3 eras straight and get their confidence back up, and then maybe come back to finally face a worthy enemy. As it is, if Beothuk played this era, Legacy might disband out of protest if Beothuk would have won its 5th straight era. Beothuk, out of the goodness of its heart, decided to take a rest and let Legacy get back some of its glory once again.

Thus, no bitching from Legacy = Legacy winning.

/Fantasia era 19 thread

02:09:20 May 5th 13 - Mr. Smallfries The Small:

Irrelevant, mate. 

03:04:47 May 5th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

*chuckle* Elsin been teaching you some new forum tricks? Won't work, mate.

So what happened to the principles of no NAPs and fight everyone? Legacy suddenly lacking a spine? :P

Poor Bihnypoo... why does he have to shepard these bunch of players with such flexible... principles.....

03:06:55 May 5th 13 - Zond (Sir Dust):

He reads the same book you read. 

03:12:09 May 5th 13 - Mr. Smallfries The Small:

Setting bait failed, so you found some more? 

Sorry. We aren't biting. We aren't getting off topic. 

This era is about the major kingdoms. Not TBL. 
This era is not about you. At all. 

The KDs are having a war without huge arguments and flames. The difference is NOT that BEO is gone or that LGC isn't losing. 

Whenever Beothuk returns to FANT, I dare you to remain silent on the forums. See what happens. 

But, era 19 isn't about that. 
You are a troll. 
TBL the forum troll. 

May Beo return to Fant for some wars. Except TBL. TBL is no fun. 

05:03:32 May 5th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

So Smallfries, you got the impression that I was in bait setting mode and you were impressive in not biting my bait?

Hmmm..... I actually thought I was toying with you in such a way that you were trying to snap at my bait and I was pulling it away... like how the master teases his pet dog with always putting a doggy delicacy just out of said dog's reach.

How perceptions differ, eh :D

Anyway, let me putting into perspective why I am teasing and toying with you and your kingdom this era, Smallfries :)

Two things are going to standout this era regardless of the end result (which is, at this point, almost an assured Legacy victory).

Firstly - Legacy's impending victory this era is always going to have an asterisk next to it. It was only able to win because Beothuk is no longer around to match it. Legacy had 3 valid chances to take down Beothuk in the past eras, and failed all 3 times.

Secondly - in having relations with MAD, Legacy proves that words from chaps like Warlock, Wilberforce and Pure re Legacy being an ultimate fighting-all kingdom are nothing but empty air. No one can take Legacy seriously anymore after this era. Heck, no one really took Legacy seriously anyway after the past few eras of moaning and whining :P

When losing, Legacy players set the gold standard in bitching and finger pointing. When they are quiet all of a sudden, you know the tables have turned :D

The only pity I see from this is that one of the smartest and most affable players in the game has to be associated with such a group. Sad sad sad *SMH*

Anyway, I'm done with my "shit-stirring" for today ;) Have fun dominating Fantasia in our place now :D

05:06:25 May 5th 13 - Mr. Smallfries The Small:

There you go again, twisting things to make LGC look bad. We aren't perfect, and we aren't going to act like it either. 

Bring your corrupting influence somewhere else. 

05:16:23 May 5th 13 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

Hey guys I just learned this awesome trick that keeps your forum-viewing days full of happiness and joy!

Whenever you see the name TheBornLoser, just skip to the next post.  Works every time, 99% of the time.

If you enjoy meaningless drama, however, ignore my advice.

05:30:35 May 5th 13 - Venomz (Mr. Sapro):

Move along everyone, nothing to see here.

05:48:12 May 5th 13 - Venomz (Mr. Sapro):

So, here's a question for the people that actually play on fantasia.

How are you doing so far this era, and what rating would you give the era up till now (1-10)?

08:01:06 May 5th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Rance):

I'd give myself a 5 because:

 - I wish I had gotten lv 4+ magic
 - I wish I knew how to get the best possible income during the first 2 days
 - I wish my armies had at least 1 exp at this point in time
 - I wish I had made a city named Takeda
 - And finally because I'm still a noob

08:02:54 May 5th 13 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

For the income part, read guides.
And don't worry, I have an advent army with 16 exp and I'm not finding anything either. :)

08:42:20 May 5th 13 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Liubeiofshu):

I would give it an 8. I am doing quite well despite had being behind by 4 days. My reasons why will show on the battlefield.

10:05:36 May 5th 13 - Azaruc (Mr. Azaruc):

We have no cities nor armies left. Our foes have defeated us!

Enough said :p

02:15:19 May 6th 13 - Mr. Crom:

would someone please be so kind to tell me whats going on these days, the forum and all look a bit strange and savaged, comparded to...once upon a time.

03:23:33 May 6th 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Debaser):

i'm winning

03:52:20 May 6th 13 - Venomz (Mr. Sapro):

Shyers still thinks he's winning. He got stuck in his fantasy many era's ago.. It's so sad to see he still isn't recovering :(

The forums are quiet, there are less players.. and err, yeah the old glory days are long gone. But the game can grow again, ups and downs I guess.. just needs some change. Welcome back Crom!

03:55:33 May 6th 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Debaser):

i didnt say what i was winning

04:41:22 May 6th 13 - Mr. Hecticpreet II:

i'm bi-winning

05:17:02 May 6th 13 - Mr. Timmion:

"would someone please be so kind to tell me whats going on these days, the forum and all look a bit strange and savaged, comparded to...once upon a time".

Kingdoms in Fantasia

Legacy 23 Mr. Binh The Elf 353
The Immortals 18 Duke Leviathan 220
Poodles From Hell 7 Mr. Paper Thik 100
Fecking Fecker 11 Mr. Bling 94
Just A Gathering Of Monkeys 9 Captain Conspyre 67
Knights Templar 8 Mr. Stu 60
Mad and Dangerous 10 Sir Aloysius 40
Misfits 15 Mr. Quasimodo Fordius 10


I was not an eyewitness, but I infer that Legacy won oop vs Misfits and Immortals ate the Misfits restart/remnants. 

06:00:45 May 6th 13 - Mr. Borid:

Poodles ate up some Mad cities as well

21:33:32 May 7th 13 - Mr. Aethelstan:

And then a hero comes along

with the strength to carry on

and you cast your fears aside

and you know you can survive

that hero is me

ill sting like a bee

you have been warned leave me be when the protection ends!

23:57:42 May 7th 13 - Venomz (Mr. Sapro):

And then a hero came.
He wrote a poem on the forum, so lame.
He says he is really tough..
But I'm sure it's all just a bluff.
Just another so called hero to be buried in the ground.
A nobody for no one to be found.
Rotting in the dirt and sand.
I knew something was smelly near my land.
Do not fear for death as it will come once you are out of protection.
The world of Fantasia is only for actual hero's, a small selection.

00:53:38 May 8th 13 - Mr. Aethelstan:

but my kd is the mob we be hero

14:08:44 May 11th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

I wonder how many k nazzies we have killed in all those small armies that have been sent at us :)

14:05:26 May 16th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Looks like everyone spent their yearly flame amount last era :P

15:31:23 May 16th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

There isn't any need to flame :) We all know that Legacy only "adheres" to its "no NAP" policy when it is facing a superior kingdom. This is called: laying the groundwork for excuses when it loses the era :D

16:26:50 May 16th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

lol :P
They will have to start working on some new exuses this time around then ;)

17:07:20 May 16th 13 - Prince Chade:

well they will have only one excuse:

"Binh was concentrating in Nirvana and he didnt bother with Fanta"

17:21:56 May 16th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

haha XD

07:21:34 May 18th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

Looks like the correlations are true...

No bitching from Legacy in Fantasia thread = Legacy winning.

Legacy wining = function(NAP with MAD at start + bending of no NAP principles).

Legacy... victors and champions of Fantasia era 19*

* (no Beothuk)

07:51:40 May 18th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite III):

Seriously TBL you're starting to look ridiculous. Stop commenting on an era you are not even playing in. Your initial predictions were that LGC and Misfits would NAP and take over the world, we all see how that turned out. Dont you get tired of being wrong?

09:00:50 May 18th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

Actually Elite, if you look back at my postings, I gave out two scenarios. Scenario one was LGC vs Misfits vs Rest of VU. Scenario two was LGC + Misfits vs Rest of VU.

I always thought that Scenario one would take place since I always thought chaps like Warlock, Wilberforce and Pure were sincere about Legacy being a no NAP kingdom.

What I didn't anticipate was that a Scenario three would take place instead: LGC + MAD vs Misfits, then LGC + MAD vs Immortals + Feckers vs Poodles + Restarted Misfits.

I was never wrong that Legacy was a kingdom of questionable principles :P They create principles and "rules" out of thin air when it suits them :) I guess when you have chaps like Wilberforce and Warlock in your leadership, you can be quite flexible about a lot of things when it suits you :P

So seriously, Elite, I think you need to retake your comprehension exams :) Besides, if you do not like my comments, then don't bother reading or replying to them :P

09:02:52 May 18th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Yang Wenli):

How insulting




Where was templars included >:[

09:06:26 May 18th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

Whoops, my bad :P

Please feel free to place KT in one of the brackets :)

Still wondering about the no-NAPs principle though... :P

09:52:16 May 18th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

You also forgot monkeys lol :P

10:33:21 May 18th 13 - Stirlin (Prince Panky Hanky):

Legacy for the last few eras has said they are a minimal nap kingdom, it appears your selective reading missed skimmed over that fact numerous times my asian friend

be an adult and stop degrading us k?

13:54:44 May 18th 13 - Ms. Kisecawchuck:

LGC is a top kd always will be, there my hero's.  long live lgc.....

15:25:20 May 18th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

Well Stirlin old chap, when I recall posts like this in the past:

13:19:41 Feb 24th 13 - Pure (Ms. Ghandi):

Im confused, Tbl why is it as soon as there are rumors of a new active kingdom that you most likely wouldn't be able to persuade into friendly relations you panic and start to demand no relations next era from any kingdoms? I'm not in any position of leadership but I'm sure the leaders of LGC will play next era like any other i.e No naps. Why dont you just take the initiative and tell your kingdom next era you plan to play Fant the way its meant to be (Dont complain about stress, if you want to play stress free play on lower worlds and only log in 3 or 4 times a day) I would nearly guarantee LGC and fckers will (Its sad that a 6 man kingdom has more balls then a 25+ kingdom).

I do hold Legacy to higher standards you know :P

15:26:17 May 18th 13 - Mr. Bounce:

13:54:44 May 18th 13 - Ms. Kisecawchuck:

LGC is a top kd always will be, there my hero's.  long live lgc.....

thank you i try to live up to taht ;))

15:26:36 May 18th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

plucking quotes from members dont count!

15:30:29 May 18th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

I don't have the time to trawl back 4 Fantasia threads of 300+ posts :(

Would Swifty's posts count? Or as an "ex-communicated" member of Legacy, his old posts no longer carry any weight? :P

15:34:09 May 18th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

you had time to trawl back to feb, no excuses

15:52:57 May 18th 13 - Bran (Mr. Franz Liszt):

whens immortals and lgc gonna stop preying on the weaker kds (monkeys, KT and poodles) and spend more time fighting each other?

16:05:12 May 18th 13 - Ms. Kisecawchuck:

11:26:17 May 18th 13 - Mr. Bounce:

13:54:44 May 18th 13 - Ms. Kisecawchuck:

LGC is a top kd always will be, there my hero's.  long live lgc.....

thank you i try to live up to taht ;))

16:06:41 May 18th 13 - Ms. Kisecawchuck:

think there is A place in lgc for me bounce im will to learn o what i have to  to be a part of the best kd ever

16:12:26 May 18th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

16:52:57 May 18th 13 - Bran (Mr. Franz Liszt):
whens immortals and lgc gonna stop preying on the weaker kds (monkeys, KT and poodles) and spend more time fighting each other?

You got crappy los :)

16:19:53 May 18th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

21:34:09 May 18th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

you had time to trawl back to feb, no excuses

Not really. I knew where to home straight in on that quote by Pure and I did it by search as well. Don't really want to search through the others :D

16:24:03 May 18th 13 - Ms. Kisecawchuck:

so can i join lgc,,,,,,,,,,, love Jenna

16:25:06 May 18th 13 - Mr. Peeved:

A minor correction.  It appears the alliances are

LGC + MAD vs Misfits,
then LGC + MAD  + Feckers + Immortals  vs  Restarted Misfits
then Immortals + LGC + MAD vs Poodles + Templars + Monkeys (I put Immortals here because they are the ones that did real damage)

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