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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk

Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk
12:49:07 Feb 2nd 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

Just curious, How many players in Relent are actually active?

12:56:50 Feb 2nd 13 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobu The Rockclimber):

Husshhhh, dont give LGC any excuse for there upcoming defeat

13:13:17 Feb 2nd 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):


00:27:24 Feb 3rd 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Why is there no flame in here? 

Suggestions for flame topics:
  • MAD flames about being gangbanged
  • Immortals flame BEO for not opening blockers in timely fashion
  • BEO flame Immortals for stealing all the good mining spots(seriously guys took me two days to find a spot for my 3rd 90ker)
  • LGC flames Feckers for taking so long to die
  • Relentless flame LGC for not giving enough support in their war for survival
  • TBL flames Bilber for stealing the ring of power
  • LGC flame BEO for being so awesome
  • Everyone flames me for posting crap like this in an already crappy thread

00:58:38 Feb 3rd 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

haha XD

03:21:19 Feb 3rd 13 - Ms. Shorter And Stouter:

Yeah as a MAD player I have to say, the BEO ~ Immortal NAP pretty much ends the era before it even started.  Spawning together with a couple other active MAD players and having an ocean of Beothucks and Immortals was brutal.

10:33:09 Feb 3rd 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Well we (Immortals) kinda wanted revenge for last era ;) but being squashed between two kds happens everyone now and then :)

11:03:27 Feb 3rd 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:


Legacy, why you take my backup mine in your core? I thought we has a NAP? :(

12:09:34 Feb 3rd 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

Attacking a rebuilding kingdom barely out of pop again.. good luck surviving this era

12:32:26 Feb 3rd 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

sorry tbl we got a redevelopment programe going on, we no longer accept shit banners on our plot

13:49:17 Feb 3rd 13 - cxc (Mr. Nonsense Deluxe):

speaks the one whos kingdom is running in baby blue for ages ^^.

14:11:02 Feb 3rd 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

haha XD

14:21:09 Feb 3rd 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

But I always thought Legacy and Beothuk had a NAP, that's why I built a backup mine inside your core just in case MAD took my starter one :(

After all, we were supposed to rule the galaxy together, remember? As father and son? (or was it Emperor and apprentice? Can't recall....).

And anyway, our navy blue pwns your baby blue, Stirlin!

00:05:56 Feb 4th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

A banner made of shit. Now that would be something!

01:36:26 Feb 4th 13 - Mr. Bounce IV:

i predict lgc wil beat everyone once but then they wil farm again and keep hitting back :)

02:48:31 Feb 4th 13 - Sir Aloysius:

Less than half of my members are only playing... just be nice to us for a moment. :D

04:41:39 Feb 4th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Legit Mine is defended by 96125 soldiers who seem to be armed with magic weapons and mithril armor. And has 6582 guard stations.

Legit Mine has 989 walls, which will increase our preparation time by 10 day(s).

Gosh, is it really necessary to put in this many troops into your mine, Swifty? :S What's your upkeep looking like?

08:08:57 Feb 4th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

lol XD

17:59:13 Feb 5th 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

why does this era have to get complicated?

18:35:55 Feb 6th 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

Ah Bling your willingness to Multi and get banned just means, maybe you shouldent play on Fant, if you think its the only way you can win.

You (2/4/2013 7:43:31 PM)
As i understand it, Feckers plans to attack Beo.. Should immortals be worried, we would prefer to stay out of it completely... Not being able to open walls ect though.
Mr. Bling (2/5/2013 2:49:53 PM)GOODBAD
we're coming after u and beo next era. oop im the deadliest player on this map, so will be done with beo 14 ticks from oop again. :) so happy feeding this round, next its all gloves off.
You (2/5/2013 10:53:50 PM)
im happy you can feel like the best player on the map.
Mr. Bling (2/6/2013 1:39:14 AM)GOODBAD
beats looking at how the big 4 kds have napped and thinking.. hmm .. they must all be really *beep* not to want to war in a war game
You (2/6/2013 11:19:02 AM)
Immortals was very inactive last era and only 20 players this era, the smallest of the (big) kingdoms so whats your problem with us napping Beo?
Mr. Bling (2/6/2013 11:21:08 AM)GOODBAD
u not fighting them.
we got 5 active players and fighting every fight we can.
You (2/6/2013 11:23:06 AM)
why should we fight them? since the begining of this game there has been naps/CF/Maps ect why are you pissed that its the same as it always has been?
Mr. Bling (2/6/2013 11:23:35 AM)GOODBAD
because thats been the games problem ever since
You (2/6/2013 11:24:00 AM)
and you saying your going to multi isnt a problem with the game?
Mr. Bling (2/6/2013 11:25:37 AM)GOODBAD
no, cause if i get caught i get banned.
and no point crying that one, because i can rattle a list of multi's off that are playing right now.

19:12:20 Feb 6th 13 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer):

That's not him saying its him, though, just that other people are mult-ing...

19:14:38 Feb 6th 13 - Zond (The Motha Fvckin Boss):

yeah! well know noobhammer multis. but we dont care. he still sucks!

19:30:35 Feb 6th 13 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer):

List of my multis:

Biggest Noooobhammer
I suck

19:30:41 Feb 6th 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

to be more honorable then the kingdoms that nap each other he plans to Mutli up to 8 accounts, Just sounds funny to me.

19:36:27 Feb 6th 13 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer):

I see your point, but he's saying there's a punishment for what he does, as compared to none for what you're doing. I don't think its on the same level, but he has a point.... I've always hated NAPing...

19:40:23 Feb 6th 13 - Zond (The Motha Fvckin Boss):

Yet all you ever do is lay around and nap.. lazy. tsk tsk.

19:43:41 Feb 6th 13 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer):

Probably why I multi, since I hate myself apparently

19:44:25 Feb 6th 13 - Electric (Ms. Elle Bishop):

if you hate napping join a kingdom that doesnt nap like blings kingdom, For everyone that hates kingdoms that nap and are in kingdoms that will nap every era (LGC is included in this because they are cowards also) then DONT join that kingdom if your going to bitch about Naps/Maps/CF"s join/make your own and make this game more intresting without your bitch's about how some people play.... Message to Immortals, Beo, Relent, LGC (ect) all large kingdoms on all maps.. If your a member in that kingdom and you hate napping then stop being a coward and make your own kingdom/join a kingdom that doesnt Nap.

~Love ya, all

19:45:13 Feb 6th 13 - Zond (The Motha Fvckin Boss):

Why else do you call yourself Idiot First Class... starting to think your brain in getting older much faster than your body XD

20:01:35 Feb 6th 13 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer): Join Bling's KD? I don't know what other KD on Fanta did this..... or you could join Forgotten Warriors on Mantrax! Oh wait.....

20:02:21 Feb 6th 13 - Zond (The Motha Fvckin Boss):

or or, yeah u cant play anywhere else :P

21:58:13 Feb 6th 13 - Mr. Yata:

I'll be your cloooooown.

23:17:13 Feb 6th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

Its so funny to watch hypocrites talking <3

23:27:55 Feb 6th 13 - Zephyr (Marquess Shuren Rider):

I lol'ed the entire convo between Zond and Ogrim.

00:00:56 Feb 7th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Why are people being so civil? This is me/api right now:

04:40:58 Feb 7th 13 - Endless (Lady Joanna of Castile):

too bored to read this thread, but if it was not already posted...

14:48:51 Feb 5th 13 - Mr. Bling:

please post on main fant thread

You are all cowards.
Next era feckers wont nap, we wont crap, but we will slap


we hereby declare war on
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Beothuk Evil Ops31Ms. Jennaside667
The Immortals20Prince Chade470
Legacy24Mr. Mate Dont Mad436
Relentless21Mr. Xpumpx135

96 players versus us 8... we hope u can get more players to make it a fair battle.

05:13:45 Feb 7th 13 - Electric (Electric Supernatural Feline):

unlikely but il be rooting for you

05:53:36 Feb 7th 13 - Sir Iceworks The Prentice:

LOL! for the record... u wanted to break the CF between us..

08:33:00 Feb 7th 13 - Pure (Pure Reed Will Deliver):

04:44:25 Feb 7th 13 - Electric (Ms. Elle Bishop):
if you hate napping join a kingdom that doesnt nap like blings kingdom, For everyone that hates kingdoms that nap and are in kingdoms that will nap every era (LGC is included in this because they are cowards also)

Loel, please elaborate.

05:01:35 Feb 7th 13 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer): Join Bling's KD? I don't know what other KD on Fanta did this..... or you could join Forgotten Warriors on Mantrax! Oh wait.....

ahahahahahahahah love it.
p.s plz stahp multing

Anyway I love how Electric is talking about unhonorable things to do :')

Also, I thought you said you couldn't play next era(This era) due to your cancer? (This is a reference to skype chat logs)

08:59:48 Feb 7th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:


Nice army!

Through the eye we can see this information about The Warlock from Mr. Warlock:
Warlock from Mr. Warlock

09:46:24 Feb 7th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

bling sounds like mini lgc!

04:24:16 Feb 8th 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

on a side note... are there any active Vices in MAD playing?

09:38:39 Feb 8th 13 - Mr. Palpy Back:

are there any MAD playing??

10:12:23 Feb 8th 13 - Zephyr (Marquess Shuren Rider):

No, I am cleaning the map with them :)

13:21:57 Feb 8th 13 - Mr. Ghouma:

So what if next era all major kingdoms decide not to NAP anyone?

13:24:12 Feb 8th 13 - Tyr (Mr. Welcome Finland):

= the ones who land in a nice empty corner get to farm and win the era easily.

14:09:55 Feb 8th 13 - Mr. Fmbest:

Then I reckon Beo would rise their questionable player count even higher than it is now (perhaps you guys are going for the record Dragon Riders hold)!

14:16:33 Feb 8th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

The BITCH (and my hero) appears!!! :o

17:40:32 Feb 8th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

We're just such a popular kingdom everyone wants to play with us.

17:48:39 Feb 8th 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

This is true

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