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Forums / In game politics / I quit VU #2

I quit VU #2
19:47:12 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

It's entirely fair. You are not allowed to have multi accounts, and he multied, and was deleted. Quit complaining.

20:16:31 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

I'm not jumping in to this, but after reading the thread I can't help but post one thing. Penguin was rightfully deleted, thats a fact. But obviously there should be a second thread or something about Osiris. He got Penguin deleted only because Penguin was about to waste him. That seems like a clear abuse of powers to me;-) Don't try to distract everyone by pointing at Penguin and saying is was right, while that is true, what you did wasn't.... Two separate topics if you ask me, and both true. Penguin was multing and deserved what he got, Osiris abused his powers so what does he get? I'm never posting on this thread again:-/ Just my look at this.

20:18:15 Jul 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

thats where your wrong ruby. penguin wasnt about to waste me, i had no idea of any troops he had when i reported it its all just completly false

20:27:56 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Knigh:

lol, well yes even if orisis did wait for u to build 10k nazzies before reporting u, ur lucky he waited that long, he could have jus done it from the begining, rules are rules my friend, u knew them and took the risk. doesnt matter wat orisis reasons were for choosing to report u now. and there has always gotta be the first to make an example of, unfortunatly it was u, tough break.

20:28:38 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

u knewd i had 10k nazguls as$hole, before u reported.. u saw 2 hoh armies and then sayd " oh u are water " fag!!!

20:37:26 Jul 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

actually penguin if you could check the admin forum i asked for the multi sweep before you said that and you didnt say anything about nazgul untill about 10mins after you said that either

20:39:03 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

but later u reported me to get deleted !

20:40:10 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

THAT, or not enforced at all, and just "allowed".... there can't be a middle-ground or subjective reasoning... 

Its simply just not fair to those that get "made examples of...."
Thats the main argument here.

Mhmm,   I agree with this, because it's like saying, well... I have a rule, but I'm only going to use it on certain people.

Firstly, that means that the "enforcers" don't really think of it as much of a problem in the first place and secondly it means that huge, game-wide arguments will arise every time that rule is enforced, because there is no certainty with anything.

Add that with Zeta apparently saying it's ok to multi, on different worlds, (I think that's right), then it's just stupid to go and enforce a rule in the way that it's happened. If Zeta did say that. (I don't know if he did or not), then if his opinion on the subject has changed then he needs to make that known.

I don't really know what to say about the whole, "Osi only did it because he was scared of hte 10k naz" and all the other things that were said but I will choose to stay out of that.

P.S. I told you bringing in a new  mod would cause new problems to arise :P

PPS. Zeta I've had two accounts at the same time before too, on different worlds and to be honest, if more people did admit, I think you would find that there are in fact a hell of a lot of people who do have more than one account. (I'm fully expecting to be banned after this statement, but I would hope that others would admitt to it too.)

20:45:26 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

squiddy FTW!

20:47:48 Jul 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Mr. Penguin


7/23/2008 2:39:03 PM
but later u reported me to get deleted !

 as ive said i reported you before that


and yes squiddy a hell of a lot of people SHOULD be deleted imo.

20:48:37 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

im osi and im a fag  bla bla bla

20:56:25 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

lol, Penguin you should be mature about this :P

I wonder how many IP's play VU compared to accounts...

21:02:07 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Penguin needs to lighten up.....ill get back to you on how to to that XD

21:07:32 Jul 23rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Alright guys this has gone on for FAR TOO LONG!

Just a game, someone got deleted for not followoing the rules, and even if what you all say is right about OSI it still doesnt matter because a MULTI ACCOUNT GOT DELETED.

Either way it would have happened...

I think Zete should come here and slap every single one of you.
Even he would say its just a game.

A very good game, but just.




21:09:22 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

I can't beleive you just said that...

It's... it's blasphemy....! Yes! You should be burned alive!!

JUST a game!?!?!

21:12:28 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Plutonium:

Bla Bla Bla. With or without Water we will win so just put down your weapons.

21:17:50 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

It's so true :P

21:30:50 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Carbon:

Dark Lord Osiris


7/24/2008 12:30:31 AM

ok lets see if the retarded carbon and co can learn.


LOL!!! Is that you, Two-Faced Osiris? Is that you?



21:54:48 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Oh, yeah I was also going to say that I don't think that Mods should be throwing around insults, they are supposed to be setting an example.

22:02:58 Jul 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

In game politics is more lax, your allowed to build up rivals. you dont like me go suck a lemon or something.

22:06:42 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Carbon:

Dark Lord Osiris


7/24/2008 4:02:58 AM

In game politics is more lax, your allowed to build up rivals. you dont like me go suck a lemon or something.


Finally an admission from Two Faced Osiris!

I am glad you came out of the closet my dear friend. There is nothing wrong admitting that you are just abusing your power when it serves and benefits you and your kingdom. Almost everyone has done something like this before and I am sure many would not be able to resist if they were in your position facing Water's 10 K nazguls. I am glad you were able to share your true feelings with us :)

Ladies and gentlemen, please give a good hearty clap and cheer for our brother Osiris for finally starting to open up to us.


22:07:47 Jul 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

show me where i admitted anything :)

22:17:37 Jul 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Carbon have you ever wonderd why flame wars arent deleted strait away? or wonderd why your rants flames and posts in this thread havent been deleted?

22:23:44 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

Becuase if you delete them you cant reply to them orisis.DUHHHHHHHHH.then youll look like a mad man replieing to deleted posts.

22:56:18 Jul 23rd 08 - Daimyo Chuck Norris:

Have you ever been pulled over for going 5 miles over the speed limit? How about 20? 30?


It doesn't matter if the cop that pulled you over is dirty, you were still speeding. If the cop is dirty, he will get what's coming to him. Either from the clean cop, or the dirtiest mofo out there. So unless your either one...get over it.

23:03:35 Jul 23rd 08 - The Spamfighter:

Osiris called for multi sweep, he used Penguin as a example. Penguins multi got deleted. No abusal of any kind of powers.  End of discussion.

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