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Forums / In game politics / I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye
21:41:00 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

We got 3 inactives. All are still members of the kd and will be kicked after era ended. That was 78 free cities i could feed off. I refused to take them.

Vinci Mine was mine, as was the other, which got taken by one of your other fools, as was the third city named Vinci too. Get over yourselves.
Stop feeding and so will I.

21:41:44 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

"It's blings towns, not F&V. And bling left veggies like 1-3 weeks ago."

Are you truly retarded? In the first picture it's quite clear the city Deathkillsjuicy was Veggie, than as I posted in this thread, Monkey took it. Is reading not a required skill in your country?

21:42:42 May 20th 09 - Lady Quietone:

DeathtoJuicy was a town owned by Veggies as everyone can clearly see in the original post from Luls...then Primate took it.... Sure Bling is in on the scam too helping to town swap but dont act as if Veggies had no part in it because it is very clear you do.   It's amazing to me how you jump to insulting Juicy when we had no part in it what so ever....except stating the obvious?


Ody you have no clue..really...whine more pls

21:42:51 May 20th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Heroix, its also now TBL
Dont lie about such things, its disgraceful enough as it is

21:42:52 May 20th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:


no wonder that you have mental problems

21:43:23 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

We kicked him before 1/2 the era went you retard. It was also taken by Pesto, please leave VU and take your fail with you.

21:44:44 May 20th 09 - Mr. Banana:

Oh didn't see that TBL did. I saw that feeding when it was bling and it really pissed me of that they blamed us for his work.

21:45:25 May 20th 09 - Lady Quietone:

is that an apology?

21:46:03 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

You feed, I feed.
I never started it. You did.

21:46:38 May 20th 09 - Mr. Banana:

nope. still hate you xD

21:46:38 May 20th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

how we started it?! show us the *beep*ing feeding you *beep*ic monkey

21:46:43 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

"Oh didn't see that TBL did. I saw that feeding when it was bling and it really pissed me of that they blamed us for his work."

Apology accepted.

21:47:49 May 20th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Lord Primate Death


21:46:03 May 20th 09 You feed, I feed.
I never started it. You did.

No they didn't, leading merges isn't swapping towns.

21:48:24 May 20th 09 - Lady Quietone:

Primate...are you that dense?  Scout lead merges is not sitting there making some stupid judgements and justifying what you and Veggies is doing only makes you look should quit unless you havent noticed there's not alot of ppl coming to your defense..or any for that just suck

21:49:10 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Max took cities off ALL your players.
Your kd sent armies out to recapture, with a scout from Overmasta.
None of the cities were liberated to their original owners.
The army merged into Overmasta and he took the towns for himself.
Feeding is Feeding.

21:49:57 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

We started nothing you retard. Please, all your lame attempts to bounce the blame back onto us have failed bad.

Heres Wilbers helpful tip of the era:

Take your laptop and sit in the bath with it, you can play VU while you sit in your own dirt.

Alternatively, leave VU and come back when you hit puberty.

21:51:05 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

OH MY, *beep*ING GOD.

I cannot believe how stupid you are, I thought you were 12 but evidently your about 10.

They WERE dvs' cities you dimwit.

21:51:59 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

Just because you keep repeating the same inanities doesn't make them any more true. Attacking with merges isn't feeding regardless of how much you'd like to justify yourself, nobody's buying it. Not even your friends in Veggie it seems, well except the loser, but again ... he's irrelevant.

21:52:37 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

No they werent. We tagged them to monitor his captures.

21:53:42 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

hahahahha *beep*ing hilarious, master strategist in da house yo!

21:54:27 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Aww, DE must suck if they get a 10 year old to be their strategist.

21:55:53 May 20th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:


21:55:55 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

oh, they do.

22:02:50 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

Ho ho ho! Merry Chris... oh still early?

Banana how's the innocent card going for you? Hilarious you're acting like you know nothing when this is in Veggie forum. Do you people have no shame?

22:04:40 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

I feel nothing...NOTHING

....but pure joy now at seeing that.

22:06:07 May 20th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:


Tbl nice going m8

22:06:17 May 20th 09 - Duke Playaaaa:


Let it be known that from this day forth Cobra is my favorite person in the world! :D:D:D:D:D:D


22:07:29 May 20th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

<3 those screenshot cobra!

you made my day!

22:09:55 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

can I haz win nao?

22:09:57 May 20th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

congrats cobra

22:12:48 May 20th 09 - Duke Playaaaa:

Next era :)

22:15:24 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Oh the irony.

Author Message
Mr. Turnip


12:13:14 May 20th 09

OK so this needs fixing so that IF someone takes over one of your cities, then your count goes down by 1 and IF a city revolts then your count should go down by 1 too.

As it is, people just re-take and re-take and re-take cities with a friend and with a 0% revolting city, thus boosting their score and rank on most fearsome without any real fighting

If you implement this it will make the hoh more accurate.


Rate this suggestion:  

22:16:44 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

He knows what he's talking about first hand I'd say.

22:19:39 May 20th 09 - Mr. Banana:

So I said I saw it before TBL did that dammit.

22:20:36 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Lord Primate Death

08:18:15 May 11th 09 I would extend it to the most fearsome too. Cities returned to owners should be counted in there too.

Try my original suggestion early on in the era. Had they counted, I'd be up 50 maybe 60 cities by now.

22:25:59 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

So too would Dvs, he returns as well you know.

Hes not greedy like your trying to make him out to be.

22:28:38 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

<insert funny comment here>

Does anyone notice the "Again" part of the second post? Alright class, what does one imply when he says "again". Life in Veggiland, it's scummy and *beep*ty but they like it.

Nothing says mediocrity like planning to townswap from the start.

22:30:30 May 20th 09 - Lord of The Underworld:

Well, all I can say is lets even out the playing field a lil...... ;)

22:32:12 May 20th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Multisweep! (or I supose F&V could just kick Rev, but multis sweeps are more fun!)

22:32:39 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

You already have. Or do you think we missed that one too?

22:33:26 May 20th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Mr. Seloc


22:32:12 May 20th 09

Multisweep! (or I supose F&V could just kick Rev, but multis sweeps are more fun!)

Seloc <3

22:35:05 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

Hey I tried to mask it for the most part!

22:37:28 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

So lets see,

Veggies have done this before eh? You've had two victories so lets all speculate as to which era it was! Maybe it was both?

22:37:29 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

"Mr. Blackberry Bling [sexy] (5/20/2009 10:23:42 PM)   
for your *beep*ing information, this was the original plan the whole KD approved of to help Turnip or Sprout win.
Carry on *beep*ing and I blow it wide open. "

Why yes please Bling, why don't you enlighten us, the little people.

23:03:46 May 20th 09 - Lady Quietone: when Augh sent us a message warning us about Bling leaving Veggies because of an internal arguement was all planned from the beginning eh? 

And this isnt the first time?  Who did they beat out of an era win before?  Still doesnt make sense why they would help Primate now....i dont get - Cucumber was going on all era about loser *beep*s from other worlds than Fantasia winning the era and he's helping one?

23:07:21 May 20th 09 - Endless Desire:

Those were Pimp cities taken by DE (I know I saw him building them) so why is F&V getting the heat? and why did DE take that one F&V city?


EDIT: reads more of the thread, *facepalms* self

23:11:46 May 20th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

because F&V told them to take it because they're no good abusing scum too.

23:12:28 May 20th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

and quiet, I bet it was poor old sloth :(

as the one kobuskan won didn't have a lot of competition...

23:12:34 May 20th 09 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

Your views on feeding are very distorted.

23:15:23 May 20th 09 - Mr. Garlic:

Lets clear some stuff up.
1. Bling left the kingdom becouse he was mad about us not warring Juicy. He has not traded cities with anyone in F&V.
2. When Lychee sais "again" he is refering to the Fate/Juicy blocker issue.
3. Its interesting how the screens luls posted up only shows the comments that are "incriminating". It doesnt reflect the whole story nor the views of the kingdom, neither its leadership or the majority of its members.
4. We all observed Bling and Primate doing this, TBL just planted those couple of cities before that screens was taken. We are not condoning this kind of behaviour and will sort this out within the kd, preferably without Rev providing *beep*bra with any more of our kd forum, or we will sort that out as well.
5. You're all hypocrits.

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