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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax - Era of Agent Smith

Mantrax - Era of Agent Smith
00:39:13 Apr 7th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

None of your pesky and worthless politics means anything to me.

Die quietly.

05:22:29 Apr 7th 09 - Ms. Hirragi Kagami:


05:34:19 Apr 7th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

Ms. Hirragi Kagami


4/7/2009 12:22:29 AM

It is you! O_o

05:42:54 Apr 7th 09 - Ms. Hirragi Kagami:

Yes mortal?

Yes, indeed that is me...

05:57:48 Apr 7th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

*Knew it all along*

05:33:53 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

Any update?

19:41:42 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Camel The Bounty Hunter:

Mr. Mellow


4/6/2009 1:01:01 AM
 Are you a retard? Did we begged? MAD didn't begged to someone. You have been just sieged by Heaven that's why the NAP emerged. We have forces that can oppose those nazzies Jondrus and Insane send to us at that time. Still we have our core at Zetamania. We haven't begged. Or just your out of the council that's why you don't know. Ask your leaders. Have a life man!

Althoug I'm not a vice I'm updated about the council.


lol are you stupid? i work with the leader of the kingdom, i know him personally so i think i know what going on you *beep*, you guys send herc to beg us to stop, we didnt want to but agreed that if herc joind our kd we would let you guys live. so shut your mouth if you dont know what you are talking about...

19:51:28 Apr 12th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Who is this "Mellow" fellow?

(Like what I did there?)

00:50:37 Apr 13th 09 - Mr. Camel The Bounty Hunter:

yeah lol who is he?

00:52:07 Apr 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Camel - I don't know how you were 'begged' - as I played RET last era. If someone is asking you kindly for a MAP, NAP or CF - and you take the decision to accept it - it means you have a strong interest, too. Otherwise you are a damn iiddiioott - so you shoudn't be proud of someone begging your extinguishing power.

Between the 2 of us - few players from Heaven brought you a lot of sshheett in your nappies last era - just enough for you to accept the deal.

I'd say - you check the Oxford Dictionary for the definition of 'beg' - before you post your next reply.

03:20:53 Apr 13th 09 - Ms. Cowgirl:

or the Webster dictionary would also be sufficient

23:55:24 Apr 13th 09 - Sir Haribs The Godly Gummibear God:

Hi guys, im Haribs

I like to play videogames, but mostly to go to the pubs

i like candy, chocolate and coffeee

i hate mass napping

hope ill see ya

11:54:01 Apr 14th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Hi guys, im Loud Tone

I like to play videogames, but mostly to go to the pubs

i like candy, chocolate and coffeee

i hate mass napping

hope ill see ya

12:04:49 Apr 14th 09 - Mr. Hilario:

multi alert! :))

09:19:12 Apr 15th 09 - Mr. Nate River:


ryan said you're a retard.. and believe you are.. truly.. and Glad, he's truly an *beep*...

Did MAD begged? we never begged.. put that on your coconut shell.. we play, fight, and die honorably.. last era, your KD took advantage of the war between DE and MAD, thats why your KD broke our blockers in west side. But did you advanced from that? you probably get few mines and lumbermills, but do you think you've got a hold of the whole core? no assy boy. youre damn afraid to step on our armories..That time blue and hera are able to stop you, but we decided to buy some time for some reinforcements. heard that camelo boy? we do not have one core, we have three.. so why the hell were gonna beg on the likes of you..

thats why you are truly a retard. lol. saying things that are not credible..
your coconut shell is like a stomach.. if its not full, it aches..

09:36:35 Apr 15th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

So, who's actually warring on Mant atm?

17:02:26 Apr 15th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

none. ;)

anywhere we land, there is farm

08:26:42 Apr 16th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

there is a war though - 'run for the best farm land'

09:04:40 Apr 16th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Interesting that Juicy would then choose to attack us as we try to resettle.. This just gets more lame as the days go by :)

09:39:54 Apr 16th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

dont resettle next to our core then =p

09:46:18 Apr 16th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

We're about as far bloody east as we can go and you still attack. Don't give me that BS.

10:16:22 Apr 16th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

soon the war of  the world s will begin  ... its just like  before a big  storm  now  :)

10:18:04 Apr 16th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Ademo would you pls tell your guys to post here the towns will be taken from now by JUICY (if any). This way - we can all assess how they keep their word.

10:27:57 Apr 16th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

They sent naz at us, we retaliated.

Dont settle near another persons core or send naz at kingdom when you already have more enemies than you can deal with.

Logic really.

16:17:54 Apr 16th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

We didn't approve of any settling near us!

04:14:09 Apr 17th 09 - Endless Desire:

I've been spanked already ^_^

19:00:58: Razed lost a battle against Spanking Endless from Lord Lasagna.


*looks around for Gladiatorul in this thread*

05:22:28 Apr 17th 09 - Lord Lasagna:

hehe =P

Fate already following us to mant =(

06:05:16 Apr 17th 09 - Sir Struddle:

DMC just wont lay down and die I figure after a certain amount of time you should start landing on a lower world so they cant keep respawning but it never happens every time we kill one another pops right up.  Of course I love the fighting not really complaining just giving props for DMC not giving up and fighting it out.

Much respect <3 Struddle

10:03:19 Apr 17th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@Endless Desire - is that your little army that took my Fanta town few days? if so - thanks Lasagna - I feel better now; he he he

10:49:34 Apr 17th 09 - Endless Desire:

No, it wasn't the little spanker army, it was just a scout 

but  I can send the spanker up if you want a crack at it :)  I was looking for you but didn't get too far in finding you :p

13:08:34 Apr 17th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

I am the danger in the dark - instead of looking for me, why not prepare for my little men visits?

15:26:23 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

I want some flame here!

14:54:05 Apr 29th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

MAD suck! That good enough?

15:35:00 Apr 29th 09 - Necromancer Lechery:


15:39:19 Apr 29th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

nice strike there Loud. lol

i cant believe there is a thread like this in mantrax :0

02:24:32 May 3rd 09 - Necromancer Lechery:

i cant believe its not butter

05:32:55 May 5th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

Long Live Rebirth II & CO (merged)

Army Info
Commander: Mr. Bongs Kingdom Banner
Kingdom: Rebirth
Size: Horde (Millions)
Status: Moving North West (frozen)

I froze their horde.... :P

05:55:56 May 5th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

he he he

05:56:37 May 5th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

is slaughtering the next move?

08:59:42 May 5th 09 - Mr. Shogun:

Someone said slaughter :O :P

Me like ;)

09:05:47 May 5th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

may i ask what % you had on our merge?

cause thats a pretty good job, freezing our merge=)

so damn hard to get enough pezzies to get MU's when we are having the armories on a different world=/

09:34:20 May 5th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@ Overcome - I'll let you know at the end of the era

09:41:32 May 5th 09 - Mr. Shogun:

Then is it something strange about it :p

10:28:11 May 5th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

I made a proposal some time ago about having a Magic Spells Calculator, similar with the Fight Simulation - but didnt have much support. I am sure that would be a great help for you to see how many MUs and what magic level would be required for a Magician to have a good % to  freeze or RF your merge/ armies.

15:00:26 May 5th 09 - Mr. Ignis The Evil One:

sounds like a good idea

15:16:21 May 5th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

Hey glad. you remember me?

03:57:14 May 6th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

sorry - I don't

04:18:35 May 6th 09 - Duchess Illidan:


Get a feeder City Overcome :P

And good job Aloy :)

10:15:39 May 6th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

would you mind giving me one (A)?

15:28:33 May 6th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

aloysius please give out your magical secret :) maybe i could do some card tricks ;)


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