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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Age 5

Mantrax Age 5
03:13:16 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Xanatos:

whoa this game has seriously gone to shit i mean when i lost intrest on the era of crissxcross there was very little of this going,every one knew they could do it but thats stupid,i will never join a kingdom doing this that is disgusting and i am 100% with barny about everything he said in his "wall of text"

Music has pretty much forever left a disgusting taste in my mouth

07:49:55 Jan 11th 11 - Sir Mcmax The Magic Warrior:

It will not happend in RoC - already shortly after I posted my little question to Kobuskan on the forum, our council decided not to be part of such gameplay.


Vice and cofounder of RoC

08:54:52 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Lokken:

"I've seen it and pointed it out to devs in another game"

Just because that community lowered their standards doesn't mean we have to roll over.

"It's just that players obsess over things like that and forget to try enjoying themselves anyway."

Many players still enjoy playing the game the way it was meant to be played. When people abuse game flaws no one has fun. Except Anon o.o

09:01:25 Jan 11th 11 - Judge Kobuskan:

Barny why don,t you explain the AotD bug your are using to defeat your enemies, or do you want to keep that advantage within your own KD.



09:10:42 Jan 11th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

No, they haven't, some just post their thoughts and try to keep playing on. 

I can understand your frustration though, it seems like Zeta has been dead silent for awhile..... lol - I've not seen many posts from him at all, like this game is some standalone machine that never evolves. lol

People WILL find bugs and getting upset about it does nothing much, other than further ruin your gameplay

09:42:32 Jan 11th 11 - Sir Ozymandias Magus:

Barny makes a strong arguement which I mostly agree with. The only part I disagree with is
1. A player loyal to his kingdom wouldn't leave his kingdom, especially if he is the leader.
If by leaving RoC, I would help them gain strength (not through exp feeding, so no idea how) I would gladly do so. However for a leader to do so defeats the purpose of this, as they are essentially the backbone of a kingdom.

I may have missed a few tricks over my time here, but this is one that should not even be considered by any honourable person, have to say I am dissapointed by those in on this, as I did respect them, and music highly.

10:32:37 Jan 11th 11 - Lord Gilth:

*Sniff* I just wrote this insanely long text and then lost everything as I hit reply while I was already logged out. *sniff*

10:50:39 Jan 11th 11 - Sir Erythnul:

 08:25:31 Jan 11th 11 - Ms. Dirt Devil:

When you rejoining Music Kobu?

Now -

Current date: 2011-01-11 21:50:17


City Info
Owner: Judge KobuskanKingdom Banner
Size: 68523 building(s).
Kingdom: Music
Gates: no gates

11:04:30 Jan 11th 11 - Prince Anonymous:

LMAO ^_^

Its amazing to see how people think what should be acceptable and what shouldn't. Its just a game and I always play it within rules. I play this game for fun and play it to the fullest without caring what players think of me. I do not hold back on tactics that others dislike b/c they are to proud to do it themselves. Mean while those people spend so much time trying to be the perfect player in others eyes just to leave the game with next to nothing and with very little enjoyment from it.

This is a war game and everyone knows war is not fair. Life is not fair and this game has never been fair. Just play it and go on with your business, you can put limits on yourselves but your just hurting yourselves in the end.

The only true honor in this game is holding true to the relations you make. Everything else is just opinions from the masses.

Also if Zeta wanted to stop players from feeding exp to their KD all he would have to do is make it where the tagless could not join any KD that has attack or been attacked 5 or more times by the tagless player. This would stop that kind of feeding but feeding itself will continue as it always has.

11:07:58 Jan 11th 11 - Lord Gilth:

The moment that the community starts to consider this type of play acceptable is the moment that the game will have died.

- Barny
 I totally agree with you. I even thought for a moment the game had died because it took way to long for anyone to point out to all the others what we were doing. But even now, the impact of clear bug abuse on the community is way to small. I had to read about 25 posts about this, while I was offline for over 15 ticks. If you go back long enough, you would have tons of posts complaining about BT buying, while that can't even be considered a loophole. Back then, the community cared and Zeta was urged to make fixes to stop as many of these loopholes as possible. (not counting BT buying as loophole ofc.)

Kobuskan is engaged in an experience feeding ring with Braveheart, Scottology, and Darkfaith- essentially every Music Halfling except Fordius and Glith, who appear to be the only ones with moral values. No one is denying it, and it is going on in plain sight.
- Barny
Ofcourse we're not denying it. It was going on (stopped last tick). We never intended on hiding it. As Fordius said, he only joined Music later in the era and never knew about it until yesterday I think. I allowed to abuse the loophole in Music and therefor belong in the same line as Kob, Scot , Darkie and Brave. (I wish I would also belong to this row in other aspects of the game.)

- Puppy Puppylicious, Anonymous and others
Saying that this is a valid tactic goes against everything that VU is supposed to be. Fighting with equal resources, relying on your own/KDs skill to overcome your enemy

70 science points found, all the while sitting in a blocker for the whole era. I fought nonstop and survived with my army until 3 days left, if I had found some of the war scis or magic scis this guy got by using tricks that we see in the screen shots above, I would have been able to beat the armies I was facing in the end.
- Roxbury
He can still do this type of bullshit while sitting in a blocker, it isn't as though he needs to keep the Adventurer in the blocker too.
- Barny
Last era, Music did NOT feed any exp to any halfer, inside or outside of Music. Scot and Brave trained almost pure advent armies right from the start. While other halflings use ponies as the bulk of their armies, these 2 fought with advents when you guys (FW) broke into the south-west corner of our core. The battles they lost and won there gave them the experienced advent armies that were used to find all these sciences (and other treasures).

All this feeding stuff is why Fant is ghey, and why Mantrax is half-ghey.  I honestly didn't think I would see much feeding in Mantrax though.  I mean seriously?  It's a game first of all, no one gives a crap if you win.  But more importantly on Mantrax?  Yeah really...
- Arthur Dent
Feeding stuff is why VU is ghey. (I still can't get myself to quitting though) It has happened and will happen on all worlds at all times. Though it can be reduced to a minimum if there is a participating community and an active administrator (Zeta).

Music has pretty much forever left a disgusting taste in my mouth
Mouthwash helps. If Music was the only KD that ever did something wrong, I would be worried. I doubt you can find many KDs that never made 'mistakes' in the eras that they played.

It will not happend in RoC
Don't be to sure. Most that played with me (in Music), will probably know that I'm mostly the one shooting down all tactics that are in the grey area. A while ago, I would've probably said the same thing as you, but as you can see, I couldn't keep my promise. Keep trying to make sure it never happens in RoC though. ANd whenever you can, point it out when other KDs are doing it.

I can understand your frustration though, it seems like Zeta has been dead silent for awhile..... lol - I've not seen many posts from him at all, like this game is some standalone machine that never evolves. lol
- Puppy Puppylicious
My feelings exactly. I can only hope this changes again in the near future.

*Sniff* I just wrote this insanely long text and then lost everything as I hit reply while I was already logged out. *sniff*
Stop crying and wrewrite the entire thing.

The point of all this nonsense: Get you guys back into shape. Who knows an active community may get Zeta back into action.

11:40:57 Jan 11th 11 - Sir Ozymandias Magus:

haha that is one of the reasons why I respect you Gilth, well said

12:22:24 Jan 11th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

Never said it was "acceptable" that is up to each player to decide in their own mind. That's not how I meant my words to be read. :P

Meant that it was something that sucks, but going nuts over it won't do much. Especially if Zeta isn't interested. 

13:19:05 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. William Unawesome:

I thought zeta died and thats why he isn't interested ^^

13:35:50 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Dropkickk:

didn't zeta used to play to see what was good and what needed to be fixed aswell as work on what people wanted???

13:57:19 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. William Unawesome:

Yes, but thats like 30+ era's ago :-(

14:43:49 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Angry Turtle:

I will respond to Glith in a moment, but before I do I will respond to Kobuskan's Ad Hominem:

00:01:25 Jan 11th 11 - Judge Kobuskan:

Barny why don,t you explain the AotD bug your are using to defeat your enemies, or do you want to keep that advantage within your own KD.

I don't abuse bugs.

If I wanted to abuse bugs I would abuse the big ones. It would be so obvious I was cheating that I wouldn't even make an effort to disguise it. There are some pretty horrible bugs and exploits out there, I'm just happy the community hasn't discovered them. Without going into detail, some are right in front of our faces and I'm certain people will discover them in due time.

I don't abuse any AOTD bug, and I want to make that completely clear. I am sure that what you are referring to is the ability to take an army that contains many units and reduce it's unit count (and thus it's magic resistance and therefore the cost of AOTD) and still cast AOTD on it. That isn't a bug.

When I found out about the AOTD changes (I probably wasn't the first, I stopped testing game mechanics as rigorously quite some time ago) and I realized you could do this, I asked Zeta if it was an intended game mechanic. It was weeks and weeks before he responded, but yes, it is indeed an intended mechanic balanced out by a number of factors. It took so long to get a response that I completely forgot about the spell (that otherwise is not worth using) until Elsin brought it up quite some time ago.

15:33:27 Jan 11th 11 - Judge Kobuskan:

The bug is that the cast says that some troops are brought back to life but in fact all troops that died come back even after 100ticks, i bet you did not report that to zeta.


15:57:29 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Barny:

Well, I just read over Glith's post. That was very well said and there wasn't much of anything wrong with it or an overly confrontational tone.

I just want to reiterate that when something like this happens, it calls into question everything that has happened in the past, especially the recent past. A good example of this would be Braveheart's 70 science levels last era. Glith mentioned that Braveheart and Scottology used Adventurer quite early on (which is true) and that the experience was gained when their SW core was taken. 70 science levels in an impressive feat, so when both of these players are involved in an exp feeding ring the next era it is only natural for people to question whether or not it was a legitimate one. This is just one example of how participating in such frowned upon activities calls all of your accomplishments in-game into question.

The exp feeding may have stopped for this era, but it's impact will be undeniable.

16:11:34 Jan 11th 11 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

barny exploits bugs, hes jumps over blockers!


16:46:21 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. William Unawesome:

Walking past blockers isn't bug exploiting.. especially not when about 90% of today's blockers don't block...

16:46:29 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Barny:

06:33:27 Jan 11th 11 - Judge Kobuskan:

The bug is that the cast says that some troops are brought back to life but in fact all troops that died come back even after 100ticks, i bet you did not report that to zeta.

When you first accused me of cheating or exploiting a bug, I had no idea that your argument was this stupid. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed that you meant the questionable mechanic of the AOTD spell was the bug.

Your argument hinges on the idea that the spell uses the word "some" as opposed to "all", and therefore using the spell is a bug in and of itself. Even if that were actually true (it isn't), it would still be a stupid arguement. It's like trying to catch me on a technicality, or saying:

"Barny, you are not allowed to use military science as an Orc. Anything above Military Science level 0 is a bug, as the game clearly states 'We are currently using: Sticks and leather armor that gives +0% more defensive and offensive power.' As the follwoing image clearly demonstrates, Orcs were meant to use Military Science level 0, and anyone who upgrades the science any further is a vile cheater! Clearly you can see that this Ogre is not using a Magic weapon or Mithril armor!"

But seriously, here is what AOTD says on a successful cast:

Casting Army of the dead from XXX upon XXX with XXX% chance of success...some of the troops in XXX that had died in battle were brought back to life!

You are basically saying that because it says "some" instead of "all" using the spell is cheating because it brings back all dead troops. Even if you were correct, that would still be a stupid argument for the reasons I comically stated above. But you aren't even correct, which makes your argument that much worse.

You are right about one thing, AOTD can bring back troops that died over 100 ticks ago. As long as the "ArmyID" doesn't change it is still the same army, and AOTD brings back troops based on how many units died in battle for a particular ArmyID. AOTD does not bring back 100% of dead troops, it isn't a static affect spell like EITS or Armageddon. AOTD brings back a % of troops based on the Magic Power used to cast the spell.

Well, that was fun. Any other "cheating" that you want to expose Kobuskan?

16:53:50 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Legend:

Barny why are you buying my food? You said you were stging... You should buy me stone :( You are cheating on your self by buying food instead of stone :P

17:32:17 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Barny:

I only do the STG thing early pre-OOP to get a huge advantage over everyone, I usually don't continue it throughout the era, but I sort of need to now because no one else is STGing and there isn't enough tree to support another land-drop =(

I bought your food because my Mantrax character has an eating disorder.

17:36:17 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Legend:

Come on Barny keep on stging maybe someone will take over in a day or so.

Maybe you should give them something to eat. And maybe make your own food?

18:39:50 Jan 11th 11 - Judge Kobuskan:

Isn,t stg and stone feading also cheating

19:27:16 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Scottology:

i was testing game mechanics and now i cant! how dare you join music again kobuskan lol

16:10:37 Jan 12th 11 - Mr. Totoro:

OK, so it's apparently FW, Music and Little Britain vs Susuwatarii
anybody else fighting at all?

Not Dead Yet

17:09:27 Jan 12th 11 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

little britian was fighting you first! they copied us

18:37:38 Jan 12th 11 - Sir Mcmax The Magic Warrior:

Now beat this friends and foes:

Mantrax Market


  Food Stone Tree Slaves  
* Only showing the 10% cheapest.
Total cost:

19:07:14 Jan 12th 11 - Mr. Nooooobhammer:

11:39:50 Jan 11th 11 - Judge Kobuskan:

Isn,t stg and stone feading also cheating



I lol'd

12:38:46 Jan 13th 11 - Lord Deno Pawder:

To Kobu and Musik noobs. If you wanna test game mechanic bugs, then go win a map, and test it after you killed everyone. Not during the era. 

Oh and btw, i do agree that aotd is an exploit that should be removed.

As usually Kobu wins the lame award. No wonder i never liked him. 

13:35:08 Jan 13th 11 - Mr. Fordius:

Dont call meh nub cause I'm in music :P

14:20:35 Jan 13th 11 - Lord Deno Pawder:

I saw that your terms for joining was that Kobu should stop. So you are exused Fordius :-)

Personally i think that Kobu should native.

11:35:58 Jan 14th 11 - Mr. Detoxx:

17:20:35 Jan 13th 11 - Lord Deno Pawder:

I saw that your terms for joining was that Kobu should stop. So you are exused Fordius :-)

Personally i think that Kobu should native.

i think your right, infact we should also kick Kobu out of the game.

00:51:04 Jan 15th 11 - Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell:

11:38:46 Jan 13th 11 - Lord Deno Pawder:

To Kobu and Musik noobs. If you wanna test game mechanic bugs, then go win a map, and test it after you killed everyone. Not during the era.

everone knows music cant win a map, good luck with that!

02:16:47 Jan 15th 11 - Mr. Detoxx:

03:51:04 Jan 15th 11 - Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell:

11:38:46 Jan 13th 11 - Lord Deno Pawder:

To Kobu and Musik noobs. If you wanna test game mechanic bugs, then go win a map, and test it after you killed everyone. Not during the era.

everone knows music cant win a map, good luck with that!

ohhh shitttt good one!!!

10:31:19 Jan 15th 11 - Mr. Rockstar:

we no Anon cant win an era without cheating either u gonna bitch about him aswell or is it just selective to Music this era????

10:51:10 Jan 15th 11 - Mr. Pedo:

All NAP VS Music until they are dead? :)

Little Belgium shall win this map, ofcourse.

13:14:57 Jan 15th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

you cannot copy write little britain without paying the price ;)

20:09:18 Jan 15th 11 - Mr. Pedo:

Very well, how many children will it cost me than?

23:28:31 Jan 15th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

7 children and your finger prints ^_^

07:20:36 Jan 16th 11 - Ms. Dirt Devil:

um heehee? I just came across a website that said "Little Belgium: The story of the worst-prepared army on the Western Front during the crucial first few months of the war.

07:51:38 Jan 16th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

^ I rofl'd. :D

08:08:43 Jan 16th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

hahaha devil <3 LMAO

13:04:25 Jan 16th 11 - Sir Ozymandias Magus:

haha good find... that can only be a good sign for them this era

13:18:23 Jan 16th 11 - Mr. Pedo:

How about four regular children and one mentally handicapped boy?

13:56:36 Jan 16th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

no pedo 7 children and your finger prints will do fine :)

22:55:35 Jan 21st 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

hrmmmm... quiet

00:40:59 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Scottology:

everyone is on vacation

00:44:26 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Fordius:

Im whoring really :) 

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