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Forums / In game politics / Next Era Mantrax

Next Era Mantrax
04:07:36 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Newcastle United:

Sorry guys... but The Musketeers will be back again next era. Let's hope you all put up a bit more of a fight this time eh? ;)

04:16:07 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Creepin:

wow im glad i dont check this forum its wayyyyyy to long to waste my time reading....

but gladiator... no... ur wrong

06:53:18 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Water:

Justin says :
"We napped the same allies we had in angels "
"path we lleft because Stalin NAPPED EVERY FRICKING KD"

so u leave because miller naps everyone , but u make the same relations with other kds? huh?

06:55:31 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

I made the ones we wanted to keep.Angels, Preds and Cannabis so back off water. we are fighting elements, RL and DAcii

07:05:20 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Water:

wow :D RL :D and elements? :DDDD dude... RL =  dead, elements = im the only one left :) others are dead :)

07:09:11 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

rl dead no duh considering preds told us they would finish them off a second ago. Ya u found a glitch in the game thats the only reason u made it in the core. But i will give u props water u put up one hell of a good fight, good job =)

07:15:22 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Water:

:) soon your core will be mine :)

07:17:18 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

well angels core yes but Devastators core u better find it cuz it aint the cor eur in. Just habbit of saying our core

07:20:39 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Water:

ah blunts is so "smart" first i camed to angels with 400 nazzies and razed that city :) but i thought im gonna go there with my main army ;D so i builded 100 homes .. but i was thinking he will raze it so i would better send my army now :) so when i camed and tooked that city i saw its again full builded... he should raze that city :)

07:25:05 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Water dont make me raze my cities!!! lol =)

08:22:22 Jun 26th 08 - Ms. Argon:

Mr. Justin


6/26/2008 2:46:14 AM
Path i apologize for sayin we were the only active ones in the KD. We know we should have messaged everyone but unless someone has a time machine we cant.

You're in luck than! We here, in Elements, have one.

Mr. Water


6/26/2008 8:20:39 AM
ah blunts is so "smart" first i camed to angels with 400 nazzies and razed that city :) but i thought im gonna go there with my main army ;D so i builded 100 homes .. but i was thinking he will raze it so i would better send my army now :) so when i camed and tooked that city i saw its again full builded... he should raze that city :)

English lessons for teh Waterz

08:22:25 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Earth:

Hey I'm still there as well xD

08:25:33 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Ms. argon i also wanted to apologize to you for the crap me and u bounced back and forth.

08:43:19 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Water:

i aint from english talking country :)

09:00:59 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Neither are another 70% of the guys in here :p

20:32:44 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Astharot:

Well, maybe you didnt leave Angels to kill us, but you cant deny that is a bit strange that you attacked us with a 145K army, just after leaving..

20:38:28 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

mustang was trigger happy

23:07:57 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

I could have told ya mustang is trigger happy their is no was about it HE IS TRIGGER HAPPY!!!!!!!!

23:13:43 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Astharot:

oh.. that could explain everything XD

23:49:19 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

engel ive known mustang is trigger happy. Ive known him since he began playing. Either way he was going to try adn take BigDaddy with or without permission

04:08:36 Jun 27th 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

Good luck next era boys u will need it.

05:05:27 Jun 27th 08 - Sir Ilia:

Phantom will be on Mantrax next era
I think

08:50:00 Jun 27th 08 - Mr. Water:

and illia will suck my shlong ?

09:54:00 Jun 27th 08 - Mr. Thebornloser:

Not if we Bobbitt your shlong first Water :P

19:34:18 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. Mustang:

i am TRIGGER HAPPEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19:46:26 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. Mustang:


21:41:54 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. Thebornloser:


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