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Talents Age 3 or something
21:06:51 Dec 16th 10 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

Kath, Dokken is in your core, so he casted it in your core... 

Mr. Sparky had many cities, had troops, and was active as we saw much army movement from him. So what I think people want to know is why did you decide to kick him then??

About you having the possibility of being Sparky's multi, you might have landed him first in order to be able to take all the cities as there is a 50% rule on this world remember, so if you had have had more land you wouldn't have been able to take them all.

21:35:46 Dec 16th 10 - Duke Tristan:

God, you're a muppet Kath... Always have been, always will be...

23:50:13 Dec 17th 10 - Mr. Kathandarion of Imperia:

I killed it without leaving the core , i never said he never casted it in our core.



You (12/14/2010 6:00:58 PM)
Before you kick anyone else , inbox me why , and why did you kick those you kicked?
Mr. Irule Here Tooo (12/14/2010 11:19:18 PM) GOOD BAD
because even after 2 days they had done nothing not even move. we had been at 10 members i wanted to make room for someone i invited that is active and a decent player
You (12/15/2010 9:24:56 AM)
Okay. But just inbox me why , and what about sparkey?
Mr. Irule Here Tooo (12/15/2010 1:00:54 PM) GOOD BAD
she was going inactive. something came up in rl and she couldnt put in the time anymore

00:55:38 Dec 18th 10 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

Really because I have seen her move armies all era as well as build cities, though not only that she is still active so I don't believe for one minute that what you have said is true

People of Sparky

Army Info
Commander:Ms. SparkyKingdom Banner
Kingdom:*No Kingdom*
Size:Brigade (Around 5000)
Status:Moving South

11:16:11 Dec 18th 10 - Mr. Kathandarion of Imperia:

Im just gonna stop replying to this. because at the end of the day. I did not kick her , or give the command to kick her. I am simply relaying what my viceroy told me , and what she confirmed when she did return to activity. that she will not be able to continue playing.


I did not kick her , i did not command anyone to kick her and i did not take the cities.


thereforth its clear that i did not farm.

18:41:20 Dec 18th 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

Why does your vice kick somebody without your permission and why do you then let him/her stay?

18:41:20 Dec 18th 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:


10:39:26 Dec 19th 10 - Mr. Kathandarion of Imperia:

he gave me a reason which sparky then verified. that she was going inactive.

11:16:54 Dec 19th 10 - Ms. Mounaki:

Someone was kicked from a kingdom for being inactive, big deal... All of you quit the crying and just move on from it. It happens every era on different worlds and always causes arguing.. just grow up..

12:07:47 Dec 19th 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

That doesn't matter... I just like to play with Kath's mind a little.. ^^

12:32:46 Dec 19th 10 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

Mouaki if you take time to read our messages you will realise that infact Sparky never went inactive and that she is still trying to play now

12:33:01 Dec 19th 10 - Mr. Cookie Monster:

haha don't most people bigger willie :P but as Mounaki said it is getting quite old lol

12:48:54 Dec 19th 10 - Mr. Kathandarion of Imperia:

Alexander the great. She contacted IRULE saying she would be going inactive and therefore could not continue on this world. 

Irule then kicked her from the kindom. 

We then took her cities like normal people would do. it was not like shd would suddenly NEVER log in , she moved her armies out of her city so we could finish taking them. thats the only army movement you saw. which shoild be ceased within a few days. 

15:42:23 Dec 19th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

question is who is the active decent player they picked up cuz if your playin with kath you really cant be that decent.

17:59:47 Dec 19th 10 - Princess Bloodrayne:

If she told you to kick her out and take her cities, she would not send me a message like this:


Ms. Sparky (12/18/2010 4:03:41 AM) GOOD BAD
i couldnt get on for a bit so was inactive i understand why they did


So she was inactive for couple or rl days and they kick her out and take her cities... But that is their right to do, if person is inactive for a bit - couple of rl days, not weeks... they have the right to do what they want.

Most Kingdoms do not kick out members for being inactive that short period of time, but every Kd has their own rules about that, so we can stop the discussion over this :)

18:23:41 Dec 19th 10 - Mr. Targaryen Dragonkin:

Drown kath, just drown. Nothing personal boss... well maybe a little i cant wait to see how this turns out.

19:58:28 Dec 19th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent Loves Aisha:

Ok... seriously does it really matter? We're gonna beat them anyways, don't complain about what awful thing Kath did or didn't do.  Although I would generally side against Kath cause I've seen first-hand his douchy-ness.

BUT that's besides the point :P Will I know it's fun to mess with him but I believe it's time for a different subject ;)

<3 Aisha

20:30:36 Dec 19th 10 - Mr. Dillon:

10:07:02 - Army lead by Mr. Complete Utter Twat attacked and plundered Acid. They took 1062588 gold, 4152890 stone, 0 tree, 158867 food, 0 slaves and 2322 peasants. We lost 18 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists, 0 Adventurers and 2322 peasants in the battle. 

sad face :(

23:24:31 Dec 19th 10 - Mr. Kathandarion of Imperia:

From blodlust , today alone ive gotten 50 million stone , 20 million tree , 40 million gold and 2 million food. 

Good day friends :) 

01:07:00 Dec 20th 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

Thats bloodlust Kath.. but you know we love you <3

02:07:43 Dec 20th 10 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

13:38:46 Dec 21st 10 - Ms. The Call of Cthulhu:

hey sparky,  come join CRAZY.  we welcome new recruits but are and will fight the imperium.   You are welcome to join if you have no cities and are restarting.  We restart a lot.  It is hard going for the Insane Asylum.

23:46:46 Dec 21st 10 - Mr. Kathandarion of Imperia:

yeah , with your one city im sure we wont stand your might.

23:54:58 Dec 21st 10 - Mr. Inception:

Oh gosh of course not. Thats just too much for you guys to handle =P

12:19:24 Dec 22nd 10 - Mr. Kathandarion of Imperia:

lol good one inception :/ but anyway , Bloodlust and Death Angels are doing well , broke our core.

Gl to you guys if we lose , for the rest of the era , Gl to us if ya dont :)

12:31:42 Dec 22nd 10 - Sir Dropkick:

yer finally broke ure core lol bloody heliostratos kept killing my armies with whatever is in his...

13:06:38 Dec 22nd 10 - Mr. Kathandarion of Imperia:

He killed that massive army you guys followed in just now , well he bounced it. So we should be back in control of our core soon :D 

13:14:46 Dec 22nd 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

sure kath ^^ I have lots lots lots more coming just for you <3

and indeed it was bounced :p

14:06:58 Dec 22nd 10 - Sir Dropkick:

haha well i guess he is training AM's then :P man u gotta hate farmer elves haha

15:17:13 Dec 22nd 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

Haha I found my little mistake. Dumb dumb dumb me ^^  has been fixed now <3

15:44:57 Dec 22nd 10 - General Who:

Is this right?

Death Angels10Princess Bloodrayne37
Scream9Mr. Gnaerix20
Internal Primates Forever8Mr. One Man Army13
Holy Imperium Of Knights10Mr. Kathandarion of Imperia12
bumhole appreciation homogheys9Mr. Complete Utter Twat6

16:11:17 Dec 22nd 10 - Mr. Inception:

Good luck to you too Kath. And Who, I think you might be right

21:50:33 Dec 22nd 10 - Mr. Kathandarion of Imperia:

None of those kd's you put together are allied and bloodlust and death angels are allied.

IoK has no peaceful relations. only war with bloodlust and Death angels. 

Im 100% definite Scream also have no relations as we have spoke to them before. A few days ago and they had none. 

Not sure about those other twos. So when you put us all together it makes it seem very one sided. Its everyone vs everyone , but Death angels and bloodlust are allied.

22:04:48 Dec 22nd 10 - Princess Bloodrayne:

So Kath you have no relations with Scream, they just let your members have cities in their core. (Orc) Cygus of Scream has cities near White Light (Halfer) of Imperial Knights, also Irule (Elf) has city right next to Warsonsus (Dwarf)

So you are not allies you just let each other build inside each other cores hurting each other productions? Sure, we believe you.

22:10:33 Dec 22nd 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

Im 100% definite Scream also have no relations as we have spoke to them before. A few days ago and they had none.

we have other information... and we aren't allied with bloodlust, we just thought it would be fun to give them a hand and bring you down a bit sooner ^^

22:17:39 Dec 22nd 10 - Mr. Kathandarion of Imperia:

well we was fighting with them until like a day or two ago , if you had EiTs and the knowledge you claim to have youd know that area were our cities are used to be entirely ours 

23:18:18 Dec 22nd 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

I know that you have been fighting because of the ownerships, thing is that all the inbetween fighting stopped a few days ago at the same time that we got some news about NAP's. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind it at all, its a smart move. I just don't like it if people tell the half-truth.

00:11:57 Dec 23rd 10 - Duke Tristan:

Don't bullshit Kath, we can see IoK and Scream cities sitting next to each other :) Not criticising NAPs, just the lies :p

02:53:51 Dec 23rd 10 - Ms. Isolde:

Mr. Gnaerix (12/21/2010 8:38:41 AM) GOOD BAD
I have already a NAP with special terms on for killing DA with some KD's won't be a real problem. And ofcourse I won't send my 60k archmages that are fighting DA if I would do that it would be suicide for my KD's core.

04:59:18 Dec 23rd 10 - Sir Dropkick:

i'm pretty sure 60k AM would put him around the top of the HoH

06:45:19 Dec 23rd 10 - Ms. Mounaki:

HOH is based on amount of units, not op/dp. So 60k AM's doesn't rank that high on hoh. 

07:20:59 Dec 23rd 10 - Sir Dropkick:

@ Mounaki i no powerful armies is calculated on troops but powerful cities and most powerful rulers isnt so with 60k AM he shud be pretty much be near the top. does any1 have an army that can beat 60k AM ?? dunno what science he has though but it shud be high if he is training AM

07:33:50 Dec 23rd 10 - General Who:

If he has magic science and mil science at 6-7..then i could if i hit first.

But idk if they do and im pretty sure it would be all over hoh as i know the other armies on hoh and some are zerk armies and well doubt he has 660k unless hes very good at hiding them

07:37:21 Dec 23rd 10 - Ms. Mounaki:

I'm pretty sure poweful cities goes by amount of troops in the city. Powerful ruler goes by most troops and land or something like that. And yeah i'm sure theres an army that can kill those 60k Am's. But just ignore the hoh, it's retarded...

08:18:40 Dec 23rd 10 - General Who:

wow i put 660k instead 66k lol

and yes most the time its retarded

10:08:09 Dec 23rd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent Loves Aisha:

You guys...  Lets not try to keep one-upping each other ;) Death Angels are allied with Bloodlust and Decimation, both of which are small kingdoms.  We are fighting Primates, Scream, and IoK. They aren't allied with each other per-say, but they sure as hell aren't attacking each other ;)  I'd say it's pretty even, some good players in most kingdoms.  Especially Primates, it annoys me when I just have 95-99% but no slaughter.

11:34:02 Dec 23rd 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

HOH is based on amount of units, not op/dp. So 60k AM's doesn't rank that high on hoh.

this has been changed a while ago, its now a ratio of total numbers and op/dp. You need shitloads of MU's to be able to balance with a couple of ponies for example. this ratio does favor numbers though so larger numbers will most likely be shown, and nazguls will never show up on HoH ^^ And powerfull ruler is just land+science lvl

12:47:25 Dec 23rd 10 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

I'm pretty sure most powerful army is based on the numbers but most powerful city is based on the army strength, but I don't rely on the HoH for any information these days as it is all screwed up.

13:27:14 Dec 23rd 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

It is the biggest factor true, but OP/DP is calculated in the formula.

14:13:56 Dec 23rd 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:


Muahaha, where are the other 35k :p

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