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Forums / In game politics / The Monks - Heavy recruiting

The Monks - Heavy recruiting
21:15:25 May 6th 07 - Mr. Murtagah:

lol. of course hes drunk.. word hasnt spead that drinks are on the house?!

21:50:13 May 6th 07 - Mr. Yarr Evil Devilin:

next era will all you monks out there nap pirates this is no rip off because

i am the 2nd member that ever joined pirates .when black barty was are leader.

and i want to start pirates o*beep*ian.


05:55:11 May 7th 07 - Mr. Murtagah:

err this is for recruiting.. send Fra darwinius a private message about that part if you want a nap.

10:30:24 May 7th 07 - Mr. Bagstros:

I sent in my App Murtagah I want to join up with a new kingdom to see how well of a team Baccus is which I believe they are very unified because of what I saw last Era

10:31:53 May 7th 07 - Lord Senturu:

aye baccus monks are perdy good :P

07:56:41 May 13th 07 - Mr. Excelsior:

I'm guessing your recruiting didn't go so well.

17:00:24 May 13th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

From what i can see they got double teamed by the two Legacy Kingdoms.. not much of a fighting chance there.

17:06:56 May 13th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:

They had it coming, the *beep*y penors.

Thankfully, it looks like we won't be seeing them make their masturbatory, self-idolation thread again now, at least not for a while. Guess there isn't much for BACCUS to "celebrate" about when they actually war.


22:03:57 May 13th 07 - Mr. Supercalifragilistic:

Guess they aren't as good when not allowed to whore for 3/4th of an era.

23:32:04 May 13th 07 - Sir Falazar:

Double teamed, not much chance...

23:34:17 May 13th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:

Heh, given the odds/outnumbering Legacy faced last era, I don't think BACCUS, or even you Falazar, have any room to chastise us for "outnumbering the foe". We faced worse and took it on the chin.

23:48:56 May 13th 07 - Mr. Supercalifragilistic:

Oh poor Baccus, they got banged!

02:14:26 May 14th 07 - Mr. Reznor:

Ohhh so thats what you call war,spliting into two kd's, recruiting until your twice the size and then double team right away.Thank-you for clarifying that for me.

02:39:26 May 14th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

why oh why oh why is Baccus complaining? :P  stop whining.  Your arrogance has been your downfall. maybe you should read about humbleness.

02:43:45 May 14th 07 - Mr. Token:

As far as I know, no one in this discussion is from Baccus (except maybe Reznor) needlessly flaming a kingdom is more of the issue here then the actual fight.

05:47:26 May 14th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Let's see here, you're complaining about fighting a measly two kds? WAH. How many kds were in that 'Great Anti-Lgc' alliance that you all founded and then didn't give any kudos to for doing the real fighting?

Kudos for actually fighting this time, or putting up as much of a resistance as you all could but trust me, ya'll had it coming. It was just dumb luck you landed right in the middle of both of us. (Or maybe it was karma, take whatever you want)

05:52:49 May 14th 07 - Lord Oya:

ZeTa willed it

05:54:11 May 14th 07 - Mr. Token:

Funny how the only person actually complaining is probably reznor, the rest are just flaming and some people pointing out the obvious of Baccus's situation.  Seriously, who is that comment meant for Fizban?

07:40:24 May 14th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Damn!... I knew dingleberry was faking the accent :P

17:17:00 May 14th 07 - Mr. William of Orange:

we saw this coming.. we knew this would happend anyway cause we won last era. every kingdom that wins (othe rthen LGC) will be killed the era after. this is a trend going on for some era's now.  and about the fight, we kept them of for some time but my magic failed so we went down to easy

17:21:33 May 14th 07 - Mr. Gnadentod:

I fear lgc will be disapointed because they crushed us that easy...

Maybe next time we have a little better start-position and more active players, maybe maybe not, time will show.

Anyway it doesn't matter, if it would not have been lgc, then other kingdoms would have tried to kill us....maybe not that fast and succesfull, but...

My scouts got shot down from 9 different kingdoms, average lifetime of a scout: not a hole day :)

so to sum it up, it doesn't matter as long we have our wine to drink,


17:24:01 May 14th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:

"We won last era"? "Every kingdom that wins (other than LGC)"? You arrogant newbs. You won nothing.

You got the highest ranked player, but you certainly did not win the round as a kingdom. It's this kind of attitude that got you killed. You're good for nothing newbs, go back to mantrax and learn how to fight.

We faced far worse odds and survived last era. You buckled within days, and for a kd that had bragged so much on the forum last era, your performance this era has been a piss-poor let-down and your true colours have been shown: unless far away from the front, surrounded by allies and given 3/4 of the era to whore, you die. Simple as.

17:33:04 May 14th 07 - Mr. Gnadentod:

let it go William, don't brick the bull if your lance is not ready........ ;)

18:28:07 May 14th 07 - Mr. Murphy:

Mr. William of Orange


5/14/2007 6:17:00 PMwe saw this coming.. we knew this would happend anyway cause we won last era. every kingdom that wins (othe rthen LGC) will be killed the era after. this is a trend going on for some era's now.  and about the fight, we kept them of for some time but my magic failed so we went down to easy

Those are the most sense making words I've heard lately:

  • 13:21:59: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 13:22:01: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 13:22:02: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 13:22:03: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 13:22:04: Our Spy ON You got attacked by a dense swarm of locust, hindering our preparations to attack First TO GO.
  • 15:32:27: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 15:32:29: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 15:32:30: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 15:32:31: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 15:32:32: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 15:32:33: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.

19:44:54 May 14th 07 - Mr. Token:

We faced far worse odds and survived last era. You buckled within days, and for a kd that had bragged so much on the forum last era, your performance this era has been a piss-poor let-down and your true colours have been shown: unless far away from the front, surrounded by allies and given 3/4 of the era to whore, you die. Simple as.

  This is the part of the post that bothers me.  What you're saying is that if Legacy was in the same position as Baccus and you had to fight both Abydos and Carnage right out of protection, that you would have survived?  A few 100 days to extend your power is one thing, right out of OOP is another.

20:00:34 May 14th 07 - Mr. Supercalifragilistic:

We did fight right out of protection and saying otherwise just shows your lack of understanding of who did what. Just ask PHI, BoW and Shogun and right after those died ask about IE and MAD. After those battles Abydos attacked then Only U attacked and only after did Baccus attacked, after Baccus Carnage attacked.

So not only have we fought the entire era while you whored for most of it, but we won most of the battles.

So in closing, Baccus is and never will be if you won't deflate your egos a top kingdom. All you can brag about is your ability to farm. Hope that helps you when you go to Zetamania.

20:22:46 May 14th 07 - Mr. Token:

I'm not part of Baccus...Fine, I'll give you the fighting part, but I wouldn't consider Shogunate the same level as Abydos and Carnage.  Anyways, how do you know they actually farmed?  Do you have actual accounts of them being lazy and sitting around?  I'm not talking about Abydos or IE, cause I doubt they could see their army movements, but from Mirror, FF, and actual Baccus members, did you ask them?  What they did end era was wrong, but that doesn't make them scheming masterminds like hungrierhorse said in that locked topic.

That last part doesn't really need to be answered, just showing where I stand on this issue.

20:30:58 May 14th 07 - Lord Osiris:

no no no im the schemer :D Baccus had it comming last era they warred Mirror then didnt do much untill arma

20:36:39 May 14th 07 - Mr. William of Orange:

"Those are the most sense making words I've heard lately:

  • 13:21:59: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 13:22:01: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 13:22:02: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 13:22:03: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 13:22:04: Our Spy ON You got attacked by a dense swarm of locust, hindering our preparations to attack First TO GO.
  • 15:32:27: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 15:32:29: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 15:32:30: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 15:32:31: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 15:32:32: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 15:32:33: Mr. William of Orange attempted to cast a spell upon us."

thats what i mean.... i just laked teh power. i was inactive for a few hours and in taht time you gusy attacked teh blocker and killed half my mages o_0

20:37:13 May 14th 07 - Mr. Gnadentod:

at least Mr. Token you have to confess that these poor Baccus were able to fight and beat Mirror in a 1:1 =P.

This era has proven we are not ready to face lgc 1:1 and I doubt this might happen in the near future.

We lost this war against lgc, I feel no shame about it, it is only bitter that is was so fast.
I doubt we would have beaten lgc with the crew from last era ( 8 active player more), but I am sure we would have been able to give a better fight.

All ifs and whens doesn't matter, LGC crushed us quickly, be carefull all others that you are not next,

good luck,

Embassy is open for rebuilding :)

20:37:13 May 14th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:

We had BACCUS members admitting that they farmed/whored, but that didn't disparage Fra from making a thread and bragging about some hollow "victory" (mind you, William somehow still seems to think BACCUS won). Add the fact that on the overall NW scores they were close to LGC, who had fought across the top of the map and beaten a number of kingdoms to get our huge score-- yes, it's obvious that BACCUS whored.

20:54:15 May 14th 07 - Mr. William of Orange:

i didn't...... i only toke 3 towns last era.........

21:06:04 May 14th 07 - Mr. Token:

Which members admitted?  I just want to know not challenging it, but just for some truth there were members that didn't hoard, one of them was a friend of mine (kyske) he basically told me what had happened during last era when all the Baccus hate started coming in. The names that stood out were Fra, and Sonka, I'm sure there were other non-hoarders but I don't remember their names.  I'm not sure what happened during the Legacy fight as he went inactive and not even he knew what was going on.

P.S. I always knew you were a scoundrel Osiris, joining in on some cult kingdom, we all know Only  U is the one true faith! ( Note: I'm not in Only U)

21:32:41 May 14th 07 - Lord Osiris:

Abydos is the light the glory ! any who say likewise is a liezor

22:44:57 May 14th 07 - Mr. Reznor:

Wow I don't blame Vendetta for disbaning at all.Lesson learned I guess, don't try to take the top spot or you'll get beattin' down simple as that.

It just seems all too familar thou.........

22:48:07 May 14th 07 - Lord Osiris:

its got nothing to do with the top spot jelousy, its you take top spot via whoring farming and not fighting then bragging about it and you will get beaten down

01:54:09 May 15th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    I don't understand the whole anti-"whoring" stance. If you can create cities instead of conquering them, and then be able to win in a 1v1 war, then I don't see anything wrong with it. Imo the problem comes in when kingdoms surround themselves with allies while farming. If they are able to defend their borders, but not be able to go on massive conquering sprees like (just an example) Legacy, then I don't see a problem.

04:52:07 May 15th 07 - Mr. Jetleeomg:

Token. The guy who won the era admitted he and others in his kd whored.

09:42:12 May 15th 07 - Mr. Gnadentod:

The guy you speaking is me, only me, I am not speaking about others, so why are you saying such thing, WHY are YOU trying to MANIPULATE the TRUTH ???

And the reason why I farmed is:

I have been on holiday for 10 days while my kingdom was fighting Mirror. I logged in once or twice a day, not able to coordinate my army in an attack, my buddies were always faster then me. So I built up and also pummped men into northern blockers.
Oh and I had a HoH army and other smaller armies in the south at this time one called Angry Mob, I was just unable to take resource-cities there because my kingdom buddies were faster. Insteat running sensless deeper south I was covering the flanks and attacked and burnt those armouries on the west and east boarders from our new terrain, my buddies left behind while charging deeper south.
That's why I said I think I didn't fought enough and don't wanna have the spot, because I was on holiday.

10:12:15 May 15th 07 - Mr. Gnadentod:

Back to topic:

We are still searching new players for our kingdom to built up and get ready for next challanges.

Especially needed:

Spam- and Flamewar-Coordinators:
Their mainjob will be to keep our enemy busy with stupid and sensless msgs, posts, anouncements... and putting away their concentration from the game into sensless argueing

Farmers, Whores and Hobbits:
Their job is easy and allready descriped in their names, they have to whore, to farm and whatever hobbits are doing, exploring. Due to the fact our kingdom is called such things and those positions aren't filled up yet, we urgently need those people, really urgent, because we don't wana disapoint all others.

We are also searching people for the less liked jobs. Atm none in ourkingdoms is interested to praise our enemies, especially lgc who need so much attention will surly be pissed about if no1 is recon them. So we are searching bootlickers who tell them how fantastic and brave( and whatever they want to be) they are.

10:35:31 May 15th 07 - Mr. Basch:

ohoh can i be the boot licker? :D

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