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Forums / In game politics / The Smiths are back.....

The Smiths are back.....
00:27:08 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Agent Bird:

I give you the bird...

17:26:32 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Keymaker:

haha PUN!!

18:47:16 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

my deals better i give y u 2 fingers

20:14:03 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Throw in a whole fist, then sit on it and rotate, then you've got yourself a deal =p

03:21:56 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Phoenix Fire:

i dont see the pun..... and what would happen if you take the blue and red pill at once? 0_o think about that for a bit.....

17:35:27 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Oh that, well your head would just collapse in on itself like a rotting orange in time-lapse film.

21:21:23 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Phoenix Fire:

... you are recruiting from my members now?  harsh XD lol

21:51:47 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Willem II:

hmmmm..... me is not liking agents, them is being hard to kill.

lets see if you are truelly agents and can dodge all!:o

21:58:06 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Phoenix, we didn't recruit, they came to us =p Ask them why if you wanna know. And yeah Willem, we can dodge all and our troops don't use their weapons, they just use uber cyber-fu to techno sound tracks. Better watch out lol

22:21:29 Dec 18th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

I'd like to congratulate the smiths on successfully recruiting, yes, RECRUITING, players from us! It clearly shows how desperate you are ^^

Did you try recruiting the whole map yet? Maybe you could get the biggest kingdom in the history of VU...

22:54:14 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Agent Smith 1.0 was like 3-4 guys and this era we started small at first as well. I really don't know where in the world you get this idea that we want a lot of people. Recruiting 90% of mant would be shooting ourselves in the foot for all the time it would take to teach people how to play and defending them. I know mant is a little higher on the skill level now than it was in eras past but still. Why don't you try finding out anything at all about us and then make fun of those things, rather than just make something up and *beep* on us for it? Thanks, now blow.

22:54:51 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

neverminf this post edit: of me

22:55:37 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Ben:

first u need to get ur info straight  Agent smith recruited no one we asked them if we can join them and they said yes so whats ur prob ?

22:59:35 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

ou ahve got mines it the middle of RP core :S

or have you now an army there? Backstabbin RP?

23:13:06 Dec 18th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

Thanks for the very respectful answer Clamps... guess it was to be expected?

Now, there's two options:
A) You guys did recruit our members
B) 4 of our guys decided to join you(and 2 did, other 2 are still thinking), but are all telling me that they got invited by your kingdom

After what's happened, I'd even believe in option B. But then again, 4 out of 4? Kind of low chances for it happening....

It's kind of depressing to see your "children"(I recruited them... taught them...) turn against you, and join your enemy.
I'd say that it's the worst thing a player can do. Join the enemy kingdom and attack you from the inside...

Likely I'm bound to die on mantrax because of my own naiveness, or other's selfishness, pity, innit?

23:33:35 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

Thats pretty sad. I respected Agent because they seemed to fight honorably but they obviously dont. Even if the other kingdoms members want to join you shouldnt let them. It just makes your kd look weak which I can see why you would do it coming into this era known as the best and now arnt.

23:49:55 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

You got back the tone you delivered Morning. As for your "children", why not try coming to aid them next time they fight an entire kd themselves, rather than abandon them to hide in your blocker. Clearly they weren't having a good experience with your kd. It's true a player might be better off serving till an era's end before changing kd's but it's kind of different for someone who's new and doesn't know exactly how to find a kd that works for them.

As for kd honour, well, there is no such thing. Every member of every kd has their own honour to uphold. Everyone in Agent is an individual in that sense. So, if you want to blame Ben then you are blaming a new player for trying to find a kd that is going to make the game enjoyable to him, and if you want to blame the person who accepted him you are blaming them for trying to make the game more enjoyable for a new player. We don't care how powerful our kd LOOKS, we just want to play.

ps- who said we were the best? We didn't and everyone knows hoh is nonsense. We know who we are.

00:30:08 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Phoenix Fire:

ben you WERE A VICE!!! fore warning would have been appreciated. we were trying to get to them you guys just kept swatting our armies before they could reach them. it wasnt as though we just left them there to die.sorry guys if that is what you thought. you guys just happened to have had the people who had the strongest forces in your core join you? what a nice coincidence for you eh? o well what has happened has happened we will deal with it as best as we can.

01:21:59 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

They were the only people in our core who held out actually. Except for Ms. Monday who I have to say I regret teasing her on the forums one time,because she turned out to be a very talented player.
But you're right (despite the sarcasm) that it was a delightful coincidence. If other players had messaged us maybe they would have joined us but we had a core that needed to be cleared out and we had what was essentially a new kd. That means that everyone in the core joins or is fought. This is what mant is all about, if this all went down between established kd's on fant I could see it being a bigger deal but people are still learning where to fit in here.

03:50:46 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Phoenix Fire:

well the tide certainly has turned against us at full force, another member eh? *sigh* so hard to find good help these days. lol

04:06:36 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Heimdall:

We had a strategic reason to "hide on our blocker" sir mr agent and the reason is prob obvious to most ppl close to the situation, as we tried to explain to our dear kd members. if we were to send the troops hiding in the bunker, then the hoh army in the armory two ticks away would burn the blocker, thus leaving our core in the beepers and that was a risk (fact) i wasnt willing to take (see). which i find obvious.

04:12:37 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Phoenix Fire:

some people just have no sense of tactics heimdall or they just cant see past their own wishes to what would benefit more of the kingdom... like DEFENSE OF THE CORE

04:32:43 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

And some people don't feel like sacrificing themselves for a kd of people they've worked with for all of one week. It isn't like your own mothers stabbed you in the back guys.

Look I know I'm coming off like a: I don't give a damn and b: that everyone was acting as the utmost examples of honour but I don't mean to be that way. Know that a: I feel bad to know that you guys got jipped at a time of need and that would be stressful; but, obviously the people involved weren't working out with you guys (I haven't even met them all yet). And b: yeah it would be nice if everyone finished at a minimum the era they agreed to and that no kd would "harbor" these villainous dogs =p who move around; but, it is mant and people shuffle around on the non-fant servers until they find a group they work with well. I recommend that you guys continue to recruit so that you don't suffer a net-loss of manpower and I wish you well because it has been fun warring you and the dacii.

05:23:19 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Phoenix Fire:

i fear that war may be nearing an end with us at least destiny now strikes us..... literally...

14:51:25 Dec 19th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

agents, remember the phi - carnage situation last era?
I know a few of you come from phi, I come from carnage.
When we took in Ptah, we got flamed on taking in a deserter/spy...

but now, you take in not one, but two guys of the ENEMY kingdom?
That's pretty bad...

as for the "best", I said it, since I know a few of you and I know you can play well (I tihnk lenard can teach just about anyone to play good..)
but that's only farmingwise... honorwise, I'd say you're one of the worst kingdoms on mantrax...

15:19:35 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Heimdall:

clamps, you spend an awful lot of time discussing a situation you claim not to give a damn about.

16:53:27 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Agent Johnson:

They asked to join us not the other way one in Agent "recruited" them. You guys abandoned them by not sending help, I can't help but say I'd feel the same way if I were them. Their situation was not unsalvageable.

Ptah's situation is not comparable. He left his KD and started burning their towns with no warning. Monday, Ben, Bearclaw didn't do that to you.

17:07:36 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Like I said before Morning, it is rather different on fant when this type of thing happens and there's a good example of it. As for Heimdall, man, I specifically said I do give a damn about it. Do I need to continue or are you all caught up with the class?
 Lastly, as for the kd's honour, there has not been one single solitary other thing you could pin on anyone in the kd as dishonourable. The only thing ever in this era that agent has done is take in some newish players, who were in our core, instead of wiping them out without regret. If that makes us one of the most dishonourable kd's on mant then that would suggest the moral fiber on mant is totally crap. Decide if that's what you mean to be saying.
Sorry guys but you got burned and this is a time that you just plain can't pin it on someone else; you have to deal with your inability to keep members just like all young kd's do. Few people buy the idea that it is someone else's fault here and you'll fix the problem faster when you give up that idea yourself.

17:10:12 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Ben:

Mr. Heimdall


12/19/2007 4:06:36 AMWe had a strategic reason to "hide on our blocker" sir mr agent and the reason is prob obvious to most ppl close to the situation, as we tried to explain to our dear kd members. if we were to send the troops hiding in the bunker, then the hoh army in the armory two ticks away would burn the blocker, thus leaving our core in the beepers and that was a risk (fact) i wasnt willing to take (see). which i find obvious.

phoenix had a scout near us and every time i sent him a message telling him to set up an armory he tells me that it costs him 600k to drop a city  , but thats not a good reason when i built rule i saved all the days income to build it and all of that was for the sake of RP

18:28:22 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Heimdall:

Mr. Agent Clamps

seems i was sloppy when reading your post and i misunderstood but there's no need to be patronizing. lets try and keep this discussion as adult and civilized possible, i think most would agree it's alot nicer to read that. and if i were monday, ben and bearclaw i would probably prefer you recognized them as worthy foes that actually posed a threat rather than some new players that you had mercy on. since i saw the battle you had with them i think thats only fair.

 Mr. Ben

well ben, i can only speak on my behalf and as far as im concerned i couldnt have done more without jeopardizing the safety of our core. as for the other members and the kd as a whole i don't know. im not a spokesman  for RP, but since i value loyalty within kingdoms i wanted you guys to hear at least my side of the story.

18:36:18 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

I do respect them but they were outnumbered; skill only goes so far when it's 10-1 against them. Agent have more respect for them than your leader does, I'd say, who calls them his children and expects to be owed something as a father. I would have been much more insulted at that comment.

18:51:16 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Heimdall:

i dont think morning meant it to come out that way, and you probably didnt mean for your words to come out insulting either, but in both cases it seems they did. this is a perfect example of how faulty this forum communication are.

 and for the other situation, i agree, they were heavily outnumbered and in the long run you would have ran them over, but still they slowed your progress and posed a threat to the rapid growth you want. im not pointing fingers, nor accusing anyone of propaganda, but when thinking about it, it might seem easier to recruit the players than to have to keep dealing with them. much because it seems you have other fronts to focus your forces on, am i right?

and your theme guys, which was so well-coordinated. was it really your honor, as you claim, that made you take in four players with no resemblance in the theme, or did you perhaps have a tactical reason for this?

19:01:25 Dec 19th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

I seem to have a different opinion on this matter.

What I would do in this situation is to fight till the end even if I die, then applies to the kingdom after showing honour and courage. Again, its just me and what I would do :p

19:17:55 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Actually I'm with you xelnaga I'd prefer the same but I don't assume my way is correct so I don't come down too hard on people that move around. You can see this theme of mine all over the forums actually. But yes Heimdall you definitely have some points. First of all I totally agree that they held us back and more. They were incredibly skilled thorns in our sides and we considered that area one of our "fronts" and every bit as tricky to deal with as our other fronts. I didn't mean to downplay the role impact they had on us.
As for the theme thing, everyone who knew they'd be with us before the beginning of the era fits into it and those who decided afterwards don't (it was just supposed to be funny and a bit of rp'ing sometimes too).
 This "tactic" was more of a simple question, "keep the pressure up until they crack under shear numbers, or accept the applications since they are already set up in the core and would thus fit in nicely?" It isn't like we'll be taking people from all over the map, that doesn't help them or us. Maybe it would put it all into context if you realized it wouldn't matter what kd they were in before (if any), we still would have taken them because they were respected and already in the core. This wasn't a tactic targeting rogue phoenix, despite the fact that you got burned. That very last point is the "lucky coincidence" I was saying to Phoenix Fire.

19:39:09 Dec 19th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

@johnson, finally alive? will you ever reply to my ingame messages or on ms*beep*r>Ptah's situation is comparable... according to him he was attacked first and just retaliated. Nobody in our kingdom announced nor complained anyhow before leaving the kingdom, and Zorkohana and Ben have armories in our core, as well as a few armies.

@clamps - Zorkohana,Ben were nowhere in your core. They just started taking cities there.
Ask just anyone (of course not in your kingdom.......) on what they think of a kingdom that recruits(Ms. Monday was invited to join Smiths AFTER she joined RP) members out of an enemy kingdom. I'm pretty sure everyone will tell you that you're not the most honorable and "fair" kingdom, to say the least.
DUnno why, but everytime I started a kingdom myself(what, 2-3 times?) I only had ONE player leave my kingdom during the era... of course I never fought against slimy agents.

As for the players leaving RP, they just disappoint me and I blame myself for thinking of them as loyal good players.
I guess fighting against great odds is not their kind of play... Pity, I like it. But I prefer when it's fairplay, you know, much more fun.

19:43:41 Dec 19th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

@ Clamps, see? You just said it, it's you who wanted to take them in.

Here's some messages from Monday:
You (12/18/2007 10:22:08 PM)
can you please copy n paste me the message you got from smiths?

Ms. Monday [Agent] (12/19/2007 2:44:10 PM)
i cant i need to keep that between us
and i dont tell them what we have talked about

You (12/19/2007 2:45:41 PM)
well, did YOU ask them to join them
did THEY ask you to join them?

Ms. Monday [Agent] (12/19/2007 2:46:42 PM)
they offered to take me in

and here Zorkhana:
You (12/17/2007 9:14:30 PM)
why did you leave??

Mr. Zorkhana [Agent] (12/17/2007 9:19:28 PM)

You (12/17/2007 9:20:11 PM)
...what is "blackmail" supposed to mean? who blackmailed who O_o

Mr. Zorkhana [Agent] (12/17/2007 10:29:40 PM)
i got threatened, sorta...

You (12/18/2007 6:55:58 AM)
so what/??
i get threathened by some 5 kingdoms.... i;'ve never surrendered, nor ever will...

Mr. Zorkhana [Agent] (12/18/2007 1:32:53 PM)
well this is someone i no in RL...

You (12/18/2007 7:20:51 PM)
you got tthreathened in REAL LIFE into leaving a kingdom in A GAME?
what the *beep*?

Mr. Zorkhana [Agent] (12/18/2007 10:31:06 PM)
it was really weird...

You (12/18/2007 10:33:51 PM)
you should just give him a punch in the face....

and did smiths recruit you(if so, send message plz) or you asked to join them?

Mr. Zorkhana [Agent] (12/18/2007 10:35:39 PM)
he amde me leave ebcause he wanted me to join agent because a bunch of people from our school were in that kd...

If what Zorkhana says is real, well, I guess kids take games waaaaaay too seriously nowadays... what's next? Killing your schoolmate because he's above you in the HoH?

20:28:32 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Soc:

i killed him simply because he didn't merge into my army in time. activity is key!

20:32:47 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Willem II:

ayayay.., thats going outta hand.. i see it isn't agent who did it so first don't blame them for that one ok poeple, well... threatning poeple IRL for a game really is stupid, the guy who did this should seriously consider to stop playing ranking games... cause if somebody does stuff like that he really sucks..

o yeah and Zorkhana... punch him down, don't take crap from a spoiled kid

20:39:34 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

First off, monday should have said that her former kd mate who was now a member of agent invited her, it wasn't our leadership. Second as far as WE KNEW, they were in our core essentially. We thought they were independents who had been recruited by you guys, nothing indicated otherwise (like why else would they be so far from home right?). As for what everyone else would say, I'll find out when they say it, but apparently the only ones who care are you and me. Lastly, I don't know anything about this blackmail thing but that is scary *beep*e. I'm pretty curious about that one (mostly because it's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while) So I'm going to find out about what went down there.

20:42:53 Dec 19th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

the internet is the worse thing that happened to mankind! it will bring eventual doom to humanity when skynet awakens!

20:59:18 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Phoenix Fire:

i know im a little behind here but in response to bens messages to me and me saying i cant afford to. i dont make that much over night!! and with everyone asking including you ben for more troops it makes it a little difficult for me to save up to 600k now it would be possible if i were not to spend a dime for around 13hrs but right now im working on military seeing as we are having more and more of you guys leaving us. the total of traitors are now 4. this is odd to me because most of your economy is WITHIN MY CORE not inside smith core. bearclaw had the most to lose in smith core because bearclaw never built in the core.

21:04:00 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

yep, and roger is now taking all the traitor city's in the RP core...:)

21:16:31 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Ben:

how am i a traitor if i left a kd that doesnt suit me and joined another kd ?

21:24:11 Dec 19th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

you can always say that when you leave any KD.

21:57:55 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Mr Ben wrote: "how am i a traitor if i left a kd that doesnt suit me and joined another kd?"

Because if that sort of thing was done too often by too many people, it would be very destructive of the kingdom system on which the game depends. I think XelNaga put it best when he wrote:

"What I would do in this situation is to fight till the end even if I die, then applies to the kingdom after showing honour and courage."

22:05:38 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Ben:

i only left RP coz it didnt suit me 

why agents ?

  1. they we're the closest kd to us.
  2. if i joined another kd it will only get that kd in war with Agents and RP.
  3. all the other kd we're far away from us .
  4. they are  in war with the dacians .
why not dacians ?
  1. from the start of this era i have wanted to fight the dacians and if u look at RP thread u will find that i have posted .
  1. that we should attack the dacians first that AOA.
  2. our nap with the dacians was a bad idea .
  3. we should send them a letter saying that we're 'going to end the nap.
its nothing personal it just that i think ur a strong kd and id love to war u guys

and i have said nothing about what u have and where u have it , and i didnt attack u guys from the inside (yes i had the chance to destroy alot of ur mining cities but i didnt )  coz that wouldnt be a fair war

why ask Ms.Monday and Ms.bearclaw to join?

  1. i was the one who recruited them and i toled them that this was a great kd and all of the members in work as a team .
  2. RP members didnt work as a team and that would have lead to there death,there death would have been my fault ( coz if i didnt recruit  Ms.monday and Ms.bear claw they  might have joined agent ) so i had to find them a kd that works as a team .

22:09:33 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

Ms. Monaday earlier asked if she could join Agent and she couldn't now agent accepts her....why?

@Ben : Still don't undertand the reason why you wanted to war us....
Agent is a stronger kd!

22:26:39 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Willem II:

Umbar, thats feeling... we are on the "same" estate you can say, we share some mountains, rivers and stuff.. controlling it will make defence much easier. dunno if thast the case for ben but out of s pure strategic way, its the best thing to do in RP's case;)

22:42:55 Dec 19th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

"(like why else would they be so far from home right?)"
uh... armies > move > take cities...
i tihnk that sort of explains it... >_>

@ben - life is not all jazz and joy... there's hardships, just like in this game. Surely joining the smiths is a simple way to survive...
guess your saying is "if you can't defeat them, join them"
also do you realize that if we fought the dacii, the smiths would have been in our core now?(i mean AGENTS, not traitors)...
and let me ask you, did you help the kingdom to improve? to work more as a team? can't find too many posts by you...

22:53:02 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Willem II:

morning they wouldn't:p cause we would be there then;$:p

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