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Forums / In game politics / Vote For the Most unpopular KD

Vote For the Most unpopular KD
04:20:08 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Epyon:


damn straight!! ;D

04:31:19 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Ness:

"who by the way we drove back rather easily :P"

if I'm not mistaken we have the #2 army at your doorstep merged with another 5x troll army, and thats merely 2 of our members and their first set of armies ;), we didn't attack you either if I recall you all sent armies at us first

11:40:34 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

too bad man uv already got one

11:44:23 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Fox:

ness we drove straight back through about 20-30 LW cities and took em all over, and now yes your army is on our doorstep but it hasnt progressed in hmmm


3-4 days =D


15:05:41 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Milo:

it's been 2 days since we started..
I've killed around 200k of your swordsmen armies, and we only stopped because Ness asked if we could have a cease fire because of a convo. he had with someone in your KD... I really don't care the eras over, we have a 100% chance on that blocker we just haven't attacked for the reasons above, and probably won't....

15:09:58 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Fox:

milo bud, all your armies including screw, i have been able to destroy rofl.

Luckily for you ness has been freezing me, even after he wanted peace.

I just guess your KD is full of newbs =)

afterall why call a cease fire and still freeze troops when we stopped all attacks on your KD?

15:10:20 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Fox:

considering the troops he froze were troops i was sending between cities containing pezzies, not for wars rofl.


and milo it has been over a week since you guys startred trying to take our walls =P

and you couldn't touch one so moved to the other rofl.

15:23:23 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Milo:

he was killing off a magic city actually...said he had like a 3% chance and it worked lol
You can kill screw? what with your 800k att. armies? you'd need over 100k berserkers to be 50/50, plus I have 10 military (love finding things) and I sure havent seen any armies like this from you, one with like 50k hobgoblins and some warlords... sure the hoh is a bit slanted for advents and the armies below it may be more powerful, but I sure don't see even that kinda power from you, otherwise I would have sent up more...

15:28:35 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Fox:

pmsl, you really dun know me then =D

I have easily enough to take out the army camping at the blocker, but luckily its a good 80 turns away to the north in my core =)

and with less than a day left its hardly worth having anymore =P

it did enough damage against DR tho :D

18:28:36 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"as long as someone beets LGC..."

18:43:07 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

wow someone tell me wats happening with luna vs everyone

18:59:11 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

Pokemon Rangers

Kingdom Banner

Name: Pokemon Rangers
Members: 3
Created: 8/3/2007 9:17:17 PM
Leader: Mr. Catchem


I wanna be, the very best. Like no one ever was.. DUN DUN DUN DUN!! To catch them is my real test..
To train them is my cause!! I will battle across the land SEARCHING far and wide!! BUM BUM BUM BUM!

19:04:42 Aug 12th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

you will sooo die for that one... :P

19:05:52 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Fox:

Luna were lucky they have numbers and they had safey for the most part :P

won't be the same next era, i can guarentee that :D

20:46:00 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Luigi:

Luna Pwned everyone on Mantrax. Mr. Fox and like 2 of his members got left alone until the last week of the era, so they had time to build up defense. We destroyed the rest of their KD. They were, however quite scrappy when we finally got to them. They by no means could have killed our armies, but they defended themselves by building lots of useless, pansy walls.


21:10:15 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Fox:

pmsl, you destroyed most of our kd?

considering our cores are no where near where your armies went :P

and you didn't touch us pmsl.

We drove south hard and took many LW cities, none of us got touched by you rofl.

And as for our armies scrappy pmsl, i drove back enough armies myself taking heavy losses due to my armies being packed with berserkers :D

trust me luigi, next era you wun b smiling :D

21:11:51 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Fox:

and also i'd like to add, at one point when both our KD's member numbers were the same as they are now, LW were well over 1000 compared to us, and hmm now your wat 800-900?

I know thats still not briliant, but if you destroyed us then how come we grew?

because the percentages of other KD's also dropped fast :D

23:09:45 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Stasis:

Fox, your KD grew because you took out a bunch of Dud's undefended cities after Excalibur broke apart.

LW didn't destroy the whole server but we dominated this era. If you add up all the other KDs together they don't even equal our power. You're just lucky that FA was far from our core areas.

01:50:44 Aug 13th 07 - Ms. Strawberry:

hmm what exactly do you guys mean by "most unpopular?", is it synonymous to "most hated?" or maybe "least heard?"

04:50:46 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Ganondorf:

Luna were lucky they have numbers and they had safey for the most part :P

won't be the same next era, i can guarentee that :D


We were protected?  We were fighting every kd on the map on several fronts.  If you call that protected what is unprotected?  Some of those had double our numbers and imho were 5x better kds than yours.  The only things your kd were able to do were take some cities that were near you and undefended when Dud joined us after most of the era was done.  Which accounts for your small jump in power.


05:22:43 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Chwaa:

Wow, Fox. You obviously are neglecting the fact that we, Luna, have a list of priorities. And you, my friend, are not high on that list. Do you want to know why? Because you are a relatively small threat.

05:31:37 Aug 13th 07 - Duchess Samus:

Chwaa is exactly right, we were mostly focusing on Legion in the south (we had just broken through their blockers) and Predators in the North.  Both of which we had the upper hand on (if only there were more time in the era.  So please stop talking this bullcrap Fox, its not like anyone cares about mant anyway... (did u catch the irony?)

03:55:04 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

I know this topic is old but it's true LW was way stronger than any other KD. But LW remember us in Predators didn't start when mant went online. Look at the mant video you'll see Predators joining the game very late.

12:59:39 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

if preds started earlier luna wud be dead simple as and i dont know how fast it wud hav been without ichigo and stasis ;)

15:34:15 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Game And Watch:

or game and watch

15:37:35 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:

@tooty if you have the mant vid would you please post it on youtube ?

My p.c dosn't have bitturrent so i can't watch it....

16:32:50 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

same ere

16:32:50 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

same ere

16:42:15 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

Iwasfrozen give me your MSN and I'll send it to you.

17:38:26 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:

i don't have an msn. ;-).

it's easiest to put it on youtube, then evryone can see it. ;-))

19:11:02 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

ye i wanna c it

21:53:19 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:

see ?

Justin wants to see his ass getting kicked ;-) !!

22:13:46 Aug 18th 07 - Ms. Spoon:

00:22:47 Aug 19th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

nah easier on utube and i will admit i got my ass kicked but im guessing it will be harder this era

00:36:55 Aug 19th 07 - Mr. Helmuth Von Moltke:

heres the end of round video!

04:17:38 Aug 19th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

wow I just tried to put it on your tube but someone deleted the video. My sister probably thought it was trash sorry guys.

10:50:16 Aug 19th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

no probs tooty

21:27:20 Aug 19th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:

lol, thats ok. ;-))

14:29:13 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Juan VI:


PPP Pretty Pink Pwnies 28 Mr. Ral 37

14:59:09 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Zackira of Strike:

holy crab who bump this age old thread?

15:00:20 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

who cares, i vote for Carnage, they earned it!

15:25:55 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

i vote carnage too

15:32:50 Sep 8th 07 - Lord Echram:


15:48:15 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

Russian Revolted for they total unhonorable and disgusting gameplay.

16:02:43 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Dreadii:

i vote carnage..

all who encounter us are dead so we cant be known at all.

16:20:44 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

wow i guess carnage r as hated as i thought

16:44:34 Sep 8th 07 - Lord Echram:

No. No. We are loved through hate.

17:15:45 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Ject:

What the hell does that mean? people rape instead of killing you?? yep thats love and hate mate :)

17:26:45 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Ataka:

russian revolted is made up of zeon multis, heroix. at least, every member not from the original russia. i vote for russian revolted too tho

17:45:01 Sep 8th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Um, Lgc has encountered you all and we're still very much alive Dread. ;-)

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