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Forums / In game politics / Wizengamot of Midgard

Wizengamot of Midgard
04:12:46 Feb 28th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Innoruuk):

Yeah, Jenna helped me a lot as well... after my team of experts unencrypted her strange language in PMs :P

15:29:56 Feb 28th 14 - Admiral Krum:

You play, you lose, you learn. It's simple.

Do you think by playing with unskilled players, that you're going learn something? All that does is reinforce bad habits, especially if you're stuck in a kingdom with unexperienced leadership.

The best thing that can happen to you is to fight against skilled players. Suffering defeat can teach you more than an easy win.

21:14:13 Mar 1st 14 - Xerxes The Great (Sir Xerxes The Devil):

i wanna come back and play

22:17:44 Mar 1st 14 - Mr. Mereth:

09:29:56 Feb 28th 14 Admiral Krum:

You play, you lose, you learn. It's simple.

Do you think by playing with unskilled players, that you're going learn something? All that does is reinforce bad habits, especially if you're stuck in a kingdom with unexperienced leadership.

The best thing that can happen to you is to fight against skilled players. Suffering defeat can teach you more than an easy win.

so you believe according to this same logic someone who knows very little about hand to hand combat would learn the most by getting the living crap kicked out of them by someone who knows a great deal more.

i believe one would learn the most from a trainer or a coach - who doesn't fight against but rather with* his pupil.

what have i learned this era? nothing other than to build closer to mountains as a dwarf. and that had nothing to do with getting the snot stomped out of me ;)

anyway - when i know the game well enough I'll be making myself available surely to train new players the way a coach trains.

22:48:52 Mar 1st 14 - Geunin (Ms. Terris Thule):

Mr. Weather Report  	-no kingdom-	Talents   	Alive
Ms. Yellow Submarine	Wizengamot  	Midgard   	Alive
Mr. Great Guy       	Baby Eaters 	Armageddon	Alive

1. Ms. Yellow Submarine
has won 97 battles, captured 61 cities and killed a total of 654713 men and women.

1. Mr. Great Guy
 has won 99 battles, captured 79 cities and killed a total of 1959813 men and women.

so u all going to sit here tell me he not multi account pro player? lol. i play midgard many month never seen someone with high skill level except Xerxes or Pilots, but even they not play like that.

get off Midgard!! u care about ur ego so much go prove yourself Fantasia or something

00:28:31 Mar 2nd 14 - Edgardo (Mr. Cygnus):

By now I would have assumed you would have learned not to leave a whole two-thirds of your kd undefended. 

At this point, this argument shouldn't be about unskilled vs. skilled players. It should be about Venom learning not to wait a whole 3 days of being attacked before moving their armies. Yellow only got as far as she did because you had no armies to defend. I just attacked a 70k city and I assume it had nothing but level 1 units. Took me about 5 ticks to get 90%.

Like I said, I personally am open to helping new players, but Wizengamot has none. I don't know why. I been trying to recruit one and all, and I ask for is active players that will follow directions. 

02:03:36 Mar 2nd 14 - Mr. Doktorstygge:

I could see why every new player wants a personal coach to teach them what to do in whatever situation. That would be nice. That is however not that way VU, nor any game or the world works. The guide will grant you the basics, curiosity will teach you more and playing against skilled players will grant you the rest. 

I know the basics of this game, but this era I mostly learned from asking my kingdom mates about game mechanics, and everyone was very soon to reply. I think most players are willing to help out KD-mates as long as they're willing to learn, so just go ahead and ask. Or learn the hard way. It's up to the player. That's why you play this game against humans instead of a single player starcraft skirmish.

14:31:05 Mar 2nd 14 - Admiral Krum:

Mereth, usually you get motivated when you get your ass kicked. At least thats how my personality works. I never ran from a fight both in RL and in games, so yes, playing skilled players should teach you a thing or two.

And as I said, who will be your teacher? Another new and unskilled player? Of course not, you would prefer skilled leadership...which leaves us to this question, do only newbies play in that world? Well you'll never learn anything with only newbies leading newbies.

So learn what you can, then join a more skilled kingdom as your experience grows.

19:44:27 Mar 2nd 14 - Mr. Mereth:

here's what i learned from this:

high score most powerful army means nothing someone was apparently twice as powerful.

12:00:51 - All troops in Cave Crushers have died.

12:00:51 - Cave Crushers lost a battle against Heimdalls Divinity from Mr. Doktorstygge. We lost 4 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 24189 Axemen, 28105 Runemasters, 72568 Cavemasters and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

19:58:55 Mar 2nd 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Innoruuk):

HoH is very deceptive and inaccurate. It will usually take sheer numbers based on the units' levels into account before raw OP/DP. That is why you rarely ever see Orc nazgul armies on HoH. Not to mention, cavers are 6/3, not good defenders.

23:26:07 Mar 2nd 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Isobieber):

That is why Axers + Hammers are the way to go. Two of those equal 15/14. Kind of like a stronger knight but without the easy moving.

23:46:44 Mar 2nd 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Bertoxxulous):

Dwarf troops are pretty cookie cutter in terms of strategy. Swords in early era if you're under attack or courageous enough to try OOP fighting, transitioned into hammers/light MUs. Mid to late era just simply go with axes/MUs, leaving the cavers in your mines for income and last resort core defense. I wouldn't much bother with hammers mid-late era unless its to quickly defend something that's in imminent danger. Not worth the relative upkeep when you're looking at hundreds of thousands of troops in an army.

I see dwarves as primarily a core defender who farms most of the era, until they have enough axes/MUs to put into the battle field and inflict some damage. They are especially good at filling blockers for your KD. Unfortunately, you won't have many mages wanting to AOTD you, though :P

Just my 2 cents for you, Mereth.

18:59:56 Mar 20th 14 - Edgardo (Mr. Orpington):

Still recruiting! Send you applications ours way!!

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