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Forums / In game politics / World of arma Fantasia

World of arma Fantasia
20:14:50 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Absolut:

wowee big writing for little man (little in pants)
Erunion. I have playedmany ages of armageddon worl.d (1)
from the vastness of my experience i can tell you that 1 on 1 i would beat you like foreman beat ali.

20:24:03 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sun:

You do not even know me. Your claim is baseless.

20:27:53 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Wow, Absolut you have 1 whole era's experience! Amazing! Wow! That's fantastic!!!

Also, I think Sun wanted to make sure you understood what he said...

20:31:19 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Absolut:

1 era on world of armageddon(liek few days only), ive been on lots of maps and arma is harderst
sun, troo, but i assumed based on large writing than perhaps you are compensating for something. if you are catching my drift?

20:33:19 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sun:

You still have not provided the sufficient and necessary conditions to properly support your orignial claim.

20:35:50 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Absolut:

Ok; how many players from fant go to arma world each age (not many, if any), how many go reverse, maybe some more.
so do the maths on that
and it equals that arma is more highly valued than fatnasia (fat nd asian?)lolz

20:40:59 Oct 12th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

the new firendash has arisen!

20:46:41 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

The math on that means that Fantasia is more highly valued, that people strive to be part of it, and that Armageddon is just a stepping stone to await that ascension to the higher planes of Fantasia...

20:47:59 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sun:

You are making a logical fallacy.

Your claim
1. Less ppl go to arma from fantasia at any time.
2. More ppl go from fantasia to arma in the end.
3. Therefore, the world of arma is a more valued place.

Now putting the legitimacy of statement 1 and 2 aside, I will use the very same logic for the following claim.

1. Less ppl go into a poor village from a rich city.
2. More ppl go to the rich city from the poor village in the end.
3. Therefore, the poor village is the more valued place.

If you still do not catch it, I will give another example.

1. More ppl go the jail from the outside.
2. Less ppl get out from the jail in the end.
3. Therefore, the jail is the more valued place.

Please go back to kindergarden kthxbye.

20:49:05 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Absolut:

obviously u failed maths 101, or didnt even do it, i expect your a liberal stinking arts student so i would expect you 2 understand.

Sun do you even play this game? you know its visual utopia?

20:51:16 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Absolut:

abyway, you have failed to offer definitive proof that fant is stronger than arma world. in fact i think you have dug yourself deeper into your pits of self loathing and despair and denial

20:52:45 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sun:

I made no claim. You made a claim, and I showed that your reasoning is flawed.

20:53:37 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Absolut:

you misunderstood because it was in a different language. i didnt expect someone like you to understand

20:54:53 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sun:

O, I see. It must have been troll language. I am sorry I cannot properly understand your trolling in the forum.

20:59:11 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Absolut:

/me trolls all over suns face

21:03:17 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sun:

If your claim was the world of armageddon provides faster warfare than fantasia instead, the following argument would be decent.

Mr. Absolut


10/12/2007 1:56:57 PM
now back to the discussion at hand
armageddon world is harder because the time limit imposed is so much more severe than on fant. the relevence of dorf as super race lessens due to their inability to pump lots troops (like more than 4000). also, the magic spells are basicaly killed, so no dumb +1000% bless thankyoo. it comes down to raw agression, skill, power, fastness, and superiority and kicka*sness.

But you had to troll it and make the thread basically degrade to nothing. However your claim is still flawed in this case. Dwarf can be very strong OOP.

21:04:40 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Absolut:

A turd wearing a lounge suite is still a turd my freidn.

21:13:03 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Absolut, What are you thinking?
Absolut: "Sun do you even play this game? you know its visual utopia?"
What the blue blazes does that mean? It doesn't mean anything! It's just words, thrown together in an attempt to look smart...
Absolut: "A turd wearing a lounge suite is still a turd my freidn."
Please, explain the point of this statement?
Sun: "I made no claim. You made a claim, and I showed that your reasoning is flawed."
You are completely correct, my friend... Absolut your reasoning so far has been completely unbased, and totally flawed...

21:21:33 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sun:

Ignorance is bliss. If you simply wanted to promote oop warring, then say so. Do not need to go in circles with trolling.

21:26:58 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Kayn:

OMG... you people are arguing for no reason... He is just baiting you...

21:34:54 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

I'm not sure what's going on but it seems that Absolut is just spouting random flames against people who seem to have better facts. I have a bit of knowledge surrounding these sort of things and in my opinion there doesn't seem to be much of a reason to start this sort of thread if you just want to degrade it and make fun of people's points. I know very few people like this, there are a few people who when seriously bored do this just for the fun of it. Leading me to believe Absolut is just doing this so he can get a bit of a laugh at us. Perhaps I'm wrong and he really does believe what he's saying is true in which case he's retarded.

Before you start saying I'm an *beep* please look into Misscellaneous Discussion you'll notice the top thread is Math Tricks/Problems, many of the things on this page are far beyond your intelligence level. Leaving you with one way to insult me, that being how I look and to be more exact the fact that I'm *beep* or that my wang is small or something else an adolescent boy would say(you're in your teens, right)?

Now then if you would please give me some exact reasons. I gave you 2 reasons why Fantasia was better but one of your reasons didn't make any sense and the other one wasn't even countered.

Also Sun while I'm at it nice use of proofs.

21:35:22 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sun:

That is exactly why we are trying to stop this kind of behavior. It does not benefit the community one bit. He had some valid points, but instead of further emphasizing on those points, he went on and started trolling without a purpose.

21:44:44 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Verll:

Mr. Sigheart


10/12/2007 9:34:54 PMI'm not sure what's going on but it seems that Absolut is just spouting random flames against people who seem to have better facts. I have a bit of knowledge surrounding these sort of things and in my opinion there doesn't seem to be much of a reason to start this sort of thread if you just want to degrade it and make fun of people's points. I know very few people like this, there are a few people who when seriously bored do this just for the fun of it. Leading me to believe Absolut is just doing this so he can get a bit of a laugh at us. Perhaps I'm wrong and he really does believe what he's saying is true in which case he's retarded.

Before you start saying I'm an *beep* please look into Misscellaneous Discussion you'll notice the top thread is Math Tricks/Problems, many of the things on this page are far beyond your intelligence level. Leaving you with one way to insult me, that being how I look and to be more exact the fact that I'm *beep* or that my wang is small or something else an adolescent boy would say(you're in your teens, right)?

Now then if you would please give me some exact reasons. I gave you 2 reasons why Fantasia was better but one of your reasons didn't make any sense and the other one wasn't even countered.

Also Sun while I'm at it nice use of proofs.

YOU WRITE MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p

21:52:19 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Scottology:

dude... my horde will kick your scout's ass and i wont even take a single injury - hoorah!

22:56:55 Oct 12th 07 - Sir Hephaestus:

"the new firendash has arisen!"

Amen, brother.  There's always got to be a Firendash.

23:49:34 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Killer:

Here is some way I can tell you Fantasia is better than Armageddon: I was doing very well on Arma(until recently, Tiggy just marched up and killed me, as I had my troops all over the place, and I couldn't build a wall because of a few cities, but anyway...) and I'm one of the worst players I know. I would get killed on Fantasia in about a week, I would get killed on Arma in about 6 months. And this is the stupidest thread ever. Can someone please delete it?

Even though I loathe Fant, as I hate being in kds, it has much better players than Arma. I bet you I'd lose to a Fant player, even if the Fant player was trying to lose. And since you're in Arma, Absolut, I reckon they've already kicked your butt down t/here.

18:38:07 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Shade IV:




18:53:09 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Verll:


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