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Forums / In game politics / ZeTa can we have era video

ZeTa can we have era video
19:01:46 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Clone XXX:

Oh my clone understood you quite well. I am afraid it is the other way around.:(

He was responding to this....

<I care, and so do many others. What makes Fantasia so special? I have played for too many eras to count (most of which on Fantasia), and I find that it is no more important than any other world. >


What makes it so special is the skill level and level of competition that exists on Fant. With kingdoms like Legacy, Db, Phi, Carnage etc... the world is on a much higher level of play. The lower worlds are there for several reasons, chief of which is to introduce new players to the game.

The era winner comes from Fant because it takes a lot more to become #1 on Fant than it does on any of the lower worlds....

19:02:37 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Maybe the problem here is that different people have a different idea of what "important" means. If I had to guess I'd say that Clone takes the bigger challenge, the higher stakes and the greater glory to be more important. If I had to guess what Kayn considers important I'd say.... ummm.... ok I can't even guess if it isn't challenge, stakes or glory =p Maybe it's feelings...yeah that sounds right. Silly humans and their feelings.

19:03:29 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Word... (you posted faster than I did Clone lol cuz you got it up while I was typing =p

19:16:12 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

What some people fail to understand is that you don't really "achieve" anything is a lower world solely due to the fact that your opponents are not of the same calibre.

For example, if I saved a girl from a baby, compared to if I saved her from an adult male with a large knife who is mentally unstable, I think I would have a better chance of scoring in the latter case.

20:34:46 Dec 13th 07 - Ms. Kayn:

It's all relative...

And Xiax, your analogy made no sense.

20:44:42 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

You wouldn't understand since you're female. Or are you female?

20:51:29 Dec 13th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

I wanna get laid too. Who wants to be the mentally unstable adult male?

And Kayn, God damn it, you are a member of FU. Stop using relevant comments and just tell Xiax to go fock himself. Adding a nub cheater or a retard here and there might bring bonuses :)

20:59:37 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

@Weirdgrivi: INSULT

21:06:32 Dec 13th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:


You know I love you Xiax, wish you would join me :D

23:27:49 Dec 13th 07 - Ms. Kayn:

Bah... You guys mistake "Skill" with "Activity". I've played with people on Mantrax who are just as good as those on Fantasia. In the end it's all relative. A pro VS pro / amateur vs amateur , all take it seriously, and all are in to have fun.

The achievement taste just as good.

23:40:50 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

no we dont, both are important.

Skillful players know more stuff than the active ones, but if they only log on once a day then they cant really use that experience to counter the active player.

But a relatively active experienced player can use their knowledge to beat an active player.

Activity can only take you so far, then experience does the rest.

But then again, you can gain experience, but you cant make yourself more active sometimes.

14:15:40 Dec 14th 07 - Sir Tak The Naked Clone:

xiax, you rule :)
[glad to see your still around]

and remind me not to hang around your neighborhood after dark.
A district where baby muggers reside must be a hardcore neighborhood indeed.
(and here i was thinking no one could top my native baltimore)

clone triple x you forgot to add the most important part! that Carnage loves ALL ladies equally.

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