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Forums / In game politics / all world awards - messiah

all world awards - messiah
18:19:46 Mar 23rd 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

""The Bushido Award for most Honorable: FATE, Elements, RVL."

Ret/Fate used the Starta kingdoms when they CF/NAPed them. You considered us *beep*s but wanted to protect your flank. Although by all actual rules and agreements you were never technically dishonorable, I'm not a lawyer and nothing will ever convince me that Ret was honorable this era.

dude... did you even see me list Retribution in most honorable...?"

Sorry-.- My mistake on that one but I stand by the rest.


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:  Revelation/BoW

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Retribution

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Rebirth

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD:  Revelation

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Retribution

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Peace? What peace....

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Retribution


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Gladiatorul
The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Gilth, IMO he won the war against Heaven on Fant with his RoF :P

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Gladiatorul

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Lewatha

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Preds Traitors(Greybeard and Lans are my first choices...)

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:  Thomaas

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Greybeard

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Coxy

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway":

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Kath's for funniest(pathetically funny, always had to laugh), other than that it was all pathetic.....

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Revalation

Sexiest Banner: Spag

Oddest Ruler Name: Dalak Blackhawk

The Best Sp@mmer:

18:26:34 Mar 23rd 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Also, @ Dalak Blackhawk, why accept Lans then??

I'm pretty sure you accepted him before the war was declared and even if it was after, he was still a traitor along with the rest of the people who left. He had an hoh army of Nazzies right at the Preds area on Fant and was a big help to you guys pushing them off of Fant.

Firstly it was dishonorable to accept any of them(Arch Shade is the one exception to that I guess because of the reasons), and secondly, saying they were off fighting other people is just false. Greybeard may not have had his big armies involved but he had enough nazzy armies on Fant to still do a lot of damage.

18:58:17 Mar 23rd 09 - Wolflord Karac:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: BoW/Heaven

The WMD Award for most Destructive: RET

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Bio

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Luna Wolves

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: BoW/RET

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Preds

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": BoW/RET


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Glad

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Whoop/Millman

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Glad, Psyco, Durza, Karac

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Random

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Not Sure

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Drakos

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: None

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Karac, Lewatha, Condinho

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Hanky

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Septim

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Everyone

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: FS

Sexiest Banner: BoW

Oddest Ruler Name: Chicken and Fries

The Best Sp@mmer: Septim

19:07:15 Mar 23rd 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Ruby Knight


3/23/2009 6:26:34 PMAlso, @ Dalak Blackhawk, why accept Lans then??

I'm pretty sure you accepted him before the war was declared and even if it was after, he was still a traitor along with the rest of the people who left. He had an hoh army of Nazzies right at the Preds area on Fant and was a big help to you guys pushing them off of Fant.

Firstly it was dishonorable to accept any of them(Arch Shade is the one exception to that I guess because of the reasons), and secondly, saying they were off fighting other people is just false. Greybeard may not have had his big armies involved but he had enough nazzy armies on Fant to still do a lot of damage.

I'll respond to this, because I think I know how FATE would think about this and merely because I love flaming. If my opinion on this differs from that from FATE, please tell. I'll make it short though.

They accepted them because the members thought it was wrong to break a permanent NAP. And therefore joined FATE. it's quite the same as us saying "why did Preds break the permanent NAP?!". It's just as dishonorable and if the starta alliance was allowed to pull dirty tricks on us, we were allowed to pull a few on them too.

19:17:19 Mar 23rd 09 - Sir Roheran:

doubtful Thomaas  ;-)

19:34:24 Mar 23rd 09 - Mr. Killstone:

"The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Gilth, IMO he won the war against Heaven on Fant with his RoF :P"

your opinion i know. jsut wanted to say one thing :)

gilth ROFed enabling us to slaughter on first hit but before the ROF we had 95%+ chacnes on the emrge so with or wihtout the ROF wed have beaten H on fant

20:15:30 Mar 23rd 09 - Duke Random:

stop saying glad is good, hes a total nub!

20:19:33 Mar 23rd 09 - Sir Penguin:

random sucks sausage

20:24:06 Mar 23rd 09 - General Ezatious:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: RVL

The WMD Award for most Destructive: EZATIOUS

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: RET

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: WYZER

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: EZATIOUS

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: LEWATHA

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": EZATIOUS AND ELSIN


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: ELSIN

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: ELSIN

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: EZATIOUS

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: LEWATHA

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: HERACLES NAP BREAKERER OF DOOM

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: QUITEONE

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: HERACLES THE MEDIOCRE

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: EZATIOUS

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": ROXBERIAN

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: SWIFTY AND COBRA IN BED

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: DELETE THIS PLZ

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: ANGELZ

Sexiest Banner: LONERS

Oddest Ruler Name: CHOCKMONGRELZ

The Best Sp@mmer: DELETE THIS ALSO

20:33:28 Mar 23rd 09 - Duke Drakos:

Starta Political Timeline:
1) right oop BoW was fighting Preds, and Heaven was also fighting Preds.
2) Heaven and Pred's approached BoW concerning MAP against the other KD. BoW chose Heaven as our MAP ally.
3) BoW and Luna NAP, at this time BoW, Heaven, Luna Wolves& Preds are the only 4 Starta Kd's of consequence left as we all had taken out or were just about done with the other Starta Kd's.
4) BoW and Heaven fight Preds, meanwhile some Fantasia armies crossed over on the Heaven/Preds side.
5) Preds approaches BoW about a worldwide MAP against  Fantasia Kd's/invaders. After a lot of thought, we decided that us continuing to hit Preds while Fant hit them from the other side was not good for our world.
 So we say ok, as long as it includes ALL BoW's allies, Heaven and Luna. It is agreed to. The "Starta" alliance was only 4 Kd's  brought together to answer the perceived Fantasia threat.
  I'm not gonna go into the Politics from there as whats done is done. Its sufficient to say the 4 way alliance was diluted/weakened and never fought as a cohesive force as it should have. It would of been something to see.

Heaven, you guys were our staunch allies from the start, I would fight alongside you anytime.

20:49:43 Mar 23rd 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Sir Thomaas


3/23/2009 5:53:27 PMO.o perhaps I should send an app?

Of course!

21:54:09 Mar 23rd 09 - Duke Loren Soth:

Thank you Duke Drakos. Heaven feels the same about BoW and I hope we get the chance to go into battle as allies once again. You guys rock =)

@Lew - it is even worse to break a MAP that is established before your NAP was signed then broken.. especially when you were the kingdom that organized the MAP in the first place. Thus the complaints I hear coming from your side only echo those of my own. However, I respect Darkmarsbar so I do not hold any of this against him or his kingdom. I hope they are able to bounce back from this.

@Killstone - I have no doubt your merge was stronger from the get go but I mostly attribute our loss to Retribution (on Fant and Starta) because of magic. We could not move any armies on Fant to form a significant merge and we didn't even have enough magic strength on our own world of Starta to stop Gladiatorul. Regardless, well played and I trust the next encounter will be just as hard fought.


22:33:55 Mar 23rd 09 - Sir Haribs:

a little quote off Duke Random :
"stop saying glad is good, hes a total nub!"

and as i said to whoop (:-p) and to lord primate shizzle ,Random go play pokemon :-p

23:27:06 Mar 23rd 09 - Mr. Dalak Blackhawk:


You are correct. We would have NO preds players if they didnt break the NAP. Sorry but that is a fact. It just didnt sit well with them so they left. There is a little more to it but I wont go into it here because the only ones that will listen are those that already know.

Its been an interesting era to say the least so to all involved, thanks. And a big congratulations to Ret on a dominate performance..

23:52:53 Mar 23rd 09 - Duke Random:



and harbis, stop sucking glads *beep*, its not helping his ego....

You (3/23/2009 8:24:50 AM)
u r a nub n i h8 u.
Mr. Gladiatorul [RET] (3/23/2009 9:02:48 AM) GOOD BAD

I love you Rand - pls don't die

thats what u should be saying :D

01:03:43 Mar 24th 09 - Sir Prised:

I guess Rebirth acted very differently on Zeta than they did elswhere.

01:07:26 Mar 24th 09 - Sir Prised:

most honourable would be fate who stood by their nap and didnt threaten us even if they didnt agree with all of our actions.

least honourable would be rebirth who attacked a nap, and then let 2 guys drop tags to take cities frim Dark and the took those cities from their detags. but what goes around comes around and sometimes faster than one might think.

either way a decent era all around.

02:07:12 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

i think you guys r goin off topic

but goin bk to the topic i think revelation have been the most honerable this era i dont think any1 has a bone to pic against that they fought honerably, lived and died honerably and there was no confusion about their relations or wars!

but on the otherhand i dont think any1 from revelation deserves any awards for being a politician cos simply put they didnt do any politics.

02:11:57 Mar 24th 09 - Duke Insane VI:

rev had no honor on mant! but they did die! thanks for the bodies binh and zerocool!!

03:47:47 Mar 24th 09 - Sir Death Proof:

  1. Mr. Gladiatorul has won 301 battles, captured 198 cities and killed a total of 1164009 men and women.  
  2. Mr. Sea has won 337 battles, captured 261 cities and killed a total of 892285 men and women

Killing a buch of people is cool and all (props to Adakis) but this is RETARTED...If this isn't war-like, I don't know what is. Hi I am Sea, and I am a Capricorn, and I have captured as many cities in this era as you have in all your 10 eras of existance...JEEBIS CREEPS!

03:59:43 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Gladiator won the war against Heaven :P He broke through and destroyed a lot of economy on Fant and then totally wiped out our(Heaven) core long before any other Ret armies even came close to getting in. We held off everything else Ret threw at us while Gladiator was busy destroying our core :P

The numbers don't show it but I vote him MVP for the era. Dunno why so many people are flaming him :S

(This is based on what I've seen, dunno what everyone else was doing on other worlds but I'm betting a lot of other ppl's kills came from merges while Gladiator's are all completely solo and far into enemy territory).

04:22:25 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

For me it's always a toughie to choose btwn killed peeps and cities...captured cities can be misleading (not saying in this case), b/c say...I ran through Mant and uhh...redecorated a dozen cities...since I wasn't planning on sticking around someone else came after and "captured" the city back from me

On the other hand, peeps killed obviously can be inflated by merge kills and depending on ur opponent (dwarf/halfer instead of orc)

05:14:36 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

imma change mine
The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Elsin

09:54:47 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

lol now Prised is on again xD

ask everyone but yourself and your vices, and you will find the answar to be that you broke the NAP.
haha, pretty pathetic to come in here and say that xD

10:14:04 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Duke Random


3/24/2009 8:52:53 AM



and harbis, stop sucking glads *beep*, its not helping his ego....

You (3/23/2009 8:24:50 AM)
u r a nub n i h8 u.
Mr. Gladiatorul [RET] (3/23/2009 9:02:48 AM) GOOD BAD

I love you Rand - pls don't die

thats what u should be saying :D

I am the only one who knows you are an immature teenager Rand. Everyone took you seriously.

Thanks Haribs - he was jocking, though - he knows what I am capable of - we played 2 eras (I think) in the same KD.

10:33:56 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@Ruby Knight

I appreciate your support - it is not worthed though - just a simple game (people can't understand it unless they see it with their own eyes).

The reason the score doesnt show is because I killed mainly orcs (about 75k pure nazz for you and RVL) and also because I didn't lead any merge (as I decided to play a guerilla war).

For scores to show the real units damage a player does, the strenght of the killed units should be considered (and not the numbers) and the casualties done by merges should be distributed proportionaly by the strenght of the armies compounding the merge.

17:16:11 Mar 24th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Retribution

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Retribution

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Luna wolves

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Revelations

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Retribution

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Preds

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Retribution


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Coxy Reborn

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Gilth.....condinho not a chance in hell

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Thesus of Athens....he used a different strategy to glad that didnt involve simply land dropping so he basically deserves it

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Lewatha....smith has been farming all era and isnt even winning.....that means he isnt good at farming

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Dark Mars Bar

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Lewatha

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Predators....thee kingdom

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Coxy Reborn/Thesus of athens

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": hanky panky...i luv this guy

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: i dunno... :/

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: i havents payed attention to the flames either :/

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Elemental Graveyard

Sexiest Banner: Loners

Oddest Ruler Name: encarsia formosa.....orcinus orcas old name x)

The Best Sp@mmer: well there aint *beep*mers better then septim is there....?

06:24:22 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Koss:

Kingdoms on valhalla:

The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Elemental graveyard/forgotten shadow

The WMD Award for most Destructive: luna wolves

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: bear machines

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: dark wolves

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: luna wolves/elemental graveyard

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: pony express

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": luna wolves


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Heavenly

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: burning legion/Alatril

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: heavenly,alatril,iridium,demonic bunny

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: white light

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: well based on this era im gonna say biohazard lol

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: koss i think i was a damn good diplamat

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: (no offense) burning legion

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: all of elemental graveyard

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": general wolfenstien

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: not sure

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Everyone

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Forgotten shadow/ elemental graveyard

Sexiest Banner: biohazard

Oddest Ruler Name: Demonic William Berkeley (29 eras)

The Best Sp@mmer: not sure

08:50:05 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Senbonzakura Kageyoshi:

oddest ruler name: Zaraki Kenpachi (BLEACH!!)

11:28:30 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

thats nt odd thats just uninspired!

19:28:29 Mar 25th 09 - Sir Prised:

what makes a good politician? Im curious.


because some of the people Ive seen listed as great politicians are not so much, especially one who tried to threaten a Nap with war if they didnt do what she wnated and tried using another kingdom to threaten them as well without having spoken to that kingdom to see if it was ok to use their name as a threat LOL.


A good politician would be someone like Vicerien of dark who napped a few people who were warring eachother and did her best to walk a tightrope. most honourable should be someone who attaced a napped army or who let people drop tags to hit a nap. I wonder if your ideas and mine are different when it comes to honour and politics.


meh this game has too many wannabe politicians anyway it should be very simple, you are friend or foe, if you are a friend you dont break your word, if you are foe you dont need to.

19:43:45 Mar 25th 09 - Sir Prised:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:  Fate and Yum, Yum started as an enemy but turned out to be solid allies, Fate refused to jump on the bandwagon when some forum loudmouths tried to justify dishonourable actions.

The WMD Award for most Destructive: ezatious by himself, I hate that guy lol.

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: I dont know i never heard

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD:  Dark, and its not close, Lara, Kylie carina, Ray and adam are all first era *beep*s who did extremely well this era. in all we had over 15 1st era players and 10 in their 3rds or less.

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Dark, we were willing to take reparations for a nap breach but after several incidents and then a ceasefire that rebirth didnt even bother to come back online to negotiate for an actual peace we decided to slay them to a man. We make good friends but bad enemies.

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Peace? none that I know

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Gotta give props to rebirth they had a badass merge that killed a huge mayhem merge but then they walked it up to our blocker and saw what a real merge looks like (no halfers). I have a 40k nazz army that razed pretty much the entire rebirth core.


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Ezatious was damn hard to stop but I think he used Bts.

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Ademo saved our bacon a few times nooooooooooooooooob.

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Dark has a few people who could take this award so I wont nominate anyone from us I would say ezatious or perhaps graybeard who I watched smash a lot of nerds

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: there are many.

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: a few but since i wont be here I could care less, I got my revenge on overcome so I am ok now.

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:  Viceerine from dark until she got sick did a great job of napping the right kingdoms and keeping a balance.

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Vapour, dropped tags to hit a napped kingdom, didnt help as all he did was get one of his alliances killed and geta  bad rep as an asshat.

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Lara from dark

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Me lol

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: LLL from dark sent some funny messages

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: I havent seen many funny flames although that penguin guy has made me laugh.
Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Revalation

Sexiest Banner: Dark that broad is hot

Oddest Ruler Name: vicereine LOL nerd

The Best Sp@mmer: Overcome with his repetition about how attacking a nap is ok as long as its defensive .

21:47:39 Mar 25th 09 - Duke Random:

*beep* me you talk out of your ass prised....

21:52:04 Mar 25th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

hahaha, dark only awards! yay!

gj prised, made an *beep* out of yourself yet again :)

21:57:25 Mar 25th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

I gotta love that post...I should make it my background so I can laugh every morning.  I thought it couldn't get more egocentric.

22:02:27 Mar 25th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Ezatious was damn hard to stop but I think he used Bts.

rofl, typical dark, always think we buy bts...

22:09:03 Mar 25th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

I use BTs too....I save them up, then I use them *gasp* didn't everyone know that using BTs are cheating?

22:16:33 Mar 25th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

So is using MAGIC!!!!

22:26:23 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

What is a BT? :o

22:34:02 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Moonshine:

I can't vote because of biased choices during personal experiences in-game and what is shown on the boards. So yeah.

Unless on the note to show what awards each individual player might give out.

23:08:24 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Moonshine:

Oh wth:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:  Retribution and Project Mayhem

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Retribution

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: The Military :P

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD:  Mr. Taffs

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Retribution

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Peace? Shadow Assassins (my old kingdom)

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Pretty much any kingdom who can conjure up a Horde status army.


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: I don't know, we all use strategies to win wars and battles... too hard to say.
The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Ms. Jade from the old kingdom Shadow Assassins, now Project Mayhem. Go Jade for 3 most powerfulest city being a magic city w00t!

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Too many to mention

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Best farmer... *shrugs* How would i know. I guess Mayhem.

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Don't know... i guess the majority who hates one or more people.

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:  Mayhem, Jade, Lew

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: LLL

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Reddragon VII

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": All the fine ladies

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Duke Herodotus of Halicarnassus

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Have no idea what this means, so no one then :P

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Rebirth

Sexiest Banner: Shadow Assassins

Oddest Ruler Name: Mr. Bear Banger and Mr. Eatmyegg

The Best Sp@mmer: Overcome and Prised

23:43:47 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Moonshine:


The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD:  Mr. Taffs (Scratch that)

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Whoever was the most effective new kingdom in the new worlds.

03:50:25 Mar 26th 09 - Sir Prised:

LOL yeah because I posted what i actually thought instead of sucking up.

1- you can get a max of 2 bts per day, unless you buy them, so umm yeah its not rocket science.

2- Lew you have your little suckups here who tell you you are a great diplo, my only experience with you was you threatening me with Ret and Fate and then standing by while I did exactly what I said i was gonna do which was punish rebirth. when you grow up you will learn that there are people you can bluff, people you can threaten and then people you should avoid. Your diplo skills were greatly lacking.

3- as usual the forum nerds cant read, over half of my picks were from differnet alliances, I guess you were just pissy that I didnt pick yours. Scientist did you even play this era?

04:02:58 Mar 26th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

You must have memory problems, we have been talking all era :p  and oh yeah, I forgot Ez is half your pics my bad.  As usual you call everyone nerds when you sound like a roid raging E-thug. :)

04:19:15 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

"Your diplo skills were greatly lacking."

ya those diplo skills helped make us twice as strong as every other kingdom in all other worlds

07:33:27 Mar 26th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

indeed killstone, but I guess I suck at diplomacy because the great sir prised says so.

07:45:23 Mar 26th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Prised is a gangsta, dun mess wit him o' he cap yo ass with big wordz and call us nerdz!

*Knows he will get in trouble but oh well*

08:45:22 Mar 26th 09 - Monarch Vicereine of Wickedness:

Since this will be the last time I do this thought I should go ahead and fill out one

The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Yum and Fate

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Lara of Dark (amazing for a first timer)

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: The Devils

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Dendarii Mercenary Corps

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Prised (love him or hate him he is ruthless)

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Bear Machines

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Ret (Ret does great merges)


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: between Fate and Ret

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Adamo (is amazing for a first timer) Im sure there were others I just didn’t personally see them in action

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Internal Primates (it got them killed but they were warlike)

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Mr Smith

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Moonshine

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: I wont say me as I didn’t prevent what finally occurred. Syphillis was a great diplomat

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Vapor

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Keelhaul (yeah I hear you saying who. Because he doesn’t need a splash or accolades he just does it)

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Hanky Panky (he is so funny)

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Lucises Lavour Leon aka LLL

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: probably Prisd (he often makes me laugh) yes he is a NERD also. its not a insult LOL

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Death List

Sexiest Banner: Dark

Oddest Ruler Name: Ms. Halitosis Faux Pas The Troll

The Best Sp@mmer: Prised and Overcome

12:46:50 Mar 26th 09 - Sir Penguin:

i got award for flames omg

16:31:37 Mar 26th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Elements (players: Iridium)

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Retribution

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Angels......Forfotten Shadow...IoK...Dark Wolf...Dark...who are these nubz?!

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Isotopes (next era...would be fun...Iridium prolly gets it...lolz)

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: FUNK'd

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Pwny Express

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": dunno...prolly one of the Fant-KD's


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: ME! I had a nice 65% RoF option on that big ass Naz-army of Ez walking through Valhalla...but...why waste mu's on a peacefull lad when there's nublars to slaughter?! :P

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Iridium and myself ofcoz...having your own core destroyed and simply take over 3 other cores with leftover armies kinda makes you warlike does it not?!

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Scientist (the real one ;P)

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Prised...or any other DARK player for that matter...Sepelchure for being a total wanker...

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Lewatha

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: as I read on the forums...all the DARK players?!

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Slave! she's also cute and lovely and all that... <3

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Slave,

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Charley

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Osi, Cobra, Charley, me...and anyone taking a good piss on those nubz who think they're THAT good...yet perform Epic Fails whatever world they set foot upon

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: FUNK'd...our slaughtered bunny was awesome!

Sexiest Banner: Abydos...awesome seeing that one back on the field :P

Oddest Ruler Name: those who belonged to the KD called FUNK'd...people STILL haven't figured out who is who (hint...we're in Abydos now incase you wish to try and decipher our names again :P)

The Best Sp@mmer:Septim prolly?!

BEST Epic Failer: Divine Sepelchure Grail...constantly asking for peace with Abydos however keep sending armies at us and the same time...sending in the Dorian Empire to TRY and take out our cities/armies so you can once again have a foothold on Valhalla...and STILL FAILING AT DOING SO!!!...whoah by goth you DESERVE this newly created award!!!

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